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myOtaku.com: Mew Wem

Saturday, April 10, 2004

I never realized how long it takes to clean up ones email inboxes and folders. I never realized just how long it takes for my computer to load up the next screen until I did that v_v

The party was boring. The group spent half the time in the sticker photo machines...demanded to play pool then didn't join in...then sat around in a food court for a random chat...you'd think with a crowd of 8 people they would be a bit more lively. Although I tried the drumming arcade game and I'm somewhat addicted to it. Drums are fun!!

Btw, my sincerest apologies to the anonymous local grammar nazi *cough*godel*cough* for using the word "tomorrow" multiple times in the same sentence:p That was for my last post. My excuse: I was still getting over my sugar high!

I managed to buy a cool new CD today. "Professional Murder Music" a pretty cool band ^-^, I'm quite happy with my unresearched purchase.

And I broke up with my boy friend...finally. Oooh, now I have an ex!! Anyhow after the 40min phone coversation I realized that he wasn't really the nice guy I thought he was.

ex-bf:weren't you afraid I'd cheat on you, since I go to Uni?
me:not really...I mean I don't think you're really that kind of person.
ex-bf:(said with great enthusiasm)but do you realize how many hot girls there are on campus?
me:.............*rolls eyes*

Funny how they suddenly develop a self-esteem after they go to University. The irony is that I woke him in the morning for that, and that was the only time where he was actually talking like he wasn't a zombie.

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