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myOtaku.com: sparkle 078

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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kitabug69 (10/31/07)


Thanks for coming by and signing my GB and sorry it took me so long to come by and sign yours I have been really busy as of late...

I love your site it is very well done... I see you have added me as a friend so I have returned the favor as well I hope we can become good friends...

See you around The O...


Kyofanatic13 (10/31/07)

AHHH!! And I see...WATANUKIII!!! XDD I like your theme a lot. The combination of all the anime is pretty awesome! XD Domeki is indeed sexy...I like him...XD And Yuko, too. I love Yuko, she's my favorite character. Anyway thanks so much for signing my GB, I really appreciate it! Hope to see ya around.

Chibikittymau (10/31/07)

hi and thanks for the gb sing i hope we become bff ^^ pm me some time ok ttyl


CrimsonValkyrie96 (10/30/07)

HEY! thanks for signing my gb :D!
o i like your bg with characters from different anime shows. TOTALLY COOL MAN. im going to like add u after u add me cuz im not going to add u if u dont ever add me :P! TTYL

(real name)~Arainne~

RizelmineRedWolf (10/30/07)

hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. i like your bg too. your site's cool. anyways, ttyl! feel free to pm me or anything!

I Am Manga (10/30/07)

You got a pretty nifty site yourself

mamma DX (10/30/07)


Purdy site! I love it ^_^ Thanks for signing my GB! Just returning the favor. I love your goal to be happy. What a wonderful goal.
I hope you don't mind me adding you as a buddy ^_^



Raine puppy (10/24/07)

You seemed interesting so i wanted to say hi and add you!
i hope that is okay.
sorry i can not type wll, some keys on my keyboard randomly F*** up from tme to time.
its making me angry.


The Kakashi FAN
Raine puppy

ima loser baby (10/22/07)

thanks for signing my guestbook ^_^ and yeah, i can barely afford manga sometimes.

holic is so flippin awesome, i haven't gotten a new book though in a while *sigh*

and yeah i'm gonna add you if its alright!

Cucumber Melon (10/21/07)

cute site!

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