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myOtaku.com: Lady Shadowfox

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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ChaosButterfly (03/28/06)

Thank you so much for your encouraging comments! You've done some lovely wallpaper yourself, and I'll be looking forward to seeing your future work. I know it can sometimes feel like people don't appreciate the effort that goes into fanworks... but it's worth the effort if you love the characters, so please don't stop!

Until next time, see you around!
the kittens are joy!

Kimmeh (03/26/06)

Hi there! Just wandering, and I came across your site. I like it by the way!

Well, I'll see you around! Ja ne!

-Kimmeh D. Wolfwood

Kegome95 (03/25/06)

I really like your site ecpesially the background. I'm just stopping by random sites. Anyways, I hope we get to know eachother more because I want to meet the people or myotaku. Anyways for starters whats your faveourite anime, just wondering. Anyways, keep in touch!

[I hate my username I spelled Kagome wrong by accident.]

sosaramoon (03/24/06)

hah! i have poofed into your site with a teddy!*throws at you*

Dakota ODELL (03/23/06)

hey whats up?cool site.ill add you as a friend see you later.

demon eyes rain (03/20/06)

Lady Shadowfox its me Rain! I can't believe i haven't commented in here yet. Geesh whats wrong with me? Wait, don't answer that. Anyways i post the latest Bleach episodes so stop by anytime and check them out!

Highwind Phoenix (03/17/06)

Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook! I am thankful that you also added me on...so I shall add you on too...
Oh...by the way, nice Byakuya background and avatar ^_____^ it's so cool and...cute o_O;;
Later!! ;p

~Highwind Phoenix~

Grifter99 (03/17/06)

Nice digs ya got here. Think I'll become a regular. Stop by and check out my place.

Lady Jun (03/17/06)

Nice site.It really cool.I love it!Maybe you can stop by my site.I am going to add you as a friend.Hope you don't mind.Later.Make love not war.

Lady Jun

kyuubi-kaiten (03/10/06)

ur site is looks awesome, and i love ur wallies...they are great :D
Another bleach fan like me, I kinda stopped doing wallies for now, cuz its too time consuming, and plus adobe keeps giving me trouble on my comp.(-_-)' Keep up the good work!!!
Gonna add u as a friend


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