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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

omg, i suddenly remembered why i was pissed yesterday
ok, first things first:
this morning i met homsar88, animelover12344, and chihirochan. yayz!!! and all 3 of 'em were saying something fraggle or something. i totally didn't get it. they said it was from the grim adventures of billy and mandy. i know i saw the episode they described, but i can't remember that part. plz tell me what u guys were saying so i can join in the randomness too!! i showed homsar-chan naruto doing the 'dooooo' in volume 17. and while flipping through, homsar-chan says something like 'did i just see naruto sleeping in bed with jiraiya??' O_< *twitches* and it's sad cuz it's true. *dislocating shoulders while typing* LOL.
art class was ok, and i drew part of the hokage's building in my sketchbook. i think it's pretty good. i really want to show u guys them. among them is neko deisaso, neko roy, my first fanmanga partly finished, sasunaru, neko neji, neko naruhina, peepi from invader zim, and... my first attempt at drawing sexy half naked yaoi.(aka kakairu). i also started doodling a chibi yondaime. now, on to what made me pissed off the other day. megan was rapping her ruler on the belongings of people around her to make musical beats. it wasn't the tapping that got to me, it was when she started hitting my brand new naruto manga volume with her ruler. made of metal. OMFG, WHAT THE HELL?? that was what i was thinking. but im too nice to be a total jerk so instead, i say 'what the heck r u doing?!!' and not only does she not stop, but continues to damage the cover and says, 'what? this is just a ruler. it's not damaging this book or anything see?' and i was reeeally pissed off, and i practically start-well ok i did- yell at her fairly loudly. what a fucking bitch!!! and now my book has tiny punctures in it. true, maybe they aren't visible clearly until u hold it up to the light, but i try to keep good care of my books and if it had to be damaged, at least i want it to be done by me, if at all. bitch...
i nearly fell asleep in spanish, cuz it was all like, review. during lunch, i had the breadsticks and chelsea was all like, OMG, that looks like-!! and then she and kat start giggling like mad and im like OMG, u just HAD to say that didn't u?!! and then, when i said i was going to go get some napkins, my fingers twitched slightly by involuntary movement and they burst out laughing cuz it probably looked like i was squeezing a pair of... well... u know. cherries. sigh.. and im gonna have to put up with this for the rest of the school year. -_-
i did fairly well on my geometry quiz and i hope that i can see dragon wars with homsar-chan this weekend, but my mom wants me to wait and see if i will be busy with homework before scheduling that. so... i will have to wait until friday to know whether or not it will be this weekend.
1. should gelatin be made with faces?
2. should gelatin be made into a stuffed toy that is like a pillow?
3. would it be suicidal to skydive into a giant pile of gelatin, or would u simply need a skyscraper high pile?
4. do u think i talk about gelatin too much?
5. if gelatin were a zombie, whose brains would they eat? i mean, would they even have mouths to eat with or would they simply absorb their vicims like a gelatinous blob of... gelatin??
6. if u said yes to all those questions, i think u should be a part of a club i just thought of on the spur of the moment: THE GIANT BLOBS OF GELATINOUS... GELATIN!!! CLUB!!!!!!!!! sign up today!! (i wish i had a banner for that club TT_TT)


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