
You can call me: Zero
Birthday: 31 AUG 88 (I'm 19)
Gender: Female
Joined:24 OCT 2004
Favorite Animes: Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, Anything Miyazaki, CLAMP, and Yu Watase.
Favorite Mangas: Mars, Lament of the Lamb, Princess Ai, Kill me-Kiss me.
AIM Name: AnglelRotto
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Thursday, March 14, 2013
OMFG! It's been too long. I have a husband and a 14 (on the 23rd) month old daughter. Does anyone even remember me? Does any even use this part of myotaku anymore? I remember "the world" thing a few years back? But I seriously need something from anyone that was friends with Animeblue_girl. I need something from Mai.
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