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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

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Guestbook Entries:

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silverleaf (05/07/05)

HI! cool site!


Monster7 (04/23/05)

Kick ass sight. fucking funny 2. well shit. fuck man you are aswem. but who gives two shits? later.

Hisui (04/22/05)

Nice site! I like how there's not too much, and how everything is nice and organized. There's a lot of people who have so much stuff on their site it's hard to find things...
but anyway, nice colors and I like the avi too.

Oh, so LiLMaMa89 directed you this way? Hehe, that's cool. She's a great friend.

Anyway, I'd like to add you as a friend too, so that's what I'll be doing.

I'll cya around.

ob53zt tang3rtin3 (04/18/05)

'ello 'ello!!
awesome site!
i love the moving background....
that's really awesome!!
great site!
and i have a question...
since you liked The Big O, did you understand it?
i didn't get it at all...
but that's okay..
your background's making me really dizzy..
so i'll make this quick...


pdogg-man (04/14/05)

I am a vampire as well, well 1/4 vampire, 1/4 demon and half alien, but still. I dig your site, most excellent content and very very evil. Come check mine if u wish, it is evil as well, tho i'm sure could use some updating. Keep up the evil work.

P-Dogg Man

iluvsasuk (04/14/05)

haha ur site is awesomely funny
I refreshed ur page like 5 times to year " that great son of a bitch"

A vampire nice.. i have met a few online..
When its ur birthday i'll be sure to get u a barrell of blood for you ^^

Beautiful Pain (04/07/05)

Sorry it took me a while but I am now here to renew the vow of our friendship anniverary hehe. I have known you for a great 8 months [approx.] so much nibbling and nipping hehe fun fun. It's been great knowing you for this time and getting to know more about you. Thanks for being there to read my poetry and not complaining you are a friend I plan to keep. You're fun to talk to especially when I sign out with bite marks on my butt. hehe thanx for everything, love ya! talk to you later

Yahiko357 (04/06/05)

Thank you for signing my gb and adding me as a friend. I too shall add you as a friend. See ya around. XD

DragonScars (03/31/05)

ncie web site. -crystal-

shade the great (03/24/05)

Amazing site i love your quiz adding u to friend list

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