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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Nut (03/23/04)

Hey wassup? I luv your site, especially the crackers...hehe... I added you as a friend iight?

danela27 (03/21/04)

wow, someone might take that cracker club the wrong way...lol!

luicifers wife (03/18/04)

sweeet site i like all the bloood . cooll icon by the way . and yes nj is helll XD. see ya around.


Memento mori (02/27/04)

I love your site. I'm going to and you as a friend. Come and visit my site and check out the archives.

Irish de Fenal (02/17/04)

Angst, angst, angst, angst, angst, angst, Angst! *manic grin* Fun stuff. Sorry 'bout your cat. But, if you think about it, you're immortal and as long as you remember her she'll never die, right? Okay, so I have a storyteller's view of immortality. Who'd win a battle, you or Lestat?

Mew Wem (02/13/04)

Bite me...you sick vampire...er...just as long as it doesn't hurt:p...but I must say you have the most alluring website. I'm jealous

pinsandneedles (02/13/04)

oh that was funny...jesus juice...thats good...*shakes head and wishes shed watched it after all*

Lollie (02/12/04)

Wicked awesome site! I love your background! ^_^


lea2385 (01/31/04)

Hello there!
I appreciate that you like the poem I wrote ^_^
The other day, I tried to write about something happy...and I strangly couldn't.
Maybe I am morbid or something...

Mimmi (01/29/04)

Hello There.

I saw that you signed my Guestbook (and commented on that thread of mine) so I thought I'd better return the favour ^__^

I feel your pain of having lost a beloved pet, so I think it's sweet of you to devote some of the space in your heart and the internet to Fluffy's memory.

Take care, be well.

- Mimmi

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