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myOtaku.com: aLaStOr10515

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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lordsesshomaru (03/21/05)

Thanks for signing my guestbook and adding me as a friend. I'll be doing the same for you. I like your site too. ^_^ ttyl

dream wings (03/21/05)

thank you for signing my gb! it was so nice of you! i really like your site, the background especially! i hope that you don't mind, i'm adding you as a friend, too!
*waves* bye!
~dream wings

lostinthought (03/21/05)

Hey! Thank you for signing my guestbook. I like your site as well. I'm gonna add you as a friend too!

Witch Hunter Wolf (03/21/05)

Kupo! The moogles are so cute, but chocobos are better^^ Yay for FFV,VII-X(the ones i've played) and Devil May Cry. I love your site, blue's my favorite color and Kenshin's cool. nisce to meet you

Kazune (03/21/05)

Hey, thanks for signing my guest book and adding me. *Looks around* Your site is nice too. And what does "Kupo" mean?Until next time, ja mata!


Ruiji Hametsu (03/21/05)

Wow I like your bg, and your avi is cool too. I'm addin you alright ^^

Hotaru and Rini (03/21/05)

Thank you for signing my gb!
I love your site, especially the background! ^^ It's Kenshin!! ^_^
I'll add you as a friiend too! Choa!

Nain XVI (03/21/05)

Hello, Thanks for signing my gb. YOur sites awesome. I'll add you to.

My piano is clear (03/21/05)

Hey nice site MuhahahahaMuhahaha

Zackkbum (03/21/05)

OK, I added you as a friend. Cool site. Nice and blue and black...

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