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Thursday, September 28, 2006

My pic got featured!!!
Woohoo! A few days ago, i posted my Silent Swordsman LV7 pic, and now it's featured!!! XD W00t! Btw, it set me a new record in votes! XD
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well, right now I posted only 8 pics. And I'm dead tired simce I have a slow connection. More coming up at 21st September.
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Going to Tunisia
Hi every1!

Right now, I'm making myself prepared 4 the 8-day trip to Tunisia with my class. Till I get back, I want u to check out my new pics I'm about to post and tell me what do u think. Would that be ok? Till then, c ya!

Tera Master

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

   Back soon!
Hi folks!

Well, soon I'm going back to my hometown, Sarajevo. To be precise, on the 1st September. There I'll scan all of the drawings I did 4 the summer (and there are a lot of um, including some requests like Cyber Dragon and D.D. Warrior Lady) so be prepared for another Big Bang of my pics on this site! ^_^ (For those who don't know, there was a Big Bang of my pics here already, last winter :D)

Hope u didn't forget me since I didn't submit many pics this summer, I'll make it up, I promise!

Well, gotta go, bye!


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Saturday, August 19, 2006

   800 votes!!!
Oh man, unbelieveable, I got 800 votes?! Wow, thanx everybody for all the votes and comments!!!

Tera Master

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Sunday, June 25, 2006

1st Anniversary
One year has passed since I started drawing as a hobby. That is, the first pic I drew that triggered drawing a bunch of others was drawn on 22nd July 2005. So I've set my personal record: in one year I drew over 100 pics!!! I was not even near it for the past few years! :D I'm so happy! :dancing: And I'm not planning to stop, in fact, I'm gonna try to make an even better result! And thanx to everybody who ever commented or voted 4 my pics, that's really motivating, ya know! Luv ya all! :D

P.S. I fixed the problem with my PC so I can use the internet from it again! Yippee!

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Damn those viruses!

I still didn't go away from my computer, but something worse happened! My sis downloaded a song, and when she opened it, a trojan horse attacked my PC! And me, unexperienced, started avast! Anti-Virus and started deleting everything infected. And looks like I deleted something important in Windows folder and something that has something to do with my internet connection. So now I can't use the internet on my own PC!!! -arrrrrrrgh!!!- Help anyone? -crying like a baby-

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Thursday, June 8, 2006

Goodbye letter

Well, the school's over. I passed with the best grade this year! Woohoo! But soon I'm going on a holiday, and I'll be hardly ever able to use the internet (that is only in the internet clubs) :( and worse, I'm losing contact to my scanning friend, so if I want to scan anything, I'm gonna have to pay for it, and they take much more money for an A4 scan than they should. So that means, no pic submissions by me till September, unles a miracle happens.

And to Dynamatic, I'm gonna scan a lineart (and pay for it!) because I really want that art trade, it's Beyblade related. I hope you'll be able to color it finely.

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Thursday, June 1, 2006

   Pyramids in Bosnia?
I don't know if you've heard of it, but it looks like that there is a pyramid in Bosnia and Herzegovina, at least the archaeologists say so. But there's not only one, there are 3 of them! The Pyramid of Sun, of Moon and of the Bosnian Dragon. They're all located on the mountain Visocica near the city Visoko. Cool, huh? Also, there's a joke about all that thing:

There were two brothers, Ramiz (a Bosnian name) and Ramzes. Ramiz went to Bosnia and Ramzes to Egypt.


So what do you think, is it possible that there really are pyramids?

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Eurovision 2006
Hey, has ne1 watched Eurosong contest this year? Yay, my country was 3rd! Woohoo! (we could win, but the monsters were too scary for Hari (read: Harry, the singer of the song "Lejla" for Bosnia and Herzegovina) and that was pretty unfair. :(

However, which ones were your favs? Besides B&H, I liked Russia too.

And I heard a comment for Lithuania on a german talk show, and this guy called Stefan said something like this: "Come here, cameraman! -calling him in a corner- Come here! -and the he showed the middle finger and said: That's how you are the winners!" OK, I'm sorry for the Lithuanians, but I'm just telling what I heard and saw.

Also, there was a comment on Croatia, he said to the watchers: "When you come to Croatia and see a hot chick, don't say "hechtel-mechtel", just say Africa-Paprika! and she'll fall in love with you right away!"

And for the Finish monsters, there was a sketch with a masked man (like Mr.Lordi) and a girl who was supposed to give him flowers. When she tried to kiss him, she couldn't!

P.S. Thanx 4 overflowing my PM box with greetings 4 my birthday! I appreciate it! And if you didn't send any PMs, here's a chance to leave a comment.

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