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midnighterdes8's Elf,emo girl,Gir, or L
Bothering people! Learning the Doom Song, blown up other pirate ships
Anime Fan Since
I was 12
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Naruto, One Piece,Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Jing: King of Bandits, Black Blood Brothers, Cardcaptors Sakura, Zero no Tsukaima, Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu, Keroro Gunso,Tsubasa, Black Cat, Shaman King, Pani Poni Dash, Gintam
Become world's greatest pirate and taking over the world with my vampire piggy army
reading, skiing, snowmobiling, bothering people, taking over the world and watching t.v.
Bothering people, singing the doom song
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Saturday, September 15, 2007
men in black 2 and the Grim Reaper
well, today at school it was ok, i guess. before first hour, i meet animelover12344 and chihirochan. i can't quite remember, but i said some random stuff and then, i look up and see homsar-chan looming over me(cuz im kneeling down) and i was all like: aaaaaah.! in that funny way me and homsar-chan like saying. she says "darn, i was gonna scare u with my cold hands" or something like that. and we explain to chihirochan about scaring the devil with homsar-chan's scary lips. XD. i showed homsar88 and chihirochan a page of my pictures i am gonna use in my collage. homsar88 says that the pic of gaz is totally midnighterdes8, and i totally agree with that statement. LOL. and the iggins pic is how homsar-chan feels in the morning while getting ready for the day. LOL. the gelatin was awesome and the pic where itachi is driving a car with deidara, kisame, and sasori in it, but he's blind!! all the others in the car are screaming in horror as itachi is clearly going over a 100 mph with a crazy glint in his eye. i can totally picture that. XDD. art was a bit more interesting, cuz i found tons of stuff to use in my collage, but i know now that it won't look like i imagined it in my mind. im not an amazing hack at art, so i knew it never would, but all the same i wish it would. maybe it will still be nice. i have a picture from kingdom hearts too. it isn't what i originally planned, but my theme is basically anime and invader zim, mixed in with a couple other inside jokes. gelatin... XD.
on my way to spanish i run into midnighterdes8!!! woot!!! it makes me soo happy. here is basically what our conversation was as best as i can remember:
me: paige!!!! im your most loyal elf ever!! *sparkles in eye like in the animes*
paige: hey!! .... (can't remember this part) jake(i think): *walking by says* naruto sucks!!!
me: NO IT DOESN'T U FOOL!!! paige: what?
me: nothing!!
paige:im off to another brainwashing class.
me: wha-???????
paige: im serious, the government is brainwashing us with computer technology. see ya!
me: *as im walking off call out* yeah, that's what they do in ALL classes!!!
today was KRAAAAAZY TACO DAY!!!!! tacos makes me happy. ^_^ but chelsea NEARLY spewed up her icecream over my tacos when kat says something about "interesting analogies". i won't go into it.-_-'
on the bus ride home i sat with catherine again and she drew pirate bacon!!! XDD. it had an eyepatch, cool looking hat and a hook that hovered in midair(what the hell do u expect? bacon doesn't have limbs) she also did this dragon sketch and i said it would be interesting to see the pirate bacon and dragon fight each other and she said: yeah, and everyone knows that the pirate bacon would totally win. LOL. she let me listen to this song, which was awesome!!!!! PIRATES!!! AND NINJAS!!! it was a song about pirates and ninjas fighting. XDDDDDD!!!!
i just finished watching men in black 2 at around 10:00 and now it's 10:15 right now. some things that made me laugh:
J: I'm not going to take advice on relationships from a guy who chases his own ass.
frank: that is canine profiling, and i resent it!
J: let's put it on.
K: what?
J: the last suit you'll ever wear.... again.
K: does that come standard?
J: actually, it came with a black dude, but he kept getting pulled over.
J: could i have your attention, please? *Neuralyzes the crowd* Thank you for participating in our drill. Had this been an actual emergency, y'all would have been *eaten*. 'Cause you don't listen! You're ignorant! How's a man gonna come crashin' through the back of a subway win - that's the problem with all y'all New Yorkers! "Oh no, we've seen it all!" "Oh no, a 600 foot worm, save us Mr. Blackman!" I ask you nicely to move forward to the next car, y'all just sit there like ...
*neuralyzes the crowd again*
J: Whoo! Flushed! Yeah, man, back when you was an agent, you used to love gettin' flushed. Yeah, every Saturday night, you'd be like "flush me, J! Flush me!" and I'd be like "Naw...h You can't quit on me now, K.
newton: Guys, before we start the tape, one more thing - what's up with anal probing? I mean, do they really come billions of light years just to...
J: boy... move!
J: Didn't your mother ever give you a Gameboy?
K: WHAT is a Gameboy??
LOL. there were more, but i can't only remember these right at the moment. but it was awesome and filled with things that could become new inside jokes with me and homsar-chan.
also, there was a HILARIOUS commercial on and i seriously think it should be our next inside joke between me and homsar88. i believe it was a commercial where everyone was eating a super cheesy thing that was like a burrito with extra stringy cheese and the people eating 'em were all ranging in age and whatnot. the cheese, btw, was stretching a good foot or two, (to exagerate the stringy goodness of the cheese most likely, i doubt the cheese would actually stretch that far.) but then, out of the blue, u see this random guy sitting on the bench with the Grim Reaper and they r both looking at each other with ecstacy. OMFG, IT WAS HILARIOUS!!!!!! the way the Grim Reaper was chewing up the cheese with his invisible face(dark and shrouded, just how it always is) LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! im still all like LMAO, even now that it's been a good half hour. i can't stop laughing. XDDDDDDDD!!!
there is a whole lot more that i want to say, but right now, i can't quite recall and also, this is probably going to be another huge ass post that only homsar-chan will actually finish reading. i hope to remember by the next post.
sorry homsar-chan!!! we will have to go see dragon wars next weekend or something, cuz dad found out i was sick, and even if i magically get better by tomorrow, i don't think he will let me. TT_TT
on another note, i have officially named my 2nd favorite band. it's!!! *drumroll*
the Pillows!! woot!! i was listening to homsar-chan's playlist and fell in love. sort of. but it will definitely be among the top three of my most favorite songs. and now, im gonna find the song about the PIRATES!!!! AND NINJAS!!!! and put it on my site. i should have thought to ask catherine.
1. who do u think won the battle between the pirates and ninjas?
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
i hope i can get better
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is horrible!!! gah!!! do u know why? im starting to get sick. noo!!! my parents r still too ignorant to notice yet, but if they do, i don't think they would allow me to go see a movie with homsar-chan. i reeeally want to go see dragon wars!! i have been looking forward to it for... since i saw the commercial. plus, if my voice is sore, how can i hope to do the 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!' thing in front of that damned hollister store with homsar88? my colds and whatnot usually end in a couple of days, but there r a few rare instances when they r long and severe. i feel nervous about this. i don't want my parents to find out, but if i got homsar-chan sick, i would be to blame. which leads me to tell u guys one new fact about me that u never knew before. i spend hours in my free time thinking about shrinking myself so i can go inside my own body in a cool looking spaceship and destroy the viruses with a triple-barrel laser automatic machine gun, like in futurama when they try to get rid of the worms. LOL. that episode was hilarious. but i do seriously think about that and my mind forms such realistic images, that if it's quiet enough in the house, i can actually experience it. wish me luck for getting rid of it quickly!! btw, do any of u guys know how to get rid of colds and whatnot quickly? and no chinese remedies!!
1. do u think the future would have such technology to go and do exactly what my mind imagines?
2. worst yaoi: jiranaru. agree? or is there something even worse? if so, tell me. i quote from jiraiya(in manga) "i cannot stand rude jerks!! and i absolutely hate men!!!!'
3. knowing this, why the hell would u put jiraiya in any sort of yaoi?!! WHY??!! is something wrong with u brain? have u the brain worms or somethin' ya foo!!? LOL. i luv saying the word 'foo' cuz it's all gansta and reminds of that guy from the tv show:courage the cowardly dog. he is always saying 'watch where ya goin' ya foo!!!' or something that ends in the word 'foo'.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What Type of Person Are You in Your Group of Friends?(Anime Pics)
 You are innocent and kind, you are really shy and you don't talk too much to new people you meet. You have a good soul and people are attarcted to you by that. You don't like to be the center of attention, and you certainly never want to be. You aren't selfish in anyway you just really don't think of yourself too much and when you do you usally think lowly. You really do not have a bunch of confidence in yourself but thats why your friends are there. You can get along with the nice non wild people better if you had to choose. You are a kind hearted person and thta is your special feature. Your friends would come to you for anytime they enjoy your presence when you aren't depressed, and another reason they come people can't stand you being sad so they come to cheer you up. Take this quiz!

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omg, i suddenly remembered why i was pissed yesterday
ok, first things first:
this morning i met homsar88, animelover12344, and chihirochan. yayz!!! and all 3 of 'em were saying something fraggle or something. i totally didn't get it. they said it was from the grim adventures of billy and mandy. i know i saw the episode they described, but i can't remember that part. plz tell me what u guys were saying so i can join in the randomness too!! i showed homsar-chan naruto doing the 'dooooo' in volume 17. and while flipping through, homsar-chan says something like 'did i just see naruto sleeping in bed with jiraiya??' O_< *twitches* and it's sad cuz it's true. *dislocating shoulders while typing* LOL.
art class was ok, and i drew part of the hokage's building in my sketchbook. i think it's pretty good. i really want to show u guys them. among them is neko deisaso, neko roy, my first fanmanga partly finished, sasunaru, neko neji, neko naruhina, peepi from invader zim, and... my first attempt at drawing sexy half naked yaoi.(aka kakairu). i also started doodling a chibi yondaime. now, on to what made me pissed off the other day. megan was rapping her ruler on the belongings of people around her to make musical beats. it wasn't the tapping that got to me, it was when she started hitting my brand new naruto manga volume with her ruler. made of metal. OMFG, WHAT THE HELL?? that was what i was thinking. but im too nice to be a total jerk so instead, i say 'what the heck r u doing?!!' and not only does she not stop, but continues to damage the cover and says, 'what? this is just a ruler. it's not damaging this book or anything see?' and i was reeeally pissed off, and i practically start-well ok i did- yell at her fairly loudly. what a fucking bitch!!! and now my book has tiny punctures in it. true, maybe they aren't visible clearly until u hold it up to the light, but i try to keep good care of my books and if it had to be damaged, at least i want it to be done by me, if at all. bitch...
i nearly fell asleep in spanish, cuz it was all like, review. during lunch, i had the breadsticks and chelsea was all like, OMG, that looks like-!! and then she and kat start giggling like mad and im like OMG, u just HAD to say that didn't u?!! and then, when i said i was going to go get some napkins, my fingers twitched slightly by involuntary movement and they burst out laughing cuz it probably looked like i was squeezing a pair of... well... u know. cherries. sigh.. and im gonna have to put up with this for the rest of the school year. -_-
i did fairly well on my geometry quiz and i hope that i can see dragon wars with homsar-chan this weekend, but my mom wants me to wait and see if i will be busy with homework before scheduling that. so... i will have to wait until friday to know whether or not it will be this weekend.
1. should gelatin be made with faces?
2. should gelatin be made into a stuffed toy that is like a pillow?
3. would it be suicidal to skydive into a giant pile of gelatin, or would u simply need a skyscraper high pile?
4. do u think i talk about gelatin too much?
5. if gelatin were a zombie, whose brains would they eat? i mean, would they even have mouths to eat with or would they simply absorb their vicims like a gelatinous blob of... gelatin??
6. if u said yes to all those questions, i think u should be a part of a club i just thought of on the spur of the moment: THE GIANT BLOBS OF GELATINOUS... GELATIN!!! CLUB!!!!!!!!! sign up today!! (i wish i had a banner for that club TT_TT)
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Monday, September 10, 2007
OMFG, not what it's called
poor sad fools. *shakes head* i can't believe how little america knows of 'stuff'. art was boring and we spent half the time trying to draw 3D boxes, but it's soo sad, cuz i only got one done. TT_TT i can't even do a box!!!!
i hated spanish today, cuz it was all review for me anyway, but she kept treating it like new material and when she asked what estaciones was, i said it meant 'seasons' but i was in the back so apparently she didn't her me, and asks again. and i repeat the same thing, but in the end, some kid finally guesses correctly cuz she practically spelled it out and then she was all like, good job!! and i was a bit pissed cuz i said it first and like 3 times too. i had spagetti and it was... normal. i met these two guys who looked older than us who were friends of my friend's friend's sister. i ask one of 'em what his name was and he says 'im insane' and do a gir laugh kinda like: WHHHOOOOEAAHAH!!!! kat imitated a chipmunk for the whole lunch time and chelsea and her was doing stupid stuffs and she shifts her chair up against the wall and says her dad always says the best position to be in is up against the wall facing all windows and doors so if someone tries to kill u, they will be seen. and i say 'well, we don't have to worry about that since chelsea isn't a homicidal maniac now do we??... OR IS SHE?!' i also found out that kat doesn't like the sailor song. she was scared of me while singing and she ran away in fear. LOL.
i think i did well on my math quiz and i don't think my homework will be too difficult, but i still think it's horrible. it's a little better though. just a bit.
on the bus, at some point i was sitting behind david wang and jonathan lieu. david remarks while we were going through bear path, 'oh look! there's a heron!! i thought that was a twig!!... or an oddly deformed log at first!!' and i naturally overheard him so i say to him 'a TWIG?!! U THOUGHT THAT WAS A TWIG???? how on EARTH could u possibly mistake a bird for a TWIG??! i mean i understand maybe a log, but a TWIG?!' so david says to me, 'well i meant a log. anyways they're the same thing basically' and i was like 'NO THEY'RE NOT!! THEY'RE COMPLETELY different!!' so david says, 'well they both come from a tree!! very similar.' and i mutter 'sure, i can see now, they're both made of wood' yeah, and when he noticed me for the first time sitting behind him he was all like 'when did u get there?!!' and i was all like, 'i have been here for like 10 minutes now' cuz i wasn't originally sitting behind them. and he was saying 'he's off his rocker and that he's more weird today.' and im thinking, 'MORE WEIRD?? who could tell the difference??'
now onto my rant of the day. i just remembered this. in the student handbook, there is a list of weapons not allowed in school. meagan keeps talking about it, the same thing over and over now. among weapons banned r numchuks(yes i know, that is definitely not how u spell it, but i forgot ok?!!), clubs, and throwing stars. at that point, i was like OMFG!!!!! THROWING STARS??!!!! THAT IS NOT WHAT THEY'RE CALLED!!! MY GOD!! THEY'RE SHURIKEN!!!!!!!! it irritates me when people call 'em throwing stars but srsly, the handbook should have it right. those foolish fools!!! and also, i saw a commercial that i just couldn't believe. the avatar dvd was on sale and the special features included commentary with_____(presumably creator) and 'deformed character shorts' and i was like OMFG!!!!!!!!! DEFORMED CHARACTERS??????! OMFG, WTF?!! IT'S CALLED A CHIBI!!! FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! DEFORMED??? GOD!! CHIBI!!! CAN'T ANYONE AT LEAST TRY TO LEARN THESE THINGS BEFORE AIRING 'EM ON TV? I MEAN, WHY??! ALL THE FOOLS WILL JUST BELIEVE THIS AND THEN NOBODY LEARNS WHAT THEY'RE REALLY CALLED!!!
well, im done ranting i guess. i can't wait to see dragon wars more than ever and i dread my 'surprise presents' from megan and the others on friday. they said it was a surprise and only told me it was two presents, but megan said in the halls she was going to get me a--now, i can't be sure if i heard her right-- pinecone. omg, a PINECONE?! WTF?? maybe if the pinecone had a striking resemblance to kakashi, but where the hell would u find a pinecone like that?? dear god plz not a pinecone.
1. if u were me, what would u do with the pinecone(assuming it WAS a pinecone)?
2. why do people always tell u that they have a 'surprise' for u?? now that they have told me that, it won't be a surprise anymore. and teachers too, they say we will have surprise tests and even tell u what is gonna be on it. doesn't that rather defeat the purpose?
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Sunday, September 9, 2007
HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!! *gasp wheeze* OMFG, the funniest thing just happened at breakfast today. well, I think it's funny anyway. i got down for breakfast at like 9:30 am this morning and greeted my mom good morning by sneaking up behind her and breathing unnecessarily loudly in her ear like how darth vader sounds and i knew from her reaction she wasn't still pissed. she always gets over things the next day, for which im grateful. i got out some lucky charms to eat and once again note how lucky looks like he had plastic surgery, just like willy wonka(*shakes fist in anger at him* inside joke here in case u wondering) well, i started eating my cereal right? and i was playing the stupid games on the back of the box cuz i had nothing better to do so i was doing that and then i note how the manufacturers must be running out of ideas for a new type of lucky charms cereal if all they can do is create double the amount of clover marshmellows with the same amount of marshmellows. *sarcastically* oh my god!!! twice as many!! with the same amount!! how do they do it?? 0_0 sounded so wrong just now.. but anyway, i somehow noted that lucky was a leprechaun. i can't remember exactly what i said, even though this happened like, 5 minutes ago, but my mom looks at the cover of the box and says: THAT'S a leprechuan?? so naturally i was all like: duh!!! what else would he be? with his cliche irish accent and his clover hat, the fact that he's wearing green? his red/orange hair? and my mom says: oh. i thought he was- but doesn't finish the sentence so i ask what? what did she think he was? so she says: i thought he was just some old guy! and the milk that was in my mouth came spewing out. it was only a tiny amount of milk, but im still can't stop laughing. LMAO!!! some old guy... *snort* ha ha ha!!!! i can barely finish this sentence from laughing so hard.
1. do u think kakashi would get a nosebleed or turn bright red and pass out from seeing the sexy jutsu? or both?
2. if forced to, rather do it with zetsu, kakuzu, or kisame? personally, it would be zetsu, even if he might decide to eat me before, during, or after. i think i told u guys about my crush on him. but if u pick kisame i would be all like: what's wrong witchu?? u have the brain worms or something?!! jk.
3. which is the best pairing? shikamaruXtemari, asumaXkurenai, kakashiXanko, narutoXhinata, or nejiXtenten? for me it's listed in order, but shikamaruXtemari is in front by a hair. real close.
4. he's my best friend best of of all best friends, hey do u have a best friend too? he tickles in my tummy, he's so yummy yummy, hey u should get a best friend too!! hoo ha!!
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Saturday, September 8, 2007
naruto moments and stuff
ok, so i just finished watching the naruto movie twice and now, i post about it. i like the part where naruto is chasing the princess to get her autograph and says: u smell nice, miss. and she sprays him with something and he was all like what is that?! and she says it's pepper spray for stalkers. ha ha take that naruto. and when dotou finds out the so called treasure is just a generator to turn winter into spring, i was all like, ha ha spent all that time searching for treasure for nothing moron!! what a buffoon!! and then when naruto sends dotou flying with his rasengan, i was all like: ha! pwned, bitch!!! LMAO. or when someone stated the obvious in the movie which happened a lot, i said(sarcastically): nooo, really!!! i never would have guessed! or way to state the obvious!! i shall call u.. obvious man/woman!!!! yeah, im weird like that. but it was fun. after the movies, i watched the rerun of naruto cuz i missed it and my favorite part in the episode was when naruto says to idate: stop hitting on sakura, or im gonna start hitting on you!!!!!! the sunny d i was drinking nearly came spewing out of my mouth. LMAO!!!
dragon wars is coming in theaters this friday and i wanna go see it with homsar-chan this time, cuz i can't wait to do the NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! thing with homsar-chan in front of that damned store hollister. but all the same, i can't wait to see how many people stare. and if we're lucky we might both get to shake our fists in anger at another willy-wonka-with-plastic-surgery guy in a costume. LOL. yet another inside joke.... can't wait!
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im kind of upset right now
yeah, well i was more upset a few hours ago anyway. i feel a little better. but not by much. this morning it was pretty normal, but when me and mom were going to go out to gym and stuff, i was going out the door when i realized mom wasn't following, so i went back inside and saw she was doing some kind of paperwork and it looked like it was gonna take some time, so i went into the living room to wait for her to finish. a couple minutes later, she yells at me to come and hurry up cuz we were leaving. i was only in the next room so i call out 'ok, im coming, no need to shout so loud' i didn't say it sarcastically or anything patronizing, but she just starts screaming at me, "THAT'S IT!! IM NOT TAKING U!!" and that was really surprising and made me a little angry, so i ask why and she says "CUZ I DON'T LIKE U!!!' and she started to make me cry. dad comes in and he's yelling too and when me and mom r in the car she starts saying that just cuz i was impacient and selfish, i was sulking upstairs just cuz we couldn't leave right away. OMFG, that is NOT what i was doing!! i got more upset, cuz for one thing i obviously did NOT go upstairs and i wasn't sulking. i was just waiting and she says it sure looked like i was sulking and i should learn to communicate better. she starts talking like she knows exactly how my mind works and i hate it when people do that. she thinks i don't appreciate anything and i take things for granted and that i never say thank u and that i have to have a fancy car when i get old enough cuz i don't think mom's type of car is good enough. and she doesn't let me explain anything, but that is SO not true!!! i really feel bad right now.
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Friday, September 7, 2007
fortune cookies don't have fortunes and im not wearing pants!
yes, that's right, im not wearing pants right now. oooh yeah, droppin' mah pants. LOL. i hope homsar-chan or someone will do it with me. 0_0 OMFG, that sounded sooooo wrong just now.
i had an interesting art class and alina gave me a tip on how to make my greek sculpture look better. it really sucked before, but now, it looks a lot better. meanwhile, megan and this other girl were in hysterics cuz megan randomly blew a bunch of little pieces of paper towel and i screamed really loudly in that way of mine and they were like that for like 5 minutes. i tried to explain what deidara's hands in his mouth were for, but they just didn't get it and said i should watch hannah montana instead of naruto. OMG, r they CRAZY?? even with naruto's weird voices and bad translations, it's still a lot better to watch if u ask me. hell, i would rather spend the rest of forever watching pokemon. later megan said to me, "omg, pirategaara, u r like my favorite friend. i luv u." 0_< *twitches* i shudder and say in a whisper, 'it's like some kinda horrible yuri.' and they asked what that was and i was reluctant to explain and let slip about yaoi and they kept buggin' me until i told them. they didn't get it even after i told them guyXguy. i regret it...
after art, i saw Muffin king for a few seconds and i told him i still hadn't heard a thank u from him for getting his site transparent.
later in spanish, at the end, right before lunch, the teacher said 'don't do it' and when i mention this to kat, she laughs hard. poor ignorant teachers don't realize how wrong their lectures sound. i read the fortune and noted how fortune cookies never have actual FORTUNES anymore, just crappy advice or something. one of my fortunes i got once said: DO NOT PANIC. another said: DO NOT TRY TO BRUSH THE TEETH OF AN ELEPHANT TODAY. OMFG, what the hell sort of advice is DON'T PANIC? WTH. when we got back, we had to do a spanish dialogue cartoon of two people greeting each other for the first time, so drew chibi kakashi and sasuke. when kakashi asks how sasuke is, he says he's doing really bad. cuz he's all emo!! i drew half of it, but Alex got impacient and drew the rest of 'em as stick figures, but at least i added the hairdoes and i say to him, 'dude, sasuke is the emo kid!! he wouldn't have a smile like THAT on his face. ya foo!' speaking of which, yesterday on bus, catherine showed me a picture of sasuke in a ballerina outfit complete with tutu and saying: what i love most is... dancing!!! LOL.
did horrible on geometry quiz and have what looks like impossible COMP assignment that i have no clue how to do that is due next week.
ok, so i got tagged by Uzk, so i guess that's 8 facts right?
1. i have a crush on Captain Jack Sparrow
2. when i grow up, i hope to be a successful author writing short(random) stories.
3. at certain random moments in time, i go into a sort of trance and i have trouble remembering what im doing and several times, i wonder how i got on the floor.
4. alex iverson nicknamed me EMO GIRL in 8th grade science
5. i imagine myself to be kakashi sometimes and pretend that he's gotten drunk/high or how he would dance and act it out when nobody is looking
6. i have a weird sorta crush on zetsu, even though if i had to make a choice, i would want to do it with sasori or deidara
7. i have never used text messaging partly cuz i don't know how.
8. i have experienced a minor earthquake before.
i tag:
- homsar88
- neko.lover
- Muffin king
- midnighterdes8
*dislocating shoulders while typing* LOL. well, i hope that u have read all this, but if not, i guess im not TOTALLY in the mood to DESTROY UR BRAINS INTO... GELATIN!!!! *ku ku ku* .... *cough* yes. well. im done now. why r u still reading. stop right now, because if u read this last sentence it won't tell u anything.
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