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Friday, September 7, 2007

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Disgaea 2 Character Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

   OMFG, it's disgusting!!!

just warning u this may be another ridiculously long post again. during choir, i listened to announcements and heard that on october 3, there is a place to sign up for clubs and whatnot, and i was all like OMG!! ANIME CLUB!!! i hope i get to join this year. for some reason i ALWAYS get lost on my way to choir and when im leaving for the buses, i keep going in the wrong direction, and turning around after a couple seconds. why does it happen? that is sooo weird. in art, i barely got anywhere on my drawing. the conversation at our table started out as 'who is you're favorite artist?' and megan said van goh and stuff. i said masashi kishimoto and everyone looked at me and said who was that and then, alina started saying 'oh yeah he's the guy who wrote akira(manga reject i believe) and i added that he also wrote karakuri(mechanism). from talking about who our favorite artist was it went to more talk about high school musical movies to how this one character has this afro which is totally cool to this one guy who is all emo and this other guy they didn't like cuz he couldn't stand watching the movies and on and on and on. near the end of class, i happened to mention chibis to autumn, and alina says 'did u say chibis?! i challenge u to a chibi-off!' and we had a contest. i definitely won, even if nobody voted exactly. i drew a chibi deidara riding a clay owl, and chibi kakashi(best chibi of kakashi ever). during lunch, i got the chicken alfredo without the chicken and a sausage and garlic bread and a cup of jello. i sat down with kat and chelsea across from me. this is the disgusting and seriously wrong part. i could hardly finish cuz of this. i was poking the top of the jello just to see it jiggle and my finger accidentally poked through it. OMFG, i wish i hadn't said how wrong that looked cuz they started grossing me out. if u can't figure out why that was wrong, think about finger going in hole. get it? i was trying to eat my sausage, when chelsea says 'that is disgusting! you're eating it!' and everytime i took a bite, they were all like OMG!!! you're STILL eating it?? OMG! and not only that, chelsea was all like, hey, stick that sausage in the jello. OMFG!!! i do not need to hear these things during lunch!!! i would rather look at pages and pages of kakaita yaoi pics and that is the most horrible yaoi ever. or look at sasuoro yaoi. *twitches* at least, i met animelover12344 and chihirochan during lunch. they were getting icecream and we were all happy to see each other. especially since we don't have any classes together. i wish i could show all u guys my drawings, including my pirate kakashi. i only have the head done, but i like it and i drew the nin-dog that looks like shino with a bandanna and earring. for some reason it's the only dog im semi-good at drawing. or shirtless kakashi and iruka yaoi.

geometry still sucks and i could barely stay awake and i am totally lost, including several others, but it's hardly a consolation that im not the only one.

on the bus ride home, a girl who's name was catherine, i think, sat next me and showed me this amazing drawing to do with anatomy. she is a senior and she is such a good artist!! OMG!! u should have seen her drawings! she had lots of funny pokemon drawings too, like a squirtle saying FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK! over and over and over again. pikachu drawings were by far the most hilarious, like pikachu was having seizures or was rabid. she had great dragons and cute little creatures and even an adorable little chibi L!!! OMG!!! HE WAS SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!! she used to be into anime, but not really. we were talking a bit about pokemon and i wonder who keeps coming up with more pokemon. and she was saying why would they make a hot-air balloon pokemon? WHY?! i agree. WTF?? dude, if that's the best they can do, they r seriously running out of ideas. i like the pokemon manga though. i luv the part where misty goes crazy and starts biting ash viciously on the head. or when these guys in the E-stone group starts chucking food at brock and saying stuff like: shut up!! who need's ya!! why don't u talk with you're eyes open why dontcha?!!! LOL.

i can't wait to see the naruto movie this saturday!! it's airing on cartoon network. woot!
now, i can see it when i missed the one night showing cuz of my brother's stupid graduation party that i didn't go to!!!


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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

some call me... tim!!

i had another... semi-ok day, i guess. i had a pretty normal choir class and we got to make this hilarious noise that i think should be added to Emo Girl's and Captain Pants' Dictionary or whatever the hell we decided to call it. remind me homsar-chan, what did we call it again? once again i had no class after choir, so i went down to the south commons to do nothing but sit around. i read a chapter of my naruto manga and then, i went up to get some fruit snacks from a vending machine and put in 75 cents, but the snacks didn't come out and said make another selection even though i could SEE that there was still one left and i was all like 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!' but i didn't want to attract attention that early in the morning, so i silently shouted in my head 'CURSE U SNACKS!! CURSE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!' i lost 75 cents to that thing and even though u may say, 'hey what's the big deal, it's just 75 cents.' WRONG! that 75 cents could have helped pay for a naruto manga, but instead went to waste and i didn't even get the fruit snacks as a consolation. i was finishing my sasunaru pic, when this random kid suddenly pops down at the table im sitting at and says hi. i look at him like he's crazy, cuz most people just don't suddenly decide to pop out of nowhere and sit next to me. he said how's it going and whatnot, so i said 'nothing' and ignored him, but he starts talking about something and then something, and it seemed like he was babbling randomly and stuff. i say to him, 'WHAT r u talking about?' and he repeats that he and some other guys r gonna paint a mural and usage of warm and cold colors. he keeps talking on and on and i wasn't paying much attention to him until he said, '..and they're gonna watch anime episodes in...' and that immediately grabbed my attention and i whirled toward him and say 'WHAT?? did u say ANIME?' and he says yeah and introduces himself as tim and we start talking about anime and there is an anime club that just watches anime, including naruto sometimes. he said he likes more serious and depressing kinds of anime and i hadn't even heard of 'em. he said he thought he would talk cuz he saw my kakashi shirt on yesterday and says he's a junior and how r my classes. i started saying how i felt sad and maybe a little depressed that everyone could draw better than me and then he says don't worry about it, u shouldn't compare urself to others to know if u r a good artist or not. that really did make me feel better. it was nice to spend time talking, cuz it made things go faster. he said there was a great teacher who would just eat random mushrooms off the ground outside and i said, 'let's just hope he doesn't eat any poison ones' and he grinned.
i met homsar88 when the bell rung, but only for a couple seconds. that doesn't matter though. just seeing any of my friends, even if it's only for a second makes me happy. i did some practice shading with chalk and pencil and the practice sheet had to have a circle and an irregular shape, so i started with a blot of randomness and then started working on it and said it was horrible and megan says it's not and we were sayin' stuff like, hey it looks like a jellyfish, no it only has 4 legs... no it's an octopus, don't be silly it only has 4 legs, it's half short, no it's a squid, but squids have 8 legs, no squidward only has six! u know, from spongebob squarepants? yeah, but maybe he has an extra tentacle in the back of his head we don't know about. no! his nose, that is another tenctacle! but that still only gives him 7 legs. he's one short. megan took a charcoal stick and drew all over it saying i could just brush it off and it totally got ruined and i was pissed off at first, but i made the horrible mistakes into something better and it eventually ended up looking like a donkey. everyone said i watched to much tv just cuz i was quoting invader zim and explaining who mini moose was. megan says to me 'have u ever looked outside before?' and i say, no cuz the sun burns my retinas and i hate nature and i think hugging trees is stupid. they all give me horrified looks and everyone was talking about how blue's clues, hannah montana, suite life of zack and cody, ned's declassified, drake and josh, etc. are great shows. OMFG, WTF?!
i nearly got the whole song filled in during spanish, cuz i looked online for the lyrics, but i will have to endure like, 20 more songs. torture! i had lunch with kat and chelsey and we got icecream or rather frozen yogurt and kat taught me this awesome song. here is the first part, cuz kat said she was going to make a second verse. here it is:
carrot-flavored penguins, eating zombie muffins!!
purple monkeys bouncing on happy lima beeeeeans!!

i feel a bit stressed and depressed right now, cuz enriched geometry is too hard, and i don't get it at all. the teacher is talking too fast and im getting a headache. i can't even draw a circle with a COMPASS and that is sad. i don't get the whole coplanar thing at all. im starting to dread going there and i wish i could drop it, but i don't want to just quit so soon.
i made another friend in spanish class though and i... seem to have forgotten his real name, but i think it starts with an 'A'. we amused ourselves by drawing stick figure asians(him) and pudgy chibi asians(me). my chibi looked lots better of course and he said, 'this is what happy asians look like: ^_^ and drew a circle for a face.


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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

first day of school

well, i had an ok day i guess. i was really glad that my enriched geometry textbook is on a CD and not a book. it makes things so much easier to carry around. i was nearly late for choir cuz i couldn't find it, but with amanda's help, we were just on time. my mom wants me to change the schedule so i have tech ed after choir and it's such a drag. im becoming more and more like shikamaru by the day. i don't want to, but mom says so. art class made me realize just how much i suck at drawing cuz everyone could draw and shade better than me and it was bit depressing. but since i didn't have any classes at the time i worked on inking my deidaraXsasori pic and i got started on my kakairu pic. i really want to show homsar-chan my gelatin picture too. i think i got the expression just right for that. i reeeally want to show u! not to mention my sasunaru pic. im rather proud of it cuz sasuke's hands didn't turn out looking like sausages that much. i've really been drawing lots of yaoi lately...
spanish was ok and we had to listen to this torture called a spanish song and we're expected to finish writing in all the lyrics for points and the singer is really hard to understand and he goes at light speed. i got about.. 3 words filled in and i need the rest by friday. TT_TT im doomed... but at least i had lunch with kat even if she was really hyper and i quote: i feel as if i had an IV thing of 10 mountain dews injected into my veins.
i commented how that was more or less her general state of existence and she laughed. suddenly she dives for a pencil on the ground and shouts out to this random girl neither of us know and says: wah ha ha!!! i found one!! im gonna start up my collection like last year!
i snorted with laughter and almost said: now, now, don't go scaring everyone. but it was too amusing. i got to use the elevator cuz i was helping her carry stuff and she almost left the locker open on the way to lunch and crushed my toe with one of her crutches. oh well...
i got lost a couple times and at the end of the day, i accidentally followed a group of kids and i had to go all around the school to my locker, but took the wrong hall to my locker and had to backtrack until i found it, then i went out the wrong door to the wrong buses and i had to go back inside and travel across the school again to get on my bus and because i was so late, i was forced to sit in the same seat with some random boy i didn't know and he gives me this weird look, like he was thinking: who the heck are u? i was the absolute last person off the bus and it was a bit sad cuz i was all alone with the bus driver, but it's better than last year when everyone would groan loudly whenever i came on the bus in the afternoons and say stuff like: oh my god, it's her!! crap! this is stupid. god!
it really hurt my feelings that everyone hated me for being on the bus. i can't believe that i actually wanted to have a friend on the bus at one point, cuz these two girls tried to be friendly when school was almost over and kept annoying the shit out of me. preppy little bitches. and they kept asking personal questions and wondering if i had a crush on any boy and saying i ought to go out with this random guy i don't know and every boy in the back was shouting in a really annoying voice: hey! ask her out stevie!! yeah! now's you're chance! i got so fed up i gave them all, especially david, the middle finger and told them to shut the hell up but the jackasses didn't want to. i would rather be all alone in dark solitude than want friends on the same bus as me. except for the real friends i actually have. but this year, nobody has acted like a jerk to me yet and like i supposed and hoped, nobody sat next to me. nobody will hate me i hope cuz im the last one to be dropped off.


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Monday, September 3, 2007

The SasuNaru FC - for all fans/supportersWDX

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i got a new playlist and mom is still pissed off

well, like it says, my mom is still pissed off at me and has locked herself in my brother's room doing god knows what. i don't see what she could possibly be doing that she couldn't do in her own. but either way, the door would be locked, so i guess it doesn't matter. if u don't know how that happened just read my previous post. but anyway, i feel a bit sad right now cuz once school starts, i don't think my dad will be so lenient to let me watch fullmetal alchemist even though the latest i EVER stayed up watching tv is 12:30 and for me that is incredibly early still.
i got a new playlist in my intro so plz take a look. i made that one myself, so it has more songs on it. i feel a bit irritated that the song CAPTAIN JACK doesn't play the whole song, but the other ones do. maybe i will add that as a separate one so u guys can hear the full version. that song is addicting. just like almost all of 'em on there.i luv toybox!!!!!!!!!!! yay!
i dread school just a bit, but im most afraid of getting lost. this is like the invader zim episode where a bunch of people got lost in the parking lot and allegedly turned into hideous rat people cuz they couldn't find the exit. and as they r talking to dib u can see the exit door right behind dib. my favorite part is:
rat person: i was once a maaaan!!!
dib: but.. you're a woman.
i wish i could show u guys my neko roy pictures i drew last night. for the oddest reason, his pants turned out a bit better than his top. that doesn't usually happen. ooh yeah, dropping mah pants!!!
(i seriously will drop mah pants while typing as soon as im alone in the house like homsar-chan)


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i am really pissed right now. this morning i was just doing nothing as usual, when my mom comes down and starts saying i should clean up my brother's room so i can move in and i interrupt her to say i don't want to move into his room and that i never said i did. she starts freaking out and yells at me that i DID say that so i started getting mad and told her i didn't and that she shouldn't talk as if she knows me better than i do and she started screaming at me, trying to tell me what i said. i KNOW what i did say and all that i said was that she shouldn't move in. i feel as if that is disrespectful cuz she's acting as if my brother is leaving forever and that makes me upset. i mean, it's not like he isn't going to visit right? she doesn't have to make a big deal out this. even if i had said i wanted to move in, that is unimportant cuz a few days ago i TOLD her i didn't want the room and it was also too much bother to move my stuff so she said she would and i said ok. and now, when she started screaming at me, i kept saying i didn't want the room and she could have it but she still kept screaming at me that i said i wanted it and i had to keep yelling at her that i didn't want it cuz she didn't seem to hear what i said the first time. why the hell does it matter if you're gonna get it anyway? it's not like i was trying to say i won't allow u to use that room. she didn't have to be such an overreacting bitch.


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Sunday, September 2, 2007

toybox rules!!

i just realized toybox is my favorite band. i like all of them on that playlist i put up. these songs just make me feel like dancing. and i made up a song that sounds very similar somehow to their songs. it's about itachi meeting kisame. i will post the lyrics as soon as i feel not lazy. on another note, i have started writing a story. it started out as a short story, but i think it will actually be longer than i thought at first. as soon as im not lazy no more, i will see if i can post it. my mom likes it and it has a good intro. speaking of my mom, today i have discovered that she is amused when i talk like the kid from the most horrible x-mas ever who says 'it completely eluuuuuuuuuuudes me!!' i can do that voice really easily.

i watched naruto episode 101 again and i laughed even more. who cares if the translations are just a bit off? it made me laugh more. i luv the part where kakashi pops up out of the bushes and says 'howdy doo' that made me burst out laughing. if i had any sort of liquid in my mouth, it would have come spewing out.
kakashi: love? don't u mean stalking?
that also made me laugh. and i noticed that crow that says 'ahou' poops as it goes flying overhead in one scene and u can even hear the splat as it hits the ground. i luv that crow...
and now, i wanna draw anime version of homsar-chan hitting a pile of gelatin. LOL.

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bye bye!!

well, my brother is gone now. he gave me a book before leaving. it's called DICK ENBERG'S HUMOROUS QUOTES FOR ALL OCCASIONS. i never thought he would give me a good bye present and it sorta makes me a bit sad that i didn't get him anything. but i think he understands. he can understand me and how my mind works better than anyone, myself included. he knows i will miss him. there isn't a need to say anything to him. this book truly is hilarious. plz read 'em all even if u need to read section by section cuz u is too lazy to read something this long. here r some quotes from the book:
"a good speech, like a woman's skirt, should be long enought to cover the subject and short enough to create interest."
"i often quote myself. it adds spice to my conversation"
"on how to become a good speaker:practice all the time. one of the best ways is to put a bunch of marbles in your mouth while u talk. slowly but surely you talke away a marble. and then, when you've lost all your marbles, you're a public speaker."
"of all the things i miss, the thing i miss the most is my mind"
" you're only young once, but your can always be immature."
"to be a leader you need a lot of people dumb enough to follow."
"L.A.'s large convenience stores are so big they can accomodate up to twenty armed robbers at one time"
"there is nothing safer than flying- it's crashing that is dangerous"
"everybody should believe in something; i believe i'll have another drink"
"the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits"
"insanity runs in my family. it practically gallops"
"one out of four people in this country is mentally imbalanced. think of your three closest friends-and if they seem okay, then you're the one" (my favorite quote)
"if ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy teenagers?"
"Lord, if you can't make me thin-can you make all my friends fat?"
"you might say he was one taco short of a combination platter"
"when he told her doctor that she always wanted to keep her weight exactly the same as her IQ, he gave her a lecture on anorexia"
"i hope u live to be as old as your jokes"
"i want to die like my grandfather died... peacefully in his sleep. not like the other three people screaming in the car"
"if u don't go to people's funerals, they won't come to yours" (LOL)
"my wife thinks i'm too nosy. at least that's what she writes in her diary."
"man-a creature made at the end of the week's work when God was tired"
"outside every thin girl is a fat man, trying to get in" (OMFG. that is soo wrong, yet true)
"money can't buy your happiness, but it does bring your a more pleasant form of misery"
"another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have you declared legally insane in order to gain control of your estate"
"i found out why cats drink out of the toilet. my mother told me it's because it's cold in there. and im like: How did my mother know that?"
"a conservative is a Democrat who's been mugged"
"when i was a boy, i was told that anybody could become president. im beginning to believe it"
"i don't like the fact that doctors are referred to as practicing"
"if u talk to God, you are praying; if God talks to u, you have schizophrenia"
"u want to make God laugh? tell him your future plans"
"if it weren't for pickpockets i'd have no sex life at all"
"what a terrible round. i only hit two good balls all day and that was when i stepped on a rake in a bunker"
"success is simply a matter of luck. ask any failure"
"eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines"
"i am free of all prejudice. i hate everyone equally"
"i've had a wonderful evening... but this wasn't it"
"he who laughs last, thinks slowest"
"don't move! i want to forget u just the way u are." (that is totally what i would have said LOL)

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Saturday, September 1, 2007

the things i keep forgetting to post about!

ok, so finally i remember what i wanted to post for so long. not that it's important, but i had this observation for so long it's just bugging me. have u all heard of the Legends of Zelda: Four Swords before? it's a gameboy advance game. i suddenly noticed lots of random things about it. firstly, when Link pushes up against an object he can't move, if u get the right angle u can see how wrong it looks. he is thrusting up against it and his face turns red. i shouldn't need to say anymore. who would have thought? lots of people. i also have questions. for one, how is it that in the beginning of the game, Link can cut bushes and grass and armored soldiers, but he can't chop down a WOODEN sign? if the magic flame thrower thing he gets can kill hideous mutant zombie things, then why can't he kill chickens with it? how is the bird he summons with his flute able to carry him without dropping him? why do all the other characters in the game treat Link like he's stupid? they're always saying 'do u understand?' and if u choose the 'no' option, then they just repeat the exact same thing. how is it possible to get killed by bats in this game? why does Link always walk in such a funny way? how can he possibly fire arrows that fast? why on earth would the creators of the game choose to have the dark world soldiers be pigs and cows and a sort of zombie vegetable?
1. do u like the button in my intro? (credit goes to neko.lover for making it for me)
2. he's back for_________!!!!!!!
(if u can't figure out what goes there, i shall hit u on the head with a giant oversized rubbah noodle!! jk, i would be hitting u with a rubbah suit that looks like a noodle)

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