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Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Will tell highly sanitized version of last night's events at a party/sleepover..

For now...sleep...

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Sunday, September 26, 2004


I'll have you know I slept horribly last night. As I have been for most of the week.

mmmm..malted soya drink totally owns all those other drinks!!

And strawberry season is almost upon us on my side of the world. I CAN'T WAIT!! It's the happiest time of year for me, and hopefully it'll warm up soon so that I'll have strawberries in time for my birthday.

Me LOve STraWberries!!

So anyway, I'll continue to go on about strawberries. Do any of you lot have a particular food that you can eat that makes you happy?

For me it's strawberries. I have no idea why but whenever I eat them, no matter what mood I'm in it seems to act like a mood elevator. Then I start doing weird stuff like liking people I don't normally like and getting all happy and girly and then saying weird stuff like "aww... I love you and you and you ^____^" to no one in particular or whomever is unlucky enough to be in my presence.

I actually become REALLY NICE after eating them. hmmm. :-/

Oh well, all good things have a draw back.
What disturbed me the most was last night just before bed an 11 yr old boy I'd never met before except online recently started flirting with me.

I dunno, he was going on about if you're a girl then don't worry I've got plenty of money.
Then I found a picture of a cutie bunny

.........(. .)...............
(I think the proportions are kinda whacked though)

I sent it to the kid coz he kept sending a bunch of pictures made up of smileys.

Then he said something like "What? I'm not kissing her!! I was only telling her lips a secret!!"

*cough cough* and still, I stand by the fact that little boys shouldn't be kissing girls as I told him. However he obviously felt that he wasn't that young

Yeesh, kids these days. Why the hell was an 11 yr old boy making lewd comments at me?? I don't want to be corrupted at the tender young age of 16..almost 17...

I'm innocent I tell ya!!

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I forgot to mention, the keyboard is only about mid-thigh height when I stand up. How the hell am I suppose to sit here and type.

I'll visit in the morning when the proverbial alertness is suppose to be at it's peak after the so-called process of sleeping where I actually spend most of the night lying there bored out of my wits then waking up several times to find myself in some gawdawful position which does nothing for my back.

Ok, I'll stop now. Night..all..again.

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   The pain

The base of my thumb still starts hurting if I write or play a bit of badminton. Damnit, remnants of that stupid English exam I sat over a week ago where I literally wrote non-stop for close to 3 hrs to which I probably easily cover 2000 wrds... =.="

It aches... *whine*

Aside from that I had to move the computer from mum's room into mine, then spent over half an hour plugging it in and trying to find a phone line long enough to get it hooked up to the internet.

There we go. The most boring blogg of the week. Maybe I should make it go down in Livejournal style and start talking about my feelings and what not because my life is too damn good so I have the irresistable impulse to end it by killing myself by cutting my wrists with blunt and rusty razor blades.

hmm...I think that covers almost everything. Night all~

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Thursday, September 23, 2004

and so the wind blows..and rains..and blows some more

Yea, NZ weather is beautiful especially if you get tired of the same old weather. It changes regularly about every couple of hours.
I realized there was a really funny picture I wanted to post here..but didn't know how to. But Godel saw it. It was a guy from Sim2 and it was kinda..messed up.

I was also thinking to myself how much music on the radio sucks these days. I'm actually almost starting to miss the ol' boybands 0__o

Honest!! Since it seems the new pop is actually punk, which is usually crap like Good Charlotte, Simple Plan and Yellowcard. They are all angsty, whiney and generic. At least with Pop you could hear the words.

Then there's that awful fad of Hip Hop, where music videos are on the verge of being pornographic, if it already isn't. You see characters like Chingy standing around in his 'cool' baggy clothing with a stupidly large amount of 'bling bling' which can only serve as weight training and to blind the audience enough to distract them form his odious music. Meanwhile he's surrounded by women.

Whore-ish women.

Slutty, under-dressed, over 'beautified', under-intelligent and overly fake. All which are trying their best to look naked as possible but can't because little kids are watching..oh wait..but having sex and making out and groping doesn't count because you don't see any boobies and other gentalia.

I don't know what music video I was watching (quite possibly Usher, or that dogg crap dude or I don't give a fuck anymore) but since I couldn't understand what the guy was complaining about, which was apparently meant to be in English..which can only be described as the equivalent spoken version of l337 or AOL speak.

So since I couldn't understand the vocals I had to study the visual body language and from what I can extrapolate, the girl (hereafter-mentioned as Whore) dumps the guy (hereafter-mentioned as Dude)...then Dude stalks Whore outside of a fancy clothing boutique to which she goes out and starts arguing with him.

I imagine the convo went something like this:

Dude: hey guuurl...I'm soooo cool, so you're soo going to want me back.
Whore: No man, I'm sooo like busy shopping right now!!
Dude: Fuck dat shit girl. Look at my bling bling and while you're blinded by that we can get it on.
Whore: P*** OFF!!! I'm #@$%*%&^ shopping!! *stalks back as sexily as possible into shop*

Then in the next scene the both of them are on a silk covered bed which is about to be ruined by the bodily fluids as a result of their physical intimacy.

What have a learned??

-Just because the girl dumps the guy doesn't mean she hates him. It's an excuse to go shopping for new lingerie so they could have jolly make-up-sex.
-I'm not slutty enough to get a boyfriend, let alone one with serious bling bling.
-bling bling is everything.
-I'm not black enough to be hot.
-My mini-skirt is 5 inches too long and my breasts are 3-4 cups too small.

-Never have sex on good sheets, they'll get stained.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I was hoping to get a free movie...

Probably a bit sad of me but I really want my free movie. Damn Nick for promising a free movie and damn him for liking me and damn him for not calling up to say he has time to take me out for a free movie >:^o

Other than the fact I seem to be displaying the rather crude quality of using someone to watch a free movie I have been trying to amuse myself.

Like, reading my diary from Friday 28th of February 2003. And I tell ya, there's a lot of entries, and two month long gaps...and a lot of whiney angsty teenagery embarassing stuff. eg.

(direct quote from diary on 6th Monday October)
'However that night I had a medium popcorn and coke and well I ate it all and got hyperactive...Toby said he's never going to buy coke for me again.. T_T I like coke though.'

As you can tell it the rest must've been of equal importance and interest.eg.

(from Saturday 8th November 2003)
'I'm just so sick of people telling me what to do. Everyone things they mean well. J was going to give advice about a jealous bf, wtf does she know? Mum and her 'treat hm like a friend' policy. J again with the trying kiss and feelings pressue. Kat wanting to tell him to back off. Shorty trying to convince me he wants nothing more than to stick his tongue down my throat and should get rid of him.'

I apologize for some of the "graphic" language but that there is absolutely undeniable proof that teenagers, even incredibly mature, intelligent and pretty ones like me should not be dating.

Yea, I suddenly decided I'm too young to take anything seriously. I'm having a whim okay??? A flight of fancy!! The only way I can justify any of my behaviour these days is that I'm a 16yr old teenage girl that is prone to being whimsical and having flights of fancy therefore I'm allowed to be superficial and ditzy!! ~.~

Nothing I just typed made sense, I hope when I go play badminton later something starts to seem logical.

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   ....yea, my computer is working??/

Apparently ain't that the truth.

Much to my shock I actually went to watch the Yu-Gi-Oh movie, with my friends today.

For some reason while we were waiting for it to start and even while we were watching it I would start wondering what I was doing there in the movie theatre. Even though I asked my friends who just looked at me incredulously and replied "TO WATCH YU-GI-OH!!!" I had the strange feeling it was all a dream. Either that or it was the double patty, double cheese burger speaking after we "ran" to the movies after lunch.

Oh well, I suppose the only good thing was getting a free yu-gi-oh card that had something called the 'Blue-eyes Shiny Dragon' which I had decided was my favourite since it just looked cool and actually did something in the movie other than get pummeled into a shower of pixels. Not to mention the fact that my YGO fan buddies were looking at me in the most pathetic fashion in the hopes of getting it, ha! As if, I kept it..just to spite them!!

Bottom line, don't watch the movie, even for the free trading card -_-"

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Friday, September 17, 2004


How aggravating...how annoying...

My computer is down again so terribly sorry I won't be back to updating for some time again.

If you're wondering, I'm hijacking my bro's computer.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2004


HOLIDAY STARTED AS OF: 12:10PM (whatever the date is today...16th)


Only issue now is that I think I'm about to starve at this rate since I can hardly bite through this stupid piece of leather for steak my dad is trying to feed me for lunch.
Which reminds me that I'm utterly and thoroughly annoyed with the Nick* since I think he was trying to ask me out yesterday but only gave me about 1.5 seconds to respond. Which just isn't enough time to take a breath and open my mouth to which he suddenly answers for me!!

(I feel ditzy ranting about this)

According to him my answer was no because I didn't seem to enthusiastic, and before I could interrupt he interrupted my intended interruption and changed the subject to something else.

=.=" somehow it now turns out that I have to decide whether or not I want to go to the beach with him and the guys. I can't even say I don't have a ride home since he's offered to give one even though it's a 20min drive from where we're going.

Oh poo-bum...

It'll be fun...maybe...the only thing weird will be that the last time I was hanging out with those guys was when my Exbf wasn't my ex..hahahaha

I think I'll try bring a friend.
I just realized..it's almost tragic how I have nothing worthwhile to complain about. Damn.

well..actually, my hand/arm is still sore from the 3hr English exam I had 2 days ago. That was harsh. I think, I'll sleep in tomorrow...

(*The guy I nicknamed "Nick" who wore angel wings to my school ball)

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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

   I wanna dance!! (again but still)

English exam today was extraordinarily easy-going for some reason. I can't remember the last time I finished one with time to spare and without stressing over it.

Which is a real victory for me, you should've seen me last year...heh, I was such a wreck by the time the exam finished I think I was ready to cry.

Eh, two more to go.

Social science tomorrow, which'll be a cinch since they teacher practically taught us the exam answers with kind hints like "Charts like these just MIGHT be in the exam...maybe"

Then on Thursday morning I will be doing maths, but I think I may be getting the hang of calculus so I don't think I'll be in too deep over my head.

well, see yah guys around, I should be studying so I will go do the ritualistic visiting and commenting on everybody's site soon.

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