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Saturday, May 1, 2004

Dancing on top of bars is fun!!

Honestly it's sooo cool. I went to a dance party from 9pm til 1am in the morning.

I'm really tired now, since it is about 2:30am and I should go to bed but I'm still a bit high from the V drink.

Two really nice 'preppy' guys asked my friend to dance but she didn't really want to, so I had to suggest we all dance in a group. Then they wanted to a photo with us using their phone, fortunately/unfortunately it was too dark so the picture didn't turn out...

Cool part is the party was for 15-18 year olds only plus we got food and a free game of bowling =)

Ah yes...that was fun.

The best part was dancing on top of the bar to that song from "Bring it on"...uh...something about 'mickey you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind hey mickey, hey, hey, hey mickey'

Although I really shouldn't come online tomorrow since I really need to do some work for my up and coming assessments...

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Friday, April 30, 2004

by freakin Diablo...

I just came to two new strange understandings:

1/ Assuming I don't get into Uni next year I'll just go the year after. But that's not the problem. The problem is that people that I've met throughout my life that are the same age as me in various other schools will most likely be attending Uni then as well. Chances are I'll run into them again.

I suppose that's not too bad, but there are some very unpleasant people which I had left behind.

The reason I had this thought is that I was talking to a first year Uni student who ended up meeting/catching up with a lot of their old school friends.

I mean, the chances of going to a different Uni to other people is pretty slim. There's only one major one where everyone goes to, the other one is where all the 'international students' go to. And the rest aren't real Universities...they're 'institutes'

*shudders at the thought of re-meeting unpleasant "friends"*

2/ I reckon my ex is a druggie now. I was talking to him on MSN and he was really really high, and he told me he brought some stuff called "energize"...at first I was thinking maybe it was an energy drink or something but then he said he had inhaled it about 20times or something.

So I said "oh, so you're a druggie now" and he claimed it wasn't a drug and then proceeded to laugh some more.

Oh well, it's not my problem anyway. I really can't remember why I liked him in the first place, come to think of it. I don't want to.

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Thursday, April 29, 2004

C.O.O.L=Constipated Overated Old Lady

At least that's what the new fangled generation of primary schoolers call it.

Back in my day it was just "Constipated Old Old Lady". Far more simpler, but don't you think it's amusing that despite the decade difference in ages. You find that the little kids are laughing about the same things as we did at their age?

Actually a rather amusing thing happened at lunch. Immature, albeit but still, I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard.

We were playing Chinese Whispers and I thought of a great Shakespeare line that a friend of mine found rather hillarious (and dirty at the same time).

"Under your hard construction I must sit" is what I whispered into the ear of the girl to my left. When it finally got around it had magically morphed into "Under the circumstances you can see everyone's undies"...hehehehehehe...

I couldn't help it. I was paralyzed on the table in laughter, while they were asking me what the original message was.

That's just too funny.
What wasn't funny and still isn't is physics. It's difficult enough trying to understand why d=ut+1/2at^2 is how it is without the two girls to my left gossiping.

Rather loudly about the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over AGAIN!!

Think about it...I have physics 4-5 times a week for an hour. For the entire hour I can hear their entire conversation about the same thing.

One of them recently got a boyfriend about a month ago and won't stop talking about him. It's always "Leon,Leon.Leon!Leon...Leon/Leon(Leon??!)"

The other one is always encouraging her and can't decide whether or not to go out with a guy.
"that's so adorable I remember how it was..."
"I'm jealous"
"why won't Carl text me?"
"Oh no, maybe he's giving up chasing me"

Then she continues to 'relate' to this 'budding' relationship by comparing it with her old ones then you end up with:
-"Benny was good to me"
-"Leon is the kind of person who takes a relationship so seriously. He almost killed himself after breaking up with his last girlfriend. They only dated for 2 weeks!!"
-"I don't know why I like Tze Feng, but I remember why...he was such a jerk"
-"Carl is too cool for me but I don't like him"
-"You should go out with Carl, you obviously like him"
-"It'll never work out between us.."
"I should text Carl ay?...but I can't I NEVER text him he ALWAYS texts me!!"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!I seriously just wanted StRAngLE the both of them. Whether I want to or not I'm now privvy to their 'feelings' about past, present and future relationships.

And yea, I did try discouraging them from talking about these guys so much. I mentioned to the girl with the bf (Leon) saying since he takes the relationship so seriously and the fact that she's afraid of hurting him it's emtional blackmail. She really appreciated that. But continued to talk about "Leon".

I told the other one:
Me:Just go out with Carl
Her:But he's too cool, and I don't like him.
Me:Then tell him to bugger off
Her:But I like it
Me:Then text him
Her:But I never text him first, he always texts me
Me:Then don't text him
Her:But what if he doesn't text me?
Me:Then he doesn't like you anymore
Her:Awww, but I don't want him to give up
Me:Then go out with him
Her:I don't want to go out with him

That's where I roll my eyes, sigh and try very hard to understand physics.

Constant reiteration of the same 'feelings' and facts and 'cute' little anecdotes about these guys is just driving me mental.

No direct offense to any guy in particular, but I think they're just too much work for the effort.

Btw, thank you for reading patiently about all my petty annoyances and rants.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2004

   queer eye for the straight guy...

I just love that show. I won't say anymore about that.

Today was rather "interesting", we have 5 classes per day and during the last two, both my teachers got all weepy and cried a bit.

My English teacher is normally a very straight-forward, opinionated but is the best English teacher ever. We had been trying to decide democratically whether to study the novel "Things Fall Apart" (TFA) or "North and South" (N&S).

Problem is that:
-1/4 of the class wanted one book.
-1/4 wanted the other.
-The other 1/2 didn't care.

I wanted N&S since it was more of about the old European culture and I figured it would be easier to read. Not to mention TFA is about African colonization. Hardly something we could relate to, also it's a very linear and predictable story.

Anyway, the teacher hates TFA but hasn't taught it before therefore she would have to start doing notes on it so she could teach it to us. Although she didn't N&S was that bad she has taught it before and doesn't need to write notes on it to teach us.

Then she got all weepy because her brother doesn't have long to live and so by having to do an entirely new book of work she would get less time to spend with him. Needless to say, I've never heard my class go that quiet for more than 30 seconds.

Plus she does the yr13 A/Subsidary and had to do a shitload of work for them too.

hehe, after that the vote was unanimous to do N&S.

The fact is, as the 'extension' English class, she just wants us to do well in Cambridge (IGSCE).
After that little drama I went to my next class to find the Social Science teacher explaining why she was handing us over to a reliever.

Apparently her Ex-husband had 3 websites with a photo of her and her son (5yrs old) containing false information ie. she doesn't have legal custody over the kid, they aren't in NZ legally etc etc

Biatch thing is that her ex-husband has never met her son.

So the teacher had to hire an attorney, contact certain authorities and has had two of the offending websites removed. However one of them is still up. Unfortunately she got the bill for the attorney ($1700) and became even more distressed. Not to mention her son had broken his leg just 2 weeks earlier.

She told us all this just happened today, then got all weepy and cried a bit then left as soon as we got our reliever...
Wasn't that just an "interesting" day. And it's only the second day of school..

Coincidently I am just a little annoyed about something. People just love asking me "howzit going?" or "are you ok?" or "how've you been lately?" in their sugary sympathy coated voices..

v_v *sigh* V_V

Despite repeating "I'm fine" six times they still persist. Of course I think that has something to do with them finding out that I had broke up with my bf not so long ago. They actually thought I would cry about it!!?

I've just been expected to cry over a guy (just coz we dated 6 months doesn't mean my world revolves around him) and was persistently harassed in order to force some emotion out of me, for some little smidgen that I care for a little moresel of "it mattered to me and I do miss him" for their own lousy gossip filled inane lunchtimes... after saying so themselves that I rarely show much emotion and that I shouldn't be sad because there'll be better guys... *rolls eyes*... WHAT IN THE BLOODY DIABOLIC HELL DO THEY WANT FROM ME!!!!!!

They wonder whyyy I'm so short tempered.

Bugger it. I refuse to partake in making comments about my personal experience for them to dissect, analyze and criticize.

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Sunday, April 25, 2004

   I'll miss all of you!!!!

My two week holiday is coming to an end...


Tomorrow I'll be heading back to the "pits" to slave over a cold desk. Cold because some of our teachers are crummy and won't let us turn on the heaters despite the frost that's collected on our tables.

Although I suppose the 5 minute walk from one end of the school to the other should warm me up.

If that fails then the long sleeved blouse, polar fleece vest, woolen jumper, wind jacket, polyester scarf, polyester gloves and long white socks ought to do the trick.

Well...that ends my pointless ramble. I couldn't think what to write.

Besides, how can I think? I'll be at school tomorrow!!

*sniff*I'll miss you guys...(or at least whoever visits my page and comments regularly)

Oh well..dramatics aside. I'll stil be going online almost every night.

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Friday, April 23, 2004


I was just at a sleepover and we played pool (or at least I did when the other two wouldn't :s) and spent a lot of time in her jacuzzi...heavenly...

Including all we can eat chocolate/various snacks and movies to watch.

"Dogma", the movie absolutely rules!!!! Matt Damon isn't my favourite actor, but he's so damn sweet and cute in this movie ^,^

Anyway, I'm tired now...one more day. Then school again...*sigh*

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Thursday, April 22, 2004


Now I ask myself, how can I type a twenty-two character password right everytime but a thirteen character one is done wrong six times...aaaaaah. Slightly aggravating. Only slightly.

I dunno, maybe short ones just don't mesh with me.

Then again, I want to change a few things on my site and can't!! Stupid colour chooser thingy won't workd T.T *sigh* I suppose it can stay this colour for awhile longer.

And I noticed I had a weird person who made a strange joke in my GB, not that it really matters at all...

Who likes poetry? Ah, who cares. If you're an avid fan of my site you'll read whatever I write ^.^
O'Stabbity Stab;
Back stabbing death,
Wanton violence of pain,
Seeing their last breath,
The pleasure I gain.

O'Stabbity Death;
Afflicting mindless hurt,
Evil is what I feel,
Smiling, they lie in the dirt.
Laughing in zeal.

O'Stabbity Dagger;
Shining bloodied red,
I'm heinously bad,
Smiting the world dead,

As you can imagine a switch blade is probably on my wishlist. lol

The actual story behind me writing this was from reading about a really cute funny character at nuklearpower.com. Yea...it's based off the character black mage.

Whaddya think of it?

Moving along, I still don't know how I'm going to get back at my Ex for the abhorrent joke he played. Sure I did a lot of plotting in the post previous to last time's but I never carried any of them out. Honest O:)

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Tuesday, April 20, 2004


Way way way......cool.....The Armageddon expo is something we get every year where there are heaps of sci-fi, anime, comics, celebs, computer/console games.

I got six autographs to boast :D
George Takei - Sulu from Star Trek
Eric Vale - Trunks from Dragon Ball Z
Wayne(somethingarather) - Joey from Yu-gi-oh
Meghan(whatsherface) - Mai from Yu-gi-oh
Matthew Lewis - Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter
David Kaye - Megatron from Tranformers Armada

It was quite amusing meeting the voice actor for Trunks. I had brought along a picture I drew of Trunks to ask him to sign it. When I handed it to Eric I asked him specifically not to sign on the front and to do it on the back. Eric looks at the front where Trunks is. Eric then looks at the back where it's blank.

Eric:"So...you're saying, if I sign on the front I'll ruin his face?"
Me:"yea, pretty much"
Eric:"I think I'm going to cry...T_T"

I reckon no one else can make a cute tough guy like Trunks cry...hahaha

Plus I got a free TY soft toy from finding some pieces of random paper. And some free "Duel Masters" trading game cards, but its not as if I watch the show or know what to do with it.

I also saw some of the Lord of the Rings cast, like the really short dwarf person and the really big ugly orc dude and there was some others I can't remember.

I was there for the entire day. 10am-5pm and man...it was exhausting. But fun! But exhausting.
Although it was so incredibly anal. This guy TC (really close friend of my Ex-bf but is out of town, but is a friend of mine too though) starts texting me all worried about Ex because he thinks something is wrong. So I tell him I don't know anything since we naturally haven't really kept in contact since we broke up.

Then TC tells me that Ex has 'passed away' and accuses me of not knowing him anymore. Then starts asking me to tell him it isn't true. I ask him who told him that, and that I wouldn't know if it were true. He tells me Ex's brother told him that he's dead..now TC is feeling like crap and genuinely believes the death of his good friend (my Ex)

I already was feeling nauseous all day, then I find out from TC that Ex is dead, then I'm about to eat pizza...kind of sickening. However I couldn't quite believe that was true.

But wait...here's the punchline. TC texts me again telling me that Ex's brother had been joking >:^o


That was NOT a funny joke...not cool, not cool. I ended up calling up my Ex, swearing at him a lot then he laughed at me.*mutters*

Well...excuse me for calling up to make sure if you're dead.

Irony is that I ran into him on the day of Armageddon and I ended up biffing him in the back and screaming "That's for playing dead you asshole!!"...I think I might have overreacted a little bit there. But maybe not. He himself had told me he wouldn't be going out that day as he was broke.

Jerk...can't believe I cared...how annoying...Dad took my panadol too, so now I'm getting a headache from working on my essays and typing this up but I have no way to relieve it.

Irony is beginning to rule my life.

And this is a very long post....

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Monday, April 19, 2004

   ooooh....pain in the brain

Next time I'm bored and am insistent on procrastinating on my three English essays, I shouldn't sleep more than once in one day.

Now I feel crappy...

Anyway, I got really creeped out last night when one of my 'girl' friend started hitting on me. Because I had told her there would be other guys in the "sea" since she was kinda sad that he liked someone else. She then mentions that there could be other girls and tells me to becareful.

Naive little me asks what to be careful of and she says herself because she just may pick me as her next "target". And that we have plans to go out soon not to mention if she felt like kissing me there would be no stopping it...

^^" well, I said "I never knew you felt that way about me...hahaha"

She responds with "~~>W<~~ yea, so will you accept me?"

Seriously though, that kissy face is freaky, and she's really not my type (you'd have to see her to understand). I made the excuse I was into someone else and that I needed to go to dinner. Then quickly went offline.Phew.

Except now she keeps asking who the new guy is. I don't say anything since this person is someone I made up just to get her away from me. But she's gonna talk to the other people and they'll probably think it's for real.

*sigh* I know they'll get all judgemental on me and wonder how I can like another guy so soon. Not even a week after my ex. But the judgements don't bother me. It'll be the constant "ooh you like someone, who is it?Tell..tell..tell..tell.....!!!!"

Then the gossip. Then the rumours. Then more interrogation about this 'imaginary guy'.

Honestly though. Do I give off lesbian vibes or something? She must be the fourth girl this year to start hitting on me!!?
Why can't I have more guys hitting on me???
Why must girls always hit on me???
Why can't the prettier girls hit on me???
Why aren't I into girls???

Yep. It would appear to me, I live a twisted life.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2004

   oh the shame..

I read old diary entries and I swear I do not recognize the girl that wrote them. I was thinking to myself, "who is that naive b**** that kept on writing in my diary =_="

Anyhow my ex is an a**h***, I was with my friend at her birthday party and we ran into him. Since we were heading in the same direction my friend suggested we 'walk together' and you know what? We cross the road, look behind and he's done an about-turn. We had used that exact same move on other girls that had liked him when we dated. The worst part is the girl he was with was the one he "really really liked, but I like you now".

How romantic....his child hood sweetheart, who would've thought they would run into each other again in Uni.

It's not that I like him or anything, but I don't like being ignored not to mention he lied to me when I broke up with him. Some of his reasons for not being able to see me included:
"I don't have the time because we get heaps of assignments"
"just because we're having a mid-semester break doesn't mean I have the time, they actually use it as an excuse to give you more work. Plus I have an online test every night"
"the only time I'd be able to see you is during the breaks"...lies...big fat ones...they don't get work during mid-semester break. Online tests???Everynight???I believe that!!

Busy doing homework everyday right...not busy enough to not see another girl. What bugs me the most I know why he lied. To spare my feelings, well pish-posh. I don't need his pity.

I've been plotting my revenge against him. heheh.

I had considered calling him when he wouldn't be home and tell his brother/dad that his girl friend called. He's not allowed to be dating :p But no, that's too easy.

Weird thing is I got a little drunk the other day and was actually talking to my brother. I told him what a liar my ex was...now my brother is actually going to track him down at Uni, sometimes I just love my brother soooo much. Yet hate his egomaniacal head.

I happen to know the pin number to both of his bank accounts. *evil thoughts* Plus I know what classes he's in for Uni. He'll be going back next week and I'll still be on holiday. Oh the joys of being vengeful.

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