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Saturday, April 10, 2004


I never realized how long it takes to clean up ones email inboxes and folders. I never realized just how long it takes for my computer to load up the next screen until I did that v_v

The party was boring. The group spent half the time in the sticker photo machines...demanded to play pool then didn't join in...then sat around in a food court for a random chat...you'd think with a crowd of 8 people they would be a bit more lively. Although I tried the drumming arcade game and I'm somewhat addicted to it. Drums are fun!!

Btw, my sincerest apologies to the anonymous local grammar nazi *cough*godel*cough* for using the word "tomorrow" multiple times in the same sentence:p That was for my last post. My excuse: I was still getting over my sugar high!

I managed to buy a cool new CD today. "Professional Murder Music" a pretty cool band ^-^, I'm quite happy with my unresearched purchase.

And I broke up with my boy friend...finally. Oooh, now I have an ex!! Anyhow after the 40min phone coversation I realized that he wasn't really the nice guy I thought he was.

ex-bf:weren't you afraid I'd cheat on you, since I go to Uni?
me:not really...I mean I don't think you're really that kind of person.
ex-bf:(said with great enthusiasm)but do you realize how many hot girls there are on campus?
me:.............*rolls eyes*

Funny how they suddenly develop a self-esteem after they go to University. The irony is that I woke him in the morning for that, and that was the only time where he was actually talking like he wasn't a zombie.

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Friday, April 9, 2004

*does little happy dance*

Yay!!!Holidays!!!Two weeks of school freeness!!! Not to mention I had a blast at a sleep over last night.

I had been awake for 22hrs except then my friends were too tired to stay awake any longer so I had to sleep. Didn't sleep too well since I drank lotsa lotsa coke and was high for a great deal of it.

Had 2hrs of sleep and we were all up around 6:30am then later went to the movies and watched "Along came Polly".

I don't like romantic comedies.

And....going to a small b-day party tomorrow. My friend and I are going to play a little joke tomorrow on the group tomorrow. She and I are going to act like a couple and be all cuddly and cosy, mostly this is for the guys that will be present but it'll good for a laugh. Then if they ask if we're dating and how long our reply would be something like "oh no, we're not dating...we're just really close. We like to experiment.."

Great way to freak out my friends! I get cheap thrills. :p

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Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Ah...the wonders of procrastination...

Can't say that I'm happy. Can't say that I'm sad. What I can say is that I'm almost about to burst with the suspense of holidays starting as soon as I get out of school tomorrow (Thursday


I WANT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

okay, got that out of my system.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2004


Maaaaaaaaaan.....anyway thanks for the support, but yea, I know I will get over the emptiness. Just a matter of when.

However along with that emptiness had been just generallly not giving a damn about anything. And I have to say, I just had to pick the wrong time to crack and "actually" care and "feel" something. Although still, the emptiness is there.

Parent teacher interviews. My English teacher must think I'm such a wuss, I cried T_T
Not to mention she felt so sorry for me she gave me a hug. Luckily it was really late and there was about one or two other teachers in the room so it wasn't too embarassing. But I do hate crying. And I also hate picking the wrong moment to be emotional.

I think I'll blame it on the hormones...

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Saturday, April 3, 2004

   er....I dunno

Strange...lately I have been really...how to describe it....empty.

Not quite, but things that normally make me laugh don't.
Things that normally make me happy don't. Things that normally annoy me don't.

I'm not saying I have no feelings, just not to the extent that I use to. Maybe a tinge here and there but as quickly and quietly it comes it fades just as soon.

It seems as though I'm just going through the motions of school work and friends...

So, so weird. Any of you ever felt like that? When you're hanging out with your friends and even though you're laughing you can feel inside that you're not actually happy.

I don't like to be angsty or depressed like other teenagers (but like others I know I can be) but it's just this annoying pervasive boredom and emptiness that's actually starting to bug me...

On a brighter note, I did start writing a story. Won't say what it's about because I want to finish this one. It certainly won't be novel length but I think it'll be a decent length short story.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2004

   tsk tsk...

I'd like to say I have better things to do than to make fellow students think I'm a little more than just weird, but I don't.

Some may remember, my teacher had me sent to the counsellor despite me not believing I needed to go. So as a result I missed an entire lesson of maths.

Anyhow the two girls in front ask why I wasn't in class. So I said I got sent to the counsellor. Not go, but was sent. Naturally they take it in and reply "ooh" as understanding as possible, with the judgemental thoughts that I've got issues. Then human curiosity takes over and they asked why I was sent there.

I looked at them for a moment, meaningfully and said "...because I'm a bit psychotic" They stared, eyebrows raised. So I smiled and said "no, I'm joking, really. I'm actually more likely to be a psychopath than psychotic."

Yes there is a difference, in one of my earlier entries I outlined what a psychopath is like, and you don't really want to be mixing with them...

But one girl wasn't sure what I meant, except that I must be mentally unstable and so had decided not to enquire further.

The other one, is in the same social science class as me, therefore she knew exactly what I meant by both those terms...so I got a really shocked look. She then turns away and mutters something about one of the signs of a psychopath is animal cruelty. I say "heeey, I did use to do that..not anymore, but did..."

Then she looks at me shocked, again "really? What kind of things?"

"well, nothing. I'd rather not say, but I did. Use to." I had the look that I was serious but honestly realized that it was something that shouldn't be talked about.

She did not know what to think of that...

yea, I must be weird. But if being a psychopath means you're still wetting your bed as a teenager I think I'd be inclined to be a tad anti social and may feel that other people deserve to die...I dunno, maybe.

Oh well, life's short. Can't hurt to have some fun along the way.

Although I must say I did refrain from wagging school on Tuesday with the one group. However I will make it up this weekend by getting drunk with an second group then going to lunch with a third group the next day with a potential hang over. (yes I know. Three completely different sets of friends/groups I can go out with. None of which cross over)

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Saturday, March 27, 2004

She glanced this way, I thought I saw, and when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw...

*sigh*, the sound track from "Beauty and the Beast" is sooo wonderful. Especially track 7 entitled "something there". Usually I'm more of a fan of rock/metal but I'm sure I'm allowed to be partial to classic Walt Disney and classical. Afterall I do play both piano and violin so it wouldn't make sense for me not to like classical music.

Never have I ever found romance moving, in fact I usually have a reflex gag. But "Beauty and the Beast", it's...it's...it's...*sniff* it brings out the girlish feminine side of me!! Oh well, we only live once, can't hurt to get a little emotional over a sweet little romance like theirs.

But you know what? I can't remember what I was going to say...oh yes, I was wondering, since I've never done it before. What are the no-no's to say when breaking up with a guy?

Neat quote that went something like: "Everyone that you meet in your life is meant to teach you something"

Lesson learnt:I think I'll just stick with having some flings from now on. Serious relationships at the age of 16 is just waaaaay too much work.

EDIT: that wasn't the original thought I wanted to say. I was actually thinking how amusing it is to flirt with my girl friend. We get the most priceless looks from other people, including other friends. I don't think I'm bi but I know my girl friend is:p

I've also been wondering why guys find seeing two Les kiss such a turn on...????

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Thursday, March 25, 2004

   ...oooh the excitement...

I think my life is so incredibly boring right now. Except it's really weird, I want to go to University next year (if you're American I think they call it college) and skip the last year of school. But some of my friends think I shouldn't go, that it'd be a shame to skip the last year of school because if we go together we'll be together and so on and so forth....(not to mention they think school is cool...it's not!!)

Of course I thought to myself, if I can leave school earlier then why the hell should I stay in it?? Sure there are the friends but I personally don't feel that they are worth staying for. Maybe I'm just being cold, but there are some which you can let go and others that you never will.

The friends from my old school think it's a cool idea, then again, we don't go to the same school anyway, which means it wouldn't make much difference to things now....

Ah, what am I worrying about, no matter what anyone thinks now all that matters is that the University even accepts me at the end of the year. If they don't then fine, I'll stay another freakin year. If they do then so-long school, so-long educational prison facility.

I suppose the most amusing thing that has happened is a really weird game of truth or dare. One of my friends had to take her bra off, another pour water out the window and stick her head out for all passer bys to see her in action, the other had to take her shirt on but was allowed to keep her vest ontop. By far the silliest was two girls kissing (just a peck), unfortunately they were too chicken to do it for real so they did it through a plastic bag...

Me? I had the pleasure of watching a room full of girls make a fool of themselves. heh, good thing it's a girl's school.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2004

   I feel soooo stupid....

I have never, in my entire 6 month long relationship with my bf (it's our 6 month anniversary too), ever had any real problems (ie, arguments)

Whoooa...and guess what both of us feel like shit, he thinks he was [explicit language] and doesn't blame me if I hate him and want to dump him. I felt like I was being strung along and as if he didn't care.

When I found out what he was thinking I started laughing (good/bad thing it was a text on my phone)...I feel utterly stupid.


But you know what the scary part is? I woke up in the middle of the night, lastnight because I had a nightmare that he and I were arguing. The details aren't clear but my parting words was about calling him immature. Then he started to ignore me and refused to answer, I told him quietly (in a defeated voice) "Fine, why don't you prove it to me that you're immature and just ignore me..." he did, I stared for a few moments...hoping...then I just turned and left down the darkened stairs. I woke up then, with the same feeling that you have when you've come fresh out of a heated argument.

Want more coincidence? I dreamt I had an argument with my brother the same day we had the rather questionable confrontation...

Other than that my teacher wants me to go see the counsellor..pff, like I need one, but she insisted so I'll go so she feels better and I have her off my back.

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Thursday, March 18, 2004

What can I say?

The field trip yesterday was nothing short of idiotic.

It was a bio trip for an assessment to a rocky shore where we take a bunch of samples to understand the distribution of 3 organisms living there.

It was idiotic. I did barnacles, neptune's necklace and cats eye's. Do you want to know why it was idiotic? We found a bout a total of 20 barnacles over a 100m stretch, the stupid neptune's necklace was either everywhere or nowhere and the cats eye's were the best part. According to one of the teachers' he didn't think that most of the cats eye's were even cats eye's!!!

I don't anybody did very well, some people did the cushion starfish over the same area but due to the strictness of the methods of sampling, they ended up with a total of two individuals.

Other than that I got to finish off the day with a headache.

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