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myOtaku.com: Exiled Empress

Thursday, September 22, 2005

JetBlue landed safely after all, as I had mentioned in the previous post. I have a midterm next week (grr) for Bio. AOL is evil! It disconnected me like 4 times while I talk to my friend Carol. Yay! She's coming to Strawberryland this friday! Aw! But I won't be able to see her! She's going to the f-ball game at CI and I'm going to Anna's b-day party. No matter, Carol is staying for the weekend. The three of us might hang out during the weekend. Heehee. Well I went to the store today and I got to see again my old friend George! I like "Whaat?" I do believe he graduated H.S. * he admits he barely made it), but there's always a sense of sarcasm in him, lol! Well yea, he was all professional looking, with a cell phone in hand! Ha! Scheduling meetings and what not. I had him in my geometry class in my freshman year. We had our "Kimo" (Kee-moh) teacher. Yea, if you watch "Stand and Deliver", you'll know what I'm talking about. Kimo was the nickname for our geometry teacher. We were mean. lol...

Well I actually did something to help a a cause. I signed a petition to stop the war in Darfur. Stuff is really bad over there. To tell ya the truth, I had no idea that was ever going on til those ppl with the petitions explained the stuff happening. Really sad.

Currently listening to: Paranoia Agent's "Dream Land Obssesional Park".

Did ya know there's actually such a park in Japan? At least, that's what I heard!

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