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myOtaku.com: KannaWithAKatana

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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reincarnated (02/25/05)

hey. your soul mate has bad table manners. j/k inuyasha is ok. but his brother is better. but then ranma is better than his brother. muahahaha. j/k again. i like your site. i think it could use some color but at least you can see the font better than on mine. how come all these people my brother's age have jobs and i don't? *wanders off ponderously*

Sesshies Gurl (02/23/05)

awesome site ^-^ love the name, lol. addin u as a friend, hope u do tha same!
~sesshies gurl

DarkAura9 (02/23/05)

nice site, you should add some colors. i LOVE your user name for some reason @_@
any way keep up the good work, and come see my site

hieikillua (02/19/05)

hey there youve got a cool site and im gonna add you as a friend. i like inu yasha too but i prefer sesshoumaru hehe

Platinum Dragon (02/19/05)

Hey the site you got here is really cool well hope to see ya around

HardLuckWoman (02/17/05)

Hello. Thanks for signing my guestbook. You have a lot of quizzes on your front page. I'll have to come back and take all of them. Later.

Zero Tolerance
The Eternal Vash Obessie

heruchigu (02/16/05)

HUA! nice site! you sure like to take quizzes! inuyasha is awesome as in the show and sesshomaru is the bestest bishonen, gotta catch them all, bi'sho'nen!! oops, that's stuck in my head right now, sorry ^^


Princess of Anime (02/16/05)

Awesome site i like inu tooooooo! lol ^_^ if its ok w/ u im addin u as a friend.


aura128 (02/11/05)

I really like your site. I was just doing the quizes geesh! I couldn't stop thay were all so interesting! ^^ you did a great job I hope I can put you as a friend ^0^ *oink*

ob53zt tang3rtin3 (02/11/05)

imagine that...
....with a katana?
that would be kinda odd....
given the choice of any weapon...
i'd definitely choose the throwing stars....
i mean really...
they're so cool..
*starts to rave about throwing stars*
cool site...
[i take it you like Inu as well...]
i love the background and your welcome banner....
it's great!
you're doing really well for having started so soon...
i saw you like taking quizzes too!!
quizzes rock!!
i hope i can help to fulfill your goal...
i'm an Inu fan!!
see ya soon!


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