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Saturday, October 15, 2005

K' first I'd like to dedicate this post to my sis-in'law's little brother Daniel for having graduated from bootcamp for the Marines, this last friday. So yeah, we have another soldier in the family =D .

Anywho, this friday was my old high school's Homecoming Game. Eh....let's just say we needed more fireworks and ...uh...at least a victory. Yeah, my school lost their homecoming game T_T But it's not like we didn't expected it. I mean, the f-ball team hasn't won any games all season. I guess it's because they have a new coach this year. Anyway, there's another game next friday and it's kinda like "Give it up already". Okay, that was sad but I doubt they'll win it this time. =D

Well, I did get to reunite with some of my old friends from high school, some of those who are now in college went to the game. HahA! They look the same! I met up w/ my old friend and former "scary" drum major Fernando, a.k.a Firnandough =D He was all "Why didn't you come to the anime expo?" I was like " =^_^=" LOL! Hahaha. He seems to be having fun out there. He's always talking to us about his club adventures, hehehe.

One thing I found out yesterday was that the Jazz Ensemble was planning to play some Cowboy Bebop musical selections. Eeek! I wish I was in the Jazz band T_T... Among the songs I heard they were gonna be playing was Cowboy Bebop's "Tank"...grr! I'm jealous r/now! I wanna play it! It sux that I don't play a jazzy instrument. Oh well.... =D

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Yes, well I'm just doing my homework right now -_- Can't wait for tomorrow. It's Homecoming at my old high school. Lol! I hope our f-ball team wins at least this game. They haven't had much luck all season, since they have new players and a new coach. I wonder who will make up the Royal Court >:-D The marching band will be marching around in BLACK SHOES! Lol! For like 20 years, they've had white shoes and this year, they're black O.o Well I got to see this. Haha!
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wednesday. After today I have the week off! No class on friday.

I finally finished my essay's rough draft. I've a severe case of writer's block since last week. I couldn't generate any good ideas for the essay at all. The topic was kinda blurry for me and I hope I nailed it. u_u....I hope the teacher doesn't think it was off or something when she reads it. Ugh. I tried but I couldn't clear my mind. Grr. I hope I'm all better when the final draft is due. I know I'll have to revise and correct some stuff. It was supposed to be between 3-5 pages. I barely managed 3 pages. Argh.

On a lighter note =D I'm looking forward to writing some more on that story I was once writing on MyO. Does anyone remember? Yeah, I was writing two versions of the same story. The only difference was the time frame. One was in present time and the other was set in the 1940s. lol. This is gonna be a long weekend so I hope to get around on the writing and maybe I'll post part of it here. Haha

Well later on!

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

   They always kill the song
First it was Lord of the Rings: Return of the King that killed the theme song from Requiem for a Dream. They killed it by turning the techno version into an orchestral version of it that was later used in the trailer commercial for LOTR: ROTK. The orchestral version sounded kinda good. Very powerful and intense.

Then it was the the new movie "Zathura" that's gonna come out in theatres sometime soon. They used the same song in the commercial! They killed the theme! They used the same orchestral version from LOTR: ROTK!! >=O

And that's not all! Sometime ago, there was this commercial from Mitsubishi or Lexus (i forgot which car brand it was) that had the song from The Animatrix "Under the Gun" by Supreme Beings of Leisure. I was like wtf? O.o

And the newest one! THE PONTIAC COMMERCIAL!!! They killed M83's song "Don't Save Me from the Flames"!

whyyyyy???? *cries (not really)*

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Sunday, October 9, 2005

   Woot woot!
This has been the best Saturday so far!

I was doing my homework this afternoon when out of nowhere my lil bro wanted to go to the movies, to the new theater they just finished last month. So we went. Haha =D

We watched "Flighplan", the one with Jodie Foster. To tell the truth, I think it was quite predictable, I mean the entire movie was predictable. But it was fun to watch her sneaking into secret compartments in the airplane as she searched for her missing daughter. It did have a nice plot twist in the end; the one guy that was to act as security guard for the airplane was actually the hijacker. Eh, I saw it coming.

After watching that one,w e hopped over to the next room to watch "The Transporter 2". It was way better. The fight scenes were actually hilarious. Sadly we only got to watch half an hour of it. But it was awesome and HILARIOUS.

We then went to Starbucks, located right next to the theater. Yummy Starbuck Frappucino =D

Got home around 8:30 to watch the new episode for FMA. Omg, Wrath is soooo adorable. ^^ Armstrong cracked me up, but Izumi's story was sad, as always. OMG! I can't believe I read some FMA spoilers that totally ruined the ending for me T_T Oh well, I love reading spoilers. It's one thing to know how things turn out, another thing is seeing how it happens. Haha!

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Saturday, October 8, 2005

All kinds of crazy stuff are happening around the world!

Tsunamis in Indonesia

The recent Katrina hurricane in New Orleans

The Rita Hurricane in Texas

The new hurricanes in El Salvador that, by the way, has wiped out thousands of poor villages causing hundreds of people to lose their lives.

Not only was El Salvador being under constant lashing by hurricanes, but just yesterday, they had a 5.3 magnitude earthquake!

Hills and mountains have crumbled in El Salvador too! Many poor people live in shacks by the mountain sides and they were buried under the mud. =( This is so sad.

And most recently, Southern Asia experienced a 7.6 magnitude earthquake , affecting Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

At the same time, Central California had a 4.2 temblor this morning, at around 5:17 am, originating around the San Luis Obispo County, in Cambria. On October 2nd, there was a 4.4 magnitude earthquake around the same area, just 200 miles northwest from Los Angeles.


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Thursday, October 6, 2005

Just finished watching Paranoia Agent's "Etc". Man, that Lil Slugger is one weird dude. He's all random and those gossip ladies keep turning this one new neighbor of theirs down. Anyway....I felt that they were messed up.

Not much going on except that I got this one essay assigned for English. That would be the 2nd of many essays to come. I don't really care about the topic -_- so that means it's gonna take awhile for me to get started, but I'm hoping I don't get bitten by the procrastination bug. I always do and it's not fun...

Ppl, don't procrastinate!

Anywho, it's Thursday and I don't have classes. Yay! Ugh...that also means I have to study n' stuff. Well enough about my uneventful life. Lol.

Halloween is just around the corner. I don't think I'll be doing anything special again.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Devils Winds, as I call them have hit the coast. I'm at school right now, in the middle of the mountains, 24 miles away from the closest beach and it is DRY! :-O Windy, dry, and somewhat warm. Ehhhh...and it's not your typical dry, it's more of a 1% humidity dry. Hurts your nose just to breathe it. Well I'm all good here =D Inside the fresh library, waiting for my next class to start in like 40 min ^^ This morning was kinda cold. Yeah, but it's heating up.

I've been busy lately. When I don't have class I usually have to be studying for a test or something.

Looking forward to the weekend. Heehee...Although that means a lot more HW to do and more studying. I'm really looking forward to Saturday's Adult Swim lineup: FMA, S-CRY-ED, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo (eh, I dunno the order of appearance and I'm obviously forgetting some shows here =^_^=)...lol!

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Monday, October 3, 2005

HAHA! This morning as I went to school, there was traffic building up in the freeway, so we took an exit that was 4 exits before the actual exit we usually took that would normally take us all the way to the school. Well anyway, we got LOST and somehow ended up in AMGEN'S parking lot! LOL! That place is HUGE!! All sorts of ppl were flooding into the world's biggest biotech lab. Haha! I hope to work there someday. It's so AWESOME!

yea, I got to school on time. Well, time for me to go. Laters!

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   Whatta short weekend!
I spent all my weekend reading for my Theory and Practical Gov. class and taking notes for the readings.

Well, Saturday, I began taking notes on the readings. That afternoon I got to learn some car maintenance skills from my dad. Yay! I know some mechanic stuff. lol!

And well Sunday was kinda bleh. My wrist began hurting from all the writing. Eek! I finished around 6-ish. Yay!

Anywho, not many exciting details to give. Eh...

Avatar new eps this friday! Woo-hoo! The Fortune Teller was FUNNY! Hahaha! Meng called Katara a "FLOOZY". At first I thought she said "Sloozy". Lol!

FMA has been getting good. For reals, that little kid in "The Untainted Child" is adorable. I just wanna give him a hug! ^^ lol! He's always scared! AWWWW!! His hair is just like mine right now =P LOL! Izumi kicks ass! She's so awesome. Finally, a female character that doesn't whine or fool around. Yes, she and Hawkeye are my favorite leading ladies in FMA.

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