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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

   Never to part since the day we met out on Interstate 91. I was bent metal, you were a flaming wreck when we kissed at the overpass.
I think people should not read too deeply into things. It often results in disturbing interpretations that probably defy the writer's original intentions. Unless, of course, the subject is classical literature, in which you are SUPPOSED to find every possible symbol or hidden meaning. When it comes to something you ENJOY, though; something you do in your free time, then reading too much into it can just ruin it for you.

Do you remember how your favorite song(s) made you feel the first time you listened to it (them)? I remember the first time I heard TMBG apart from Experimental Film. We were driving to Disneyland. I especially remember that Birdhouse in Your Soul, She's an Angel, Ana Ng, Purple Toupee, Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head, and Doctor Worm stuck in my mind and were really distinctive. The feeling I got from listening to them was warm and fuzzy. I just enjoyed listening to the words and the music.

The more I listened to the songs, however, the more I got used to them. I still love TMBG songs as much as I did that first time I listened to them - maybe even more - but that magic feeling within the music before you've heard it countless times is now gone. I often wish I could erase my memories - not of the band, but of the songs. That way, I could hear everything again for the first time and it would give me that magic feeling again. Distant, yet familiar...

Forgive me for being reminiscent, but I just read some interpretations of TMBG songs. Some of them were insightful, some were weird and disturbing, and all in all I don't like them. Something about reading too deeply into what I love... it's not right.

For example, I LOVED interpreting the short story "the Yellow Wallpaper" because it is not my favorite story and it was strange, confusing, and deserved interpretation. I can interpret things and still enjoy them, as long as they are not my source of entertainment - an obsession, if you will.

Maybe I belong on a site where people talk about TMBG all the time, but I do NOT belong on a site where people openly interpret and tear apart every song they hear. I do not mean to offend anyone who enjoys doing it, I would just rather not.

Well, I feel like I talked too seriously today. Sorry, guys! I don't have a lot of stuff going on right now. School gets out in two-and-a-half weeks and my birthday is on Monday! I also have a half-day of school on Friday... So, I suppose that's it. Please pray that my printer will stop being sick so I can scan stuff and upload more pics!

Thinking of you, wherever you are. - Kingdom Hearts

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

   They might be bald, they might be snow, they might be something else in the snow...
I was listening to that part of "They Might Be Giants" (the song, by the band) as I was writing it!

So I finished another short story that I'm gonna call "Cinder". It's not even half as long as "Dark", but I still like it.

I didn't have to go to English yesterday because I got to go to a basketball game. Even though I hate basketball, it was fun to get out of class. But I was trying to read "Godchild" and the ball hit me once and a kid behind me kicked me in the back - on accident, of course (I hope). Plus, it was really noisy.

One of my friends explained to me why the Missing No. cheat in the old Pokemon Gameboy games works. It's really cool! If you name yourself "??????" you can fight and capture trainers, but it will mess up your whole game.

Anyway, my brother bought the Jing: King of Bandits anime. We have yet to watch all of it, but we've watched the first and a half discs. It's in a different order than the manga, so it's kinda confusing. Right now, we're on the Por Vora episode. those things are so darn cute!

I hope to keep writing and to have new fan art up as soon as our printer un-breaks. My dad, unfortunately, hasn't had time to fix it - if he even CAN.

Hee hee! I'm listening to the "Famous Polka" right now. That song is funny because the recording is sped up so they sing really high!

Well, I've got to go because school starts soon and my friends wanna talk to me! Sees ya!

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Friday, May 19, 2006

   Turn it up! The guitar! I can't hear the guitar!
So, today is Friday, and that's pretty cool. J-masu met again today! We had Pokcy - which a certain one of my friends hogged - and decided that we'll take a trip to Uwajimaya soon!

My friend Cyan also gave me an early birthday present (my b-day's the 29th, in a little over a week): The first volume of Deathnote in Japanese! Yay!

Anyway, I started a new game in Pokemon Yellow. And I DO plan to find a way to get the old VHS tapes. I haven't decided what I want for my birthday, now that I have all the TMBG CD's...

The song currently written on my right arm right now (I right songs on my arm when I'm bored in math class) is Experimental Film. BTW, just in case anyone ever wanted to know, the titles of my posts are always lyrics from TMBG songs. I'd have one playing on my site, but my computer's stupid and won't play the music on people's sites.

So, I hope I can publish DARK soon (I believe that's what I'll be calling my short story). If I can't physically publish it, I think I'll post it on deviantart. If any of you ever want to visit my accounts on deviantart, quizilla, or... I guess that's it right now, but I'm ToonMasta on all of them.

I want to find something to get hooked on. Y'know, old-school-ish, yet cool. Like I've been playin N64 games a lot lately. I want to do more fanart, but now my scanner - and sound, and internet at home - are broke. the only time/place I can go on the otaku is third period at school. Well, I'll see ya guys later. Buh-bye!

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

   He says he knows me, but I don't know that guy. He's waving at me, but he looks kinda mad...
I fear editors. I am NOT paranoid, I just don't like the idea that they can do whateve they see fit to my stories. I am not wiling to subject my work to that kind of torture and mutilation. I assume all passionate writers feel this way. Unfortunately, I do not have ghe money to self-publish anything. How can I get my writing out there in book form without prostituting it to a bunch of editors? Why did I suddenly begin to think so much about this? I just finished an 8 to 10 page story that I'm very proud of!

I've also gotten a lot of fun ideas for ToonMasta comics, adn I will - once I touch them up with Manga Studio - likely post them on Comic Genesis after I get an account. This is kinda... hush hush, but... I am offing one of the TM team members. Not killing him, just making him an honorary member instead of an actual one. Don't worry, girls, we're all safe. Please don't call me mean. He's just not really TM team material - or a really good friend, anymore. If you know who he is, please don't tell him!

What manga do you like? I feel like everyone (including my self) is always talking abut their personal lives instead of manga and anime - which is fine, but what is this site supposed to be all about? I LOVE Deathnote and Eyeshield 21. L is so cute and Hiruma is so funny! I don't get to watch much anime (as I've mentioned before), but I HAVE seen every English-released Miyazaki film (except the newly-dubbed Totoro. Stupid Dakota Fanning.) in both English and Japanese. I really want to see all of FMA (thanks, Doodle, for letting me borrow it, but it doesn't work on many of the media devices in our house). I own the first DVD. I feel sort of detatched from the anime community. I do play lots of video games, but do not wish to be stereotyped as a gamer. More recently, I've been playing Kingdom Hearts II, Tales of Legendia, We Love Katamari, and the original Super Smash Bros. for N64. Right now, I think it's more fun than the second. Sure, it doesn't have all the characters and stages and crap, but as an indecisive person, I like fewer characters and I actually think it has easier controls. I've also been playing the old Pokemon Gameboy games (Yellow, Silver, and Crystal are the ones I have. I also have Sapphire and Leaf Green, but those aren't OLD Pokemon games). I miss the old Pokemon anime series. I should try to get all teh old episodes on VHS tapes! Up until the Pokemon League - or, rather, a little after it - the show was still good.

Sorry for babbling. Anyway, let's talk anime, manga, games (specifically Pokemon, EarthBound, or anything semi-old), or TMBG! If you comment, I'll comment back so you can keep checking if you want. I might even write a post on one of the subjects! I'm not desperate to talk to someone, I'm just bored and I need - like almost everyone in the literature we read in English - an escape (specifically from school.) Finals are comin' up - as is my b-day! Well, till e met again...

Ja ne!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Regarding Mr. Edgewood...
I have met myself with a dilemma. I would like for Dream Legends to be realistic, - fantasy elements aside - so it would not necessarily have a happy ending. That being said, my problem is thus: Should I leave Taran dead? Should I? I love Taran, but is bringing him back to life too much of a romantic, happy ending? I'd like you to think hard about this point. I have a solution, but I am afraid to go with it. The manga and anime could have great differences in story events. For example, in the anime Taran could live and in the manga he could die (or the other way around). Of course, there would be other differences between them, but since this was my main problem, I put it in the examples. now I face a decision: should I choose this different paths idea or choose between Taran's life and death? By the way, this is not a rhetorical question. I would immensely like to hear others' opinions.

- Pseudonym Here

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   today feels like a stupid week, which is just proof that it IS a stupid week.
My aunt and cousin left on Sunday. Yesterday I went home with a fever and stomachache. A senior at my school started the "Japanese Media Appreciation Club", which is a formal - and funny - name for what is basically a manga and anime club. I'm joining! Anyway... It prob'ly doesn't sound very exciting, but I'm making amazing progress on my DL characters and story, which makes me happy! BTW, I'm gonna add one more post after this pertaining to something artistic that I'd like help with. So, anyway, I'd like to talk to you people soon! Buh-bye!
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   Same as Doode. I wanted to be different, though...

What Kanji word best suits you?

Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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Monday, May 8, 2006

   I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend, but I'm a little glowing friend, but really I'm not actually your friend, but I am.
Yay! I'm back to school! Er, wait, why am I yay-ing again? Well, I missed three days of school last week! Wednesday and Thursday were the Northwest ACSI Musicale at George Fox University. Our band went... Oh, and I got so angry. The flute sectionalist teacher was really mean. She was like, "you play the oboe part? Why don't you go play with the clarinets?" and she wouldn't let me play because I would "screw up the other flutes" which totally didn't make sense since they were going to have to play with the full band eventually, anyway. Then, after the sectionals were over, she was like "oboe player, did we help you or did we just confuse you more?" in a really condescending way. I don't even PLAY the oboe! I play the flute!

Also, on Tuesday my aunt flew in and we surprised my mom so much she started crying! My aunt came to watch our final performance on Thursday at the Musicale. I love my aunt! She's such a cool person! I skipped school on Friday - partly because I was uber tired from the ACSI thing and partly because I really wanted to meet my cousin - who is also ultra-cool and makes awesome music videos for movies like "Phantom of the Opera" and "Tristan and Isolde" that you can watch online -at the airport. It was really fun!

Well, now my cousin and aunt are going to drive up to Victoria and Vancouver, British Colombia - and they're borrowing the only one of our cars that runs very well - so pray for their safety and that my family can find a way to get by without a car. They're coming back on Thursday or Friday, so I can't wait for the weekend!

My brother and I pooled our money to buy Manga Studio 3.0, a computer program put out by Tokyopop and another company. It took a while to figure out how to use it, but now I can make manga on the computer with its variety of screentones and cool panel system! Yay!

Other than that, my cousin and I - and my brother, a couple times - played N64 games a lot! We played Smash Bros., Mario Tennis, and Mario Party 3! I really think I sorta like the first Smash Bros. more than the second. I mean, I love both, but the first is just more special - the first N64 game my brother and I got - and Ness is way cooler. He may be a little kid, but his voice is more Japanese than kiddish - which is cool - and his PK Thunder attack is way better! Anyway, hope to put up more art soon, but I've got a lotta make-up work to do for missing so many days of school and my aunt and cousin will be staying in our spare room which has the computer. So, ttyl!


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Friday, April 28, 2006

   You've gotta know happy doesn't have to have an ending, don't stop the good times when they start! C'mon now!
Another reference to a TMBG song. That one's from "Bed Bed Bed," their children's book. Well, I am happy. I'm also in pain, though. I got another tooth pulled yesterday - I've had so much done to my mouth I don't care anymore! That's the last one, though! It's sad that I still had baby teeth, but now I don't! Anyway, my brother beat KHII and I beat Tales of Legendia (I beat mine first! I beat it last weekend and he beat his yesterday!) So that's cool. I usually suck at RPG's. I mean, I love them and I'm good at them, but I get so sidetracked that I never beat them! Anyway, I REALLY REALLY hope to put up more art this weekend. If I don't you can slap me. Bye!
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

   Hopeless, bleak despair, it was always there and then one day it disappeared. - They Might Be Giants
I know it's lines from a song, but this is how I feel right now. My sadness just sort of... lifted! I'm still sad that Mr. B. got fired - and that the administration won't tell us anything - but I'm okay. That's probably because something exciting is happening next week! And no, it's not the Tacky Prom my school is having (yes, it's supposed to be tacky). But I'm not going to that because...
My favorite aunt and cousin are flying in from Colorado for my mom's birthday! It's a surprise for her, but I couldn't be happier!

Anyway, I took some of my art off, not that anyone probably noticed. I took off my Lloyd and Collette one 'cuz it sucked, my YGO stuff because I don't like the show much anymore, and my pictures of Tale, Phantom, and S.S. Megan because they also sucked and made me cringe when I looked at them. I will hopefully have a Mr. XCitement picture up soon, but I do have a DL picture to put up. When I go on the Internet from my house - I know I keep saying I will, but I always get distracted - I will put it up. I'd like to ask you to check out my deviantart stuff if you're interested. I have mostly poetry up there - hopefully soon to be art.

BTW, I... just forgot it, actually. Yup, I have no idea what I was intending to say. Ah well. Have a happy day, or a sad day, have whatever kind of day you feel like having. I won't say "good" anything because maybe you're NOT having a good day and I don't want to rub my fortune in your face. I will wish you luck and hope that things look up soon, though. Just remember, you have to be willing to be happy to be happy. Bye!

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