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Saturday, October 1, 2005

   Darn the brushfires
Brushfires are no fun! I go to school, which is located just a few miles away from the brushfires, and the entire city is covered in smoke. The horizon was orange because of the rising sun. It looked like a morning in downtown L.A.: smoggy and smoky. The air smelled like burnt wood. DUH! Ash was also falling. GRR! I so wanted classes to be canceled. BUT NO! I had a midterm today, which I'm sure I failed, and a math test, which I too believed I failed. Grr...Well I'm getting used to college life and I now know that cramming for a test doesn't guarantee a high grade. It worked for me in high school, heck, I aced all my tests when I crammed for some reason. Now, I'm afraid I'm losing my touch. It's getting harder for me to concentrate n' stuff. This weekend I don't have much work. I hope to get most of it done hy tomorrow so I have a free Sunday for once.

So back to the brushfires. The Devil Winds are blamed for it, but I doubt it's the dry winds' fault. I think the fires are the result of arson. Last year, most of the hills over in the Simi Valley area were badly burned. It took almost two weeks to control them. This year, it happened again. I hope it doesn't become a tradition because it's no fun smelling burnt stuff all day. They say the Devil Winds may pick up again on Monday or Tuesday, something that could fuel the fires even more, thus harder to combat.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Image hosted by Photobucket.comSo a new ENYA album is in the works! Boo-yah! Currently listening to: Samurai Champloo's "Katana". I've been waiting for that album for like five years!!
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Saturday, September 24, 2005

   Anna's b-day party
Just got back from Anna's b-day dinner at Applebee's. Yum! It was delish. She's finally 18! Bwaha! Among the guests was another girl I got to meet today named Sherry and her birthday is also on the same day as Anna's so we were practically celebrating two birthdays in one day.

For those Avatar fans, Sept 23rd was a day we have been waiting for for like six months. The wait is over, for today a new episode was shown. My bro recorded it for me coz I was at Anna's party so I'm gonna watch it A.S.A.P.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I'm feeling so creative right now!!

Eek! Hurricane Rita looks bad right now. I hope no one gets hurt out there :-(

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Thursday, September 22, 2005

JetBlue landed safely after all, as I had mentioned in the previous post. I have a midterm next week (grr) for Bio. AOL is evil! It disconnected me like 4 times while I talk to my friend Carol. Yay! She's coming to Strawberryland this friday! Aw! But I won't be able to see her! She's going to the f-ball game at CI and I'm going to Anna's b-day party. No matter, Carol is staying for the weekend. The three of us might hang out during the weekend. Heehee. Well I went to the store today and I got to see again my old friend George! I like "Whaat?" I do believe he graduated H.S. * he admits he barely made it), but there's always a sense of sarcasm in him, lol! Well yea, he was all professional looking, with a cell phone in hand! Ha! Scheduling meetings and what not. I had him in my geometry class in my freshman year. We had our "Kimo" (Kee-moh) teacher. Yea, if you watch "Stand and Deliver", you'll know what I'm talking about. Kimo was the nickname for our geometry teacher. We were mean. lol...

Well I actually did something to help a a cause. I signed a petition to stop the war in Darfur. Stuff is really bad over there. To tell ya the truth, I had no idea that was ever going on til those ppl with the petitions explained the stuff happening. Really sad.

Currently listening to: Paranoia Agent's "Dream Land Obssesional Park".

Did ya know there's actually such a park in Japan? At least, that's what I heard!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

   Happy Ending
Jet Blue flight 292 landed safely at LAX today after 3 hours in Southern Californian skies circling around in order to use up the fuel incase something went wrong during the landing. The plane's front wheels were stuck in a 90 degree angle and the wheels themselves were turned around. The plane took off from Burbank at 3:17 pm today and the pilots realized something was wrong so they turned towards LAX and kinda waited out until the fuel almost ran out to make sure the plane didn't blow up or something upon landing. But good thing that everything went well. There were just some sparks that emitted upon contact with the ground, but good thing that nothing worse happened.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My day was ruined from the very beginning today. I wish I could go back in time and fix things that are now messed up. Grr....And no, they're not material.

Anywho, last night I was surprised by the sporadic roaring of thunder. YES! IT RAINED LAST NIGHT! I didn't expect it to rain last night. I mean, all day yesterday there wasn't any clouds and it's quite rare to rain around here during this time in September. Ha! It rained. Yay ^^

Well my friend went to the Anime Convention in Anaheim this year in July (grr, I missed it!)and gave me this DVD he got for free overthere, It's just a promotional DVD for new anime from Geneon. It features trailers, soundracks and so on. I was surprised that it included Paranoia Agent's "Dream Land Obssesional Park". Paranoia Agent's intro is one of the best I've seen out there. Not only are the intro characters creepy but the song is awesome and so energetic.

yea, that's all for now.

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Monday, September 19, 2005

Bleh. Well I don't have class tomorrow but it's not like it'll matter. I still have to go to "work" at my Auntie's business place. Anyway, I just came off the phone a couple of minutes ago. LOL! My friend Anna's 18th b-day is this next weekend and she's having a little get-together on Friday. Heehee! =D I'm invited of course. Bwaha! So yeah,I'm kinda sleepy now. The days are getting shorter and the sun is setting a lot earlier. Soon it'll be all dark and it'll barely be 6:00 pm. I was watching this one Toonami commercial and I was wondering, "Whatever happened to the Anime-esque Toonami?" From what I recall, Toonami at first was all about Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, Outlaw Star, Blue Submarine #6, Tenchi Muyo/Universe/ In Tokyo, Big O, and occasionally air some anime movies like Dragonball Z's "Tree of Might" or "The Dead Zone" among others. Now, Toonami is all about Teen Titans and other American-esque shows. I want Toonami to return to the old-school ways. LOL! More Anime on CARTOON NETWORK! All we see now is what comes out in Adult Swim. I liked it that when I came home after school, Toonami would be on and all the good stuff would be airing. Ain't like that anymore :(
I guess those CN ppl figured out the anime was too violent for little kids. W/E! :D

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

So last night was the return of Samurai Champloo and the new episode premiere for Full Metal. I gotta tell ya that I'm new to FMA. The "new" episode, titled as "Teacher" was quite impressive and sad (as usual). Chico the cat died as she had her litter of kittens. Yet there was also some humor in Izumi's part. She's weird. One moment she's kicking Ed and Al's butts and the next moment she's hugging them. I like her fighting style tho. She's very strong.

So my Sunday, was ok. Monday is tomorrow and I got schoo. Aah!

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

   the Alphabet game
[A is for age:] 18

[B is for booze of choice:] none.

[C is for career:] none yet. hopefully one in medicine.

[D is for your dad's name:] Jose

[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] myself, a present, maybe a card, or something to help out with food.

[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Any song is my song for the moment

[G is for favorite game:] Any game, really. I really liked Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.

[H is for hometown:] Strawberryland, CA

[I is for instruments you play:] Flute, I wish I could play the keyboard.

[J is for jam or jelly you like:] strawberry

[K is for kids?] None

[L is for living arrangements:] Family house

[M is for mom's name:] Mikayla

[N is for name of your crush:] No crush =D

[O is for overnight hospital stays:] Never had one of those

[P is for phobias:] Spiders- hairy, juicy and creepy.

[Q is for quotes you like:] "Don't cling or desire, it only leads to suffering." and "The past will attack the present with the pain of your memories." "If men were angels, there would be no need for government."

[R is for relationship that lasted the longest] none.

[S is for sexual preference:] Hey, I'm straight. Guys =D

[T is for time you wake up:] 9:30 am(I got to bed late =/)

[U is for underwear:] comfortable ones

[V is for vegetable you love:] corn??

[W is for worst habit:] too untrusting

[X is for x-rays you've had:] a lot, only for dental purposes

[Y is for yummy food you make:] none. I burn water T_T

[Z is for zodiac sign:] Aries

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The weekend is here once again. Bwahah! Well beginning with yesterday, I had no school but I had to wake up at 8:00-ish a.m. to head over to my new "job" at my Aunt's business. I'm just like their temp secretary. I just have to file stuff, make calls, copy stuff, stamp stuff, fill out papers for their state taxes n' stuff. Most of it is just on-the-job training. My cousin was the one responsible for that kinda stuff but recently, he fell into a bad case of depression and I was called to step in for awhile. It's a family business where they do auto repairs n'stuff. Yea. I came back home at around 1:30 pm and I was sleepy. I'm just not a morning person =P I fell asleep all afternoon. I woke up at 5:00 pm and began my math homework and then on my rough draft essay. I had been procrastinating on it all week. I read over the outline page for the essay and find out that it has to be 3-5 pages long and to include a Works Cited page. I panicked! I sat in front of the comp for like 3 hours, just staring at it. Grr. Procrastination sux. Well anyway, I began the first paragraph when Full Metal Alchemist came out (I have DirecTV and it comes out 3 hours early; instead of 1:00 am, it shows at 10:00 pm =D) The episode was "The Night of the Chimera's Cry". It was soooooo sad!!! :'( Well anyway, Cowboy Bebop came out and I just had to watch it as well. Then comes 11:00 pm. I begin the 2nd paragraph and continue on typing til 1:00 am when I finished. I still hadn't had time to study for my Bio test and math quiz. So I thought I was screwed.

This morning was the usual. Drove over to the school, went to Bio, skimmed over my notes and took the test. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I think I just missed like 4 or 5 points =P. It was Club Fair Week so in my Freshman seminar class we were let out early to check out the booths. I actually signed up to some clubs. Hehehe...the other part of the deal is going to the meetings. I tend to be quite forgetful. lol. I went over to my math class, and I think I messed up on a whole question. Well I wasn't the only one. Everyone got the first one wrong coz we went over the answers later on. English went by awesomely. I had my rough draft essay and all and turned it in. I think it has room for improvement since it was so rushed.

After I came from school, I picked my bro up from the high school, went home, ate some delish Mexican food that my mom made ( Mexico's Independence Day was Sept 16th). After that, I took my bro to the f-ball game at the high school. It was gonna be the first of the season, and he, like I was, is a band member. The band was gonna play (standard tradtion) during the f-ball game. I'm now alumni to the school but it was great seeing all of my friends again. Some of my friends who are also now alumni where there to cheer up the bandies.

While at the game, my friends (whom I haven't seen since we graduated) were reminiscing the old days, the past 4 years where we spent most of our high school lives; we spent them in the band. We realized that we now were able to sit in bleachers. In the past 4 years when we were in the band, we weren't allowed to sit with our uniforms on the bleachers. So every football game, we had to stand up the entire 3 hours or so. Not now. We were finally sitting down. We sat next to the band of course. So many of them are still our friends. The newer freshmen don't know who we are, but the sophomores do. lOl!

By order of the teacher, the band was allowed to go home during half-time.Grrr....many ppl in the band don't like the new band director. He was some odd ideas. LEAVING THE GAME AT HALFTIME??

Anyway, our school was losing when half-time came around.


Samurai Champloo Episodes!! @ 9:30 ( for me), 12:30 am (for you) !!! On Adult Swim!


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