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myOtaku.com: Lady Shadowfox

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Princess Amy (10/07/05)

Awsome site I love colors I'll add u as a frind if u don't mind

EvilMonkey (10/07/05)

hmm i like your site..very nice..pretty cool..

peace and love to anime..

Bunnywisk (10/07/05)

hey there ^_^ thanks for signing my guestbook, also thanks for the compliments =]

I've seen some of your recent wallpapers =D theyre kewl! Im a huge fuji fan too XD You're avi's awesome. If u ever have time or get bored, feel free to pm me or stop by, i'll reply asap =] Take carez then


LunarFox (10/05/05)

Hi I'm loking 4 ppl who will help me fight against fox hunting and find female foxes for my fox-sisterhood.drop by my site and sign my gb anytime u like.

FireCat (09/13/05)

hey I love youre bg its asome and i think Tsubasa is the best have you reed naruto?

GentleEyes777 (09/09/05)

Ur site is awesome!@!!..Thanks 4 signin my gb...i added u as a friend 2..i had no prob with bein ur friend...im glad u like my site!! ttyl!

GravitationRaven (09/06/05)

Thank you for signing my GB.
Yami No MAtsuei is also cool!!I like Tatsumi!!!
I love your site!!
I'll add you as a friend.

Goku-chan (09/02/05)

hey thx 4 signing mi gb ur sites awesome too love the avatar n layout lol aniwae im adding u as a friend too hope u dun mind ^.^ hv a nice day!! :)

Katellia (09/01/05)

Love the site you have! Your wallpapers are cool as well. Also, thank you for signing my guestbook. I added you as a friend. ^-^

Flaming-chibi (08/31/05)

Ohh...your site is nice to.
Thanx for signing mine and i will add you as a friend too!!

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