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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Sunday, September 2, 2007

toybox rules!!
i just realized toybox is my favorite band. i like all of them on that playlist i put up. these songs just make me feel like dancing. and i made up a song that sounds very similar somehow to their songs. it's about itachi meeting kisame. i will post the lyrics as soon as i feel not lazy. on another note, i have started writing a story. it started out as a short story, but i think it will actually be longer than i thought at first. as soon as im not lazy no more, i will see if i can post it. my mom likes it and it has a good intro. speaking of my mom, today i have discovered that she is amused when i talk like the kid from the most horrible x-mas ever who says 'it completely eluuuuuuuuuuudes me!!' i can do that voice really easily.

i watched naruto episode 101 again and i laughed even more. who cares if the translations are just a bit off? it made me laugh more. i luv the part where kakashi pops up out of the bushes and says 'howdy doo' that made me burst out laughing. if i had any sort of liquid in my mouth, it would have come spewing out.
kakashi: love? don't u mean stalking?
that also made me laugh. and i noticed that crow that says 'ahou' poops as it goes flying overhead in one scene and u can even hear the splat as it hits the ground. i luv that crow...
and now, i wanna draw anime version of homsar-chan hitting a pile of gelatin. LOL.

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