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Sunday, August 14, 2005

WHEEEE!! Luv ya guys!!^_^

I have to work today. Poo. I like sleeping in on Sundays but alas, I need to get up at the butt-crack of dawn to slave away. Phooey. I know some of you get up early regardless to go to church. *points and laughs* Well, I shouldn’t say that because I ran into a wall when I woke up and headed to the bathroom this morning. Heehee! I couldn’t help but laugh at myself because it was just like in the 13th volume of Fruits Basket when they were on their class trip and when the boys woke up Yuki in the morning, he rolls out of bed and then walks straight into a wall! Heehee!! But unlike Yuki I didn’t KEEP running into the wall in a coma-like slumber^_~

And a double THANK YOU for all those who voted for me in Sesslover18’s contest even though I had forgotten to mention if before the final day of voting…*smacks forehead* I can be a real pinhead sometimes.

And thank you Sesslover18 for holding this fun-filled contest!!

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Thanks for all the compliments about my new drawing! Seems you guys like the hands and legs the most…and the background which I was surprised over. And thanks to those who said they would seek revenge on the person(s) who voted ‘no’ on my drawing. It’s ok, sad as it is to say, I expect a ‘no’ rating whenever I upload a new piece. I never expect a comment from these people either…just a ‘no.’ *shrug* And for those who asked why my artist ranking is so high yet I’m not on the top 10 list…*shrug again* No clue but I don’t care. Again, sad as it is to say, I don’t want to be on the top 10 list ever again. Why? Because my artwork is targeted then by flamers who vote ‘no’ on all my pieces just for the sole purpose of bringing my ranking down so their name will be on the top 10. At least when I’m off the top 10 list the majority of the people will be honest.

I’m glad you guys enjoyed the story that involved me having the schiznit scared out of me. Feh! Yes, he was a pal of mine from work and not a stranger. Funny thing is, you know how they nicknamed me Olive Oil at work? Well, this guy has the nickname Bluto, also from Popeye, since he looks like him…but shorter! So yeah, Olive Oil and Bluto work together and scare the pants off each other. Oh, and remember that dead ghost deer on the side of the road? Yeah, it's still there. It gets skinnier and nastier by the day. It's still all white from the lime put over it for the smell but there's random parts of it torn open by animals. And for those who said to pick it up myself. EW!!! Are you nuts?! I'm not touching that thing!!!

I added a new anime quote of the week!! Go have a read through because it’s funny and sweet at the same time! And get ready to screech at the cuteness of this picture…

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Thursday, August 11, 2005

Everyone give me a ‘WOOT!’ WOOT!’ Why you ask? Because there are over 140 people in the Yuki Club!!

I finished that Yuki drawing too! I tried a little something different with the coloring, not all that different, just with the background. I wanted the BG to be a little more sketchy and Yuki a little more smooth to help him POP out since it would be easy for him to be lost in this background. And Yuki is the only part in the drawing that has the white highlights to also help him stand out. And there’s a link on the picture that takes you to the link to the story and summary on my Deviant Art account so you guys can learn why Yuki has his emotional breakdown.
The link to my drawing is right HERE!
And for those who wish to comment on it(which I would really like^_^) but could you please leave it with the drawing rather then here under my daily post? Simply because when I go through the comments left on my drawings in the future, I’m not going to go through all my archives to find what day I submitted it. Thank you! *HUG*

I had the living pumpernickel scared out of me at work yesterday!! I was walking through this room that holds rows and rows of machinery and the lights are kept off in this room since no one works in there. So I was walking through this room and all of a sudden, this guy LEAPS out behind one of the machines and yells, “AHHHHH”!! Oh man, I SCREAMED bloody murder and think I leapt about 7 feet off the ground. I have never been so scared in my life!! I thought I was going to have a heart attack!! I couldn’t breathe and my hands were spazzing!! The guy was laughing so hard that HE couldn’t breathe…that son of a batch of cookies. I gave him a few good whacks I’m telling you! Oh man, I’m going to get him back SO bad…revenge is sweet.

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Sunday, August 7, 2005

I finished another line drawing today and just uploaded it!! You can see it HERE! This is the first time for me to draw true character angst which wasn’t as challenging as I thought it would be but I’m telling you, it’s a pretty depressing drawing which is totally different from what I usually draw. It’s based on a really powerful scene that takes place in a Fruits Basket fanfic where Yuki has an emotional break-down. I did get permission from the author and she’s uber excited I asked her to draw that scene!
And this is drawn in my own style again^_^

Oh man, I keep forgetting to ask you guys if you would mind voting for me on the contest Sesslover18 is holding. If you could vote here for me for best fanartist, that would be super duper and I’d bring you cookies! I think today is the last day for voting too…whoops! But I’m so shocked to see how many people have voted for me anyway and most of them are total strangers! *HUG* Just leave a comment in with her daily post! Thankies!

Haha! I have 666 guestbook entries…seeing that made me laugh. Long story but a friend of mine used to say I was secretly the devil because so many bad omens like that would randomly happen to me.
And double, heehee!! I’m glad you guys liked me calling Yuki my little ‘honey bunches of oats!’ Yeah, no idea where that came from but is that not a great way to describe him? He’s a total sweetie^_^

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Saturday, August 6, 2005

Like the new theme? I still love Chrno Crusade but every month or so I thought a change around may be good^_^

So, there’s this one guy who I work with who’s insanely funny, caring, a wonderful conversationist and really handsome. Problem is, he’s gay. DANGIT! But he’s so funny because he’s so open about the fact he’s gay without being weird about it. A hard thing to do sometimes I will say but he talks about sex all the time and I swear, he’s the only person who can say the things he does and get away with it. Perfect example, today at work he says to me, “I’m really going to miss you when you leave. I think we really connected.” And so I said, “I think we had a great connection as well.” And so he says totally serious, “Yeah? You want to have sex?” LOL!! He is the ONLY guy who could say that to me without getting slugged. We both started cracking up. I know, it sounds weird but you should have seen his face when he said it…so serious…oh, and he’s only a couple years older then me so he’s not some creepy 40 year old guy saying that^_~

Animaniacs Quote of the Day(C’mon! Did you think I had run out? Feh!):
Yakko: “Doc, I think I can see into the future!”
Dr. Scratchnsniff: “Really?! When did all this start happening?”
Yakko: “Next Monday.”

And for those who keep asking me to post Kyou pictures, NO! Heehee! If you want pictures of Kyou go hunt for them on your own and put them onto YOUR site. This is my site so I shall post my little honey bunches of oats, YUKI!!

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Friday, August 5, 2005

Haha! I can’t get enough of this part…Yuki looks like he’s about to drop-kick Kyou’s bootay but he’s actually just reeeeeeeeeeally tired. Like me, he isn’t a morning person^_^

Thanks to those who commented and voted on my new drawing! That makes me happy!! If you don’t care about art(I know many of you don’t…don’t think I don’t know who you people are who ignore the fact that I had added a new drawing!) then you don’t have to read this paragraph:
Since so many people asked what colors I used for the skin then grab a pen and paper 'cause here they are:
Tohru skin was Light Peach, Terra Cotta, Sienna Brown, Dark Umber and a little Blush Pink and Deco Orange.
Yuki’s skin was Light Peach, Blush Pink, Burnt Ochre, a little Dark Umber and a little Pink.
Ayame’s skin was Light Peach, Blush Pink, Burnt Ochre, Light Umber and a little Pink.
The next thing asked was how could there possibly be 8 colors in Yuki’s hair? Well, it’s because I used many variation of grays, blues, and lavenders. That’s the trick of doing layers! To use many colors without it really looking like there are a lot of colors. Like in Ayame’s shirt, it may look like 2 colors but it’s actually 5! The more layers you add the better the colors blend, hence why the colors look richer, hence why they look so bold! Spiffy, aye? But be careful when mixing colors…don’t use a layer of orange and then try and put some purple in it…that would be bad. Eventually, one learns what colors mix the best to truly bring out certain aspects^_^

Yes, the deer carcass is still there…its face keeps getting skinnier and skinnier and looking creepier by the day! *shudder* I’ll keep you guys posted on that ^_~
Want to hear a funny/interested story about my car? Well, back before I got this car (which is a green Saturn by the way) I had a Mercury Topaz which was the biggest piece of poop EVER! Anywho, I used to hit animals ALL the time with that car. Unintentionally of course but it’s like they would play chicken with it!...the animals never won^_~ I used to hit rabbits, groundhogs, and TONS of birds. So one day I had wrecked the car sliding on black ice into a ditch so my parents bought me a new car which was the Saturn. And you know who they bought the Saturn from? A Priest!! And to this day, I have NEVER hit a single animal, got into a wreck, nothing! And I’ve had this car for 6 years! My friend’s call it the “Blessed Car” and whenever it starts storming or anything out, my friends will be like “Uh-oh, better take the car touched by the hands of God!” Hahahaha! None of my friends or myself are religious but we think it’s a total riot…and that ends my story^_^

LOL! I can’t get enough of how disheveled Yuki looks when he first wakes up. He really looks like me…hair all messed up, clothes everywhere, eyes half closed and a total look of, “What….”

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Wednesday, August 3, 2005

I can’t sleep again!! Grrrrr…it’s making me mad. I didn’t fall asleep till about 1am yesterday but surprisingly I wasn’t tired when I got up for work. Weird.

Well, I uploaded my Fruits Basket drawing yesterday! I like how this one turned out. I personally think that Yuki turned out the best. Unintentional I assure you. You want to know how many colors went into Yuki’s hair? EIGHT!! Sheesh! I just kept piling on layers of color till it finally came out how I wanted. You probably can’t tell by looking at it but yeah, eight. I wanted to pull out my hair when working on his. Drove me nutters.
But yeah, the background was done in Acrylic paint as well as the leaves in the foreground because…I felt like painting it instead of using colored pencils because it’s quicker!
Also in this one I varied the shades of the skin on each character. Tohru is the darkest and Yuki is about a shade lighter then her, and his older bro is about a 1/2 shade lighter then him. It's not too obvious but I think it kinda works.
Again, I’m babbling…Here’s the linky-poo:
Votes and comments are greatly appreciated^_^

So, everyday on my way to work for the past 2 weeks there has been this deer carcass on the side of the road. Keep in mind we live in the middle of nowhere so sometimes they’re never picked up. So, you know how it’s been REALLY hot lately? Yeah, does wonders for the aroma of rotting flesh. I drive by it yesterday morning and holy macadamian nuts did it REEK!! It made my car smell like…well, you know. So then I drove by it on my way home, someone had covered the whole deer in some sort of white powder, I’m assuming to keep the smell at bay. But now it looks super creepy! Its mouth and eyes are wide open so it looks like a ghost deer that’s going to come back to life and eat me! AHHHH! I hope someone gets rid of it soon.

Ever notice my posts look really long? They really aren’t…I just use the nice BIG FONT for easy reading. Ain’t I sweet? Another gif I made from the 4th Inuyasha movie:

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Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Oh man, it’s 12:00am…why am I still awake?! I feel so tired I can’t sleep. Don’t you hate that? I have to get up bright and early tomorrow at 6:20am too for work. Yippee.

I finished my Fruits Basket drawing!! I’m too lazy to scan it and upload it at the moment though. I’ll upload it after work so, like around 4:00pm or so I’ll have it up. I finished it around 10pm and I really like how it turned out! I hope you guys like it too. I’ll have a more detailed description and stuff on tomorrow’s post about it as well. I was a bad-ass and did the background in acrylic paint! Yeah, I’m a total rebel.

So, I was working today and someone showed me something that I thought was really cool so I said, “Someone fetch me an iron, ‘cause I’m IMPRESSED!” Oh man, you would have thought that I had just said the funniest thing ever spoken in the world. They laughed and laughed and laughed then went around the work area telling everyone what I said. I didn’t think it was that funny but I guess they enjoyed my lame puns…I watched too much Animaniacs as a kid I think.

Kick some boot-tay, Inuyasha!! This is also from the 4th movie^_^

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Saturday, July 30, 2005

*Yawn* Work, work work. I swear, I’ve had no social life this summer. I have to work overtime on Sunday so that means I get a whole 1 day off this week. Yeehaw…that was sarcasm by the way. I was hoping to have my Fruits Basket drawing done this weekend but doubt that will be happening. I’ve got their skin, eyes, and Tohru’s hair colored in but that’s it. My dad actually saw this drawing and said the skin looks so real it’s almost eerie! Made me happy^_^ Even more so because he actually showed some-what of an interest in one of my artworks.

Anywho, I’m trying to type and watch Fruits Basket at the same time…not a good idea. I’m on the episode when the group go to the hot spring and Momiji is doing cannonballs into the water. I love Yuki and Kyou’s faces. They don’t look too pleased^_^

I was going on about how good the animation is in the 4th Inuyasha movie…which is really is amazing but I heard you guys who watch Inuyasha on Cartoon Network have finally gotten to the Seven Man Group. About time! Those guys are my fave bad guys. Anywho, just wait until you see the animation in the episode when Inuyasha and the leader, Bankotsu have their final battle. Holy crap, the animation is SPECTACULAR in that episode! It’s the one and ONLY time they use that style of animation in any of the episodes and I wish the whole show was drawn that way because it’s so great. Another gif from the 4th movie with the sexy beast Sesshoumaru:

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Thursday, July 28, 2005

*Grins* Thanks guys so much for all you great comments from my latest line-art drawing! I’m especially happy that you guys seem to like the poses and the style I drew it in the most! The poses took me awhile to plan out in my whee-little brain until I was satisfied. And I’m telling you, Yuki’s hands were ALL over the place until I finally planted them where they are in the final piece.

And no, since many people asked this, Yuki doesn’t ever really touch Tohru on the shoulder like the way I put in my drawing. He tends to keep his hands to himself. Later in the mangas, he finally begins breaking out of his shell a bit until his biotch of a mother makes her 1st true appearance. If you look up “biznitch” in the dictionary, Yuki and Ayame’s mom would be there. Grrrrrrrr…I hate her. I think she appears in her entirety in volume 13 and she totally ruins any self-esteem Yuki was building. That and some other jerk face causes Yuki to snap. All I’ll say is, “baka neko.”

I watched the 4th Inuyasha movie last night!! I was so excited to finally get it and watch it. The movie takes place after the series, you know, after Inuyasha and Kagome have children. Haha! Not really…I just wanted to grab your attention^_~ It does take place after the series though which was an uber nice treat for me since I’ve already finished the series so I was Inuyasha-less for quite some time and I was craving new material! Anywho, I really liked it! The animation in this one is by far the best of all 4 of them. The fight scenes are well-drawn. Nice and smooth and flowey. The way the characters are drawn resemble more-so the series then the mangas which the other 3 movies had. Sesshoumaru is drawn super-sexy! Although Inuyasha is always my fave^_^ And here’s a gif from the movie! I made a bunch of them because there were so many kick-ass moments:

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