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Saturday, December 24, 2005

You're going to be hearing a lot of this, but...

Merry Christmas
Happy Hannakah
Happy Yule
Happy Kwanzaa

Scary how they all ended up around the same day or two.

And I've decided on my next theme! Stay tuned!


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Saturday, December 10, 2005


I'm still around and I haven't forgotten you all. I've just been exponentially busy. Essays and homework and all that nonsense that will never be useful later in life.

Anyway, thanks to those of you who remembered to visit, perhaps halfheartedly. I have a nice, long vacation coming up and internet on my personal computer, so I hope to update more often from now on.

And in other news, a more festive theme coming next week!

Ahh, the holidays. I'm going Christmas shopping this afternoon with my friends to get my holiday shopping done. Should be interesting. One of my friends whom I haven't seen in two years will be there, so I'm very excited. We're going to see a movie afterwards, so, unfortunately, I'll be broke after today. ^^;;

So, it's exam week and the workload is lightening slightly. I still have a poetry project due Monday, and I have eleven entries to type! Aah! But, I'm looking forward to a nice long vacation and a lovely Christmas. And my eighteenth birthday, which should be interesting if nothing else. ^_^

Well, I'll update more seriously later. I have things that really need to get done.

Avoid the yellow snow,

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Friday, October 28, 2005

And in a flutter of wings, she was gone...
Mood: artsy.
Music: "Rain King"- Counting Crows
Anime Craving: One Piece

*cough* Well, the cobwebs add to the Halloween-ish feeling of the place, eh? ^^;; If you think this is bad, I haven't been on Otakuboards since, like, March or so. *cough*

So, my friend's party went very well. I didn't stay the whole time, but we had a lot of fun. I learned that I could rave! I was so surprised! The cake was awesome, too. ^_^ I just had two friends over a little while ago. They were helping their mom with one of those middle-aged women's home parties. We had a dandy time. And I have enough cookies to get me through the weekend.

I'll start that diet someday. ^^;; Aaah, my doctor's going to hate me.

But~! I'll need the cookies. I have a Very Important Essay due Monday and I'm about 47 drafts away from perfection. I suppose I'll have to settle for acceptable, then. *sigh* The cookies will serve as a nice sedative to keep me from that panic attack I'm always about to have. ^^;; Social life, what's that? XD

I still have all that anime I haven't watched. Maybe I'll do a marathon on Halloween. I'm probably going to try to beat Halloweentown on Kingdom Hearts, though. ^^;; *dork* Oogie Boogie is GOIN' DOWN!

And...erm...happy birthday to everyone. Because I'm going to forget. I can barely remember my own birthday; I have to pause and think sometimes. ^^;;

Still behind on anime. Sigh...

I learned the derivation for the word "wrought," which means "handcrafted, or made." And it's spelled playwright, by the way.

Ooh, anyone up for a mini Japanese lesson? I've got telling time down!

Telling time:

Ima wa nanji desu ka?
What time is it?

Ima wa san-ji desu.
It is three o'clock.

Aah, I wanted to add the numbers, but I'm having a blank moment here. Sorry. ^^;; Three o'clock is a good time anyway. If you already know the numbers, use yon rather than shi for four.

Well, I think I'm going to skulk about the internet. Love and such.


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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Cold medicine is a government conspiracy
Mood: sick ;.;
Music: "Kiss the Rain" Billie Myers
Anime craving: Full Metal Alchemist

Augh! Sick again. This one is pretty nasty too. I sound like I'm about to cough up a vital organ with every cough. And conventional methods of getting over illness do not apply to me. Soup is too hot and watery and upsets my stomach and makes my nose stuffier. Ditto for tea. Orange juice is too acidic and I can't stand the taste. Medicine works only a little and not nearly enough to justify taking it. The only effective treatment is sleep, which is the one thing I do not have time for.

And I have 7 or so projects due next week of varying difficulty. And quarterly exams, which my school made madatory this year. Thanks, jerks. And a HISTORY ESSAY TEST! Eew. I'm probably not going to do so hot in history anyway... ;.;

New theme~! Just coming here makes me hungry. ^^;; I was going to do Corpse Bride, but I found more inspiration from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Mmm... It's really retro-ish, so I kind of like the change from my interim theme (which I called the moring after Mardi Gras).

Myerh. I'm so behind in anime. I have three tapes of shows I haven't gotten around to watching. And I still have Last Exile somewhere that I recorded back in August. O__o But, I have a break soon, so I hope to catch up!

Well, I'm going to go get ready. I'm going to my friend's birthday party this afternoon and I still have to buy a present. ^_^;;


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Saturday, September 3, 2005

Paint fumes spawn odd thoughts.
Mood: Frustrated
Music: She Will Be Loved- Maroon 5
Anime craving: Hikaru no Go

Erm...so, I'm not dead. It's these times when I feel bad about not giving a specific location. So, for the record, I do not live in New Orleans. ^^;; Yeah, only 50,000,000,000 more cities, stalkers! Wahahahahaha!

N'yeh. School's been worse than mediocre. That's pretty bad by my standards. My Theory of Knowledge class isn't as good as it should be. It could be this crazy, headache-inducing, tripped-out class, but it's not. That makes me remotely sad. My grades aren't where I want them either. Straight A's, dammit! Eheh. There's that obsessive perfectionism again. >.> Sorry, I forgot to put it in its cage last night.

Speaking of perfectionism, yes I did change the theme again. No, I don't think it'll stay this way. I only changed it because Photobucket went stupid (and now that I've finished converting it, Photobucket's back up!). I hate the little "image not available" thing. Stupid red Xes. >.< But, a new theme shall spring in my brain like a hobo out of a trashcan soon! At least, I hope so.

Augh. I did house-painting today and now my back is super-sore. And my hands are still bearing traces of paint and sunblock. O__o And we still have the trim, touch-ups, and the back of the house to do by the end of this weekend. ^^;; Thank God for over-the-counter pain killers.

Well, have a fantastic weekend, everyone. ^_^


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Saturday, August 6, 2005

Reiki pwnz your soul and you know it.
Mood: Blissfully unaware
Anime craving: Bleach
Current music: Jeremy- Pearl Jam

I haven't updated since when?! Eheh. Sorry. I thought that having more time would mean that I'd actually do stuff. Silly me. ^^;; Well, summer's officially over for me now and I've already gone through my first (very rocky) week of senior year. Late buses, endless forms, homework (history reading *sudders*), etc. But, I think senior year, though stressful, will probably be pretty fun. We get all sorts of privileges that the underclassmen don't. And you don't need to be cynical about the school anymore since you'll never have to go back. All my last years at a school have been very pleasant and I got very active my last year at a school.

Anyway, all's quiet on the anime front. Nothing really much going on. I dunno, I guess I've just been feeling a little disenchanted with anime and the community lately. It's not any one particular person, but it's the rude, rabid fans and condescention and the self-assured n00bs that don't really know anything. Not everyone is like that, but I do have my nasty run-ins, facilitated by my incredible ablility to be misunderstood online (and in person, to be honest). I really hate it when I think I can talk intelligently with people, but if I say something against the popular opinion, I'm chastized. What, I'm not allowed to have an opinion? I must love [insert popular character here]? The big problem is that I don't and I'm usually foolish enough to tell others. Maybe I should keep my opinion on my journals. At least here, I'm encouraged to express myself. And all my friends at myO are fantastic, so I feel pretty comfortable here. ^_^

Speaking of annoying fandom, is anyone else nervous about the North American license of Naruto? I'm a little wary at the moment. I'm not particularly opposed to anime being licensed, especially because it makes both the anime and the products more accessable, but I am a little worried about the kind of fans that will start flooding the chatrooms and message boards. I know I sound horrible right now (and to be honest, I am excited about all the nice, polite, open-minded new fans), but I'm just scared that we'll get scaryfans in the Naruto community who (1) go around in gaggles, slamming anyone who doesn't support a particular character or pairing or (2) think they're all that and correct our pronunciation/spelling/character names (and are wrong).

Anyway, sorry for not coming by more often and sorry for the rant-fest above. Oh, and I'm sorry that I forgot my myO anniversary picture (it's on my other computer... ;.;). But, I have some love for my wonderful friends. :3


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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

If you can read this post...
Mood: Okay
Anime craving: Shaman King

...you're obviously not illiterate.

So, things going okay, even though I think I have a bit of the stomach flu right now. But, I did manage to get my anime fix for today. I was kinda iffy on the DNAngel anime because it shares really only the core plotline of the manga. Dark and Daisuke go on all sorts of adventures that aren't even hinted at in the manga. But, it's still a pretty nice, light anime to relax with on a rainy day. ^_^ I think I still like the manga a little more just because the plot is a little more focused (and the art is gorgeous).

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. Wait, isn't that the entire purpose of my journal? ^^;;

Nothing major really happening. I got chewed out yesterday by my friend for sucking so terribly at video games. ^^;; Apparently, I'm so terrible that I give him insomnia. But~! My other buddy gave me a tip to help me get out of my rut with Kingdom Hearts, so I'm very happy about that. And, before anyone asks, yes I did finish the 6th Harry Potter book. No, I will not be posting spoilers, so don't worry.

I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't do that much this summer. Urgh. Less than two weeks before I return to hell. ;.; But, I guess I'll just do what I can...

I did get my scores on both the national and international tests I took in May. I'm extremely disappointed at my national score in English, which was the lowest passing score. However, I seem very well-suited for psychology and Spanish. ^^;; I can do much evil with both of those talents. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Er...forget that. I said, forget it!

Well, that's really all. I'll try to reply to happy guestbook comments and posts. So, watch out. I have a tendency to pop out of nowhere. >:3


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Friday, July 8, 2005

What causes headaches? Oy. x___X
Mood:Image hosted by Photobucket.com Irritated
Anime craving: Naruto (^^)

I'm sure someone told me where headaches come from, but I can't remember. It's not the brain, because the brain can't feel pain, so it must be something around the brain. >.> I feel pretty terrible today. I've just been lounging around the house because the weather is too awful to go outside and I don't have the means to hang out with friends. So, myeah. I don't believe I've eaten anything organic today, which might explain the crappy feeling. Or the fact that I haven't been getting enough quality sleep lately. My brain's too active and I'm just...disturbed by stuff lately.

Before I continue my stupid, I'd like to extend my condolences toward those affected by the London bombings. When I found out, I was sick to my stomach and very, very angry. It still shocks me the things people can do to each other.

I think I'll make a few more tweaks to the site before I officially declare it done. Yeah, I know, I'm never satisfied, huh? But, every time I come on, I see things that need to be added or fixed or removed. Eheh. ^^;; It shall be perfect soon! *bwahahahahaha*

I've been trying to write the next chapter for Retrogression, but it's not working. Writer's block + distractions + crappy feeling= incomplete chapter. Someday, my children, someday.

Augh! Only three weeks left of summer for me and I have sooo much to do! @__@

Irritations, irritations. I refused to sign two guestbooks because one site had BACKGROUND MUSIC and the other has a busy background and used the word "fag" in one of their posts. I hate that word. I would think the otaku community would be a little nicer with that sort of thing. I was repulsed. Background music, well, we know why that irritates me.

Have a nice weekend,

P.S. Oh, yeah. I just finished Angels and Demons by Dan Brown a few days ago. Lovely intellectual thriller. Now I'm officially ready for HP 6. ^__^

P.P.S I also finally watched the commentary for Chrno Crusade vol. 1. Very, very funny. Hilary Haag kept complaining how she lost her voice from all the screaming and yelling she had to do. ^^;; I never noticed, but she does have a point.

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Saturday, July 2, 2005

[insert perverted joke here]
Mood:Image hosted by Photobucket.com Crazy mad productive
Anime craving: Full Metal Panic!
Current song: "The Nurse Who Loved Me" -A Perfect Circle

Yup. New theme. I'll never be satisfied, will I? ^^;; Anyway, it's Chrno Crusade (which is not related to the Chrono Cross games). The wallpaper took forever and you can't see it (and photobucket resized it >.<). But, whatever. I have a conundrum with the Offenders idea in general.

I mean, shouldn't people visit my site just because they WANT to, not to keep their status as Offenders? It's not like I don't notice those on my friends list that visit me often against those who signed my guestbook and never spoke to me again. Aside from that, it's hard to maintain and difficult to judge who stays on and who doesn't. I mean, is it, for example, Chie's fault that she's swamped and can't get on as often as ParanoidPerson? Should she be removed? No. That and I don't post enough to give everyone a fair chance to comment. The personal qualms are nothing compared to the aesthetic problems posed by the Offenders. My HTML/XHTML/CSS knowledge is limited and the Offenders is one of the biggest hurtles I have to overcome when creating a new theme. So, without it, maybe I'll be able to have a bit more artistic license. Basically, unless I get a ton of protest, the Offenders is going to leave my site for now.

On the bright side, I had a really fun time yesterday. My friend threw a small party at her house since she's going to be out of town the rest of the summer. It was a lot of fun. Massive video game tournaments, telling weird jokes and riddles over dinner, geeking out over Tekken/Teen Titans/Batman/Full Metal Panic!, doing odd things with Squish pillows. Dandy fun time. XD I came home last night totally exhausted and crashed really quickly. That's probably why I'm so chipper today.

NAAAAACHOS~! Ah, Elecktra Nachos. What a weird name. XD When they first say it, it sounds like "Electric Nachos."

"Quick! Name a country where they speak Dutch."

"Er. Deutchland?"


Well, that's basically it. Happy July, by the way. And I did have the theme up yesterday, by the way. So I didn't lie. ^^;;


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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The format fairies stole all my good ideas!
Mood: Obsessive
Anime craving: Full Metal Panic!

So, I'm sure you're all wondering the same thing: "What the hell?" Well, as I said, I was super-unsatisfied with my last theme. This one isn't quite done yet, so don't jump the gun and send me angry PMs. I hope to have it up by July 1st (oooh, dramatic). I have a general idea of what I want to do. Yes, I do enjoy black and white. It will involve black and white. And anime. But that's all I'm saying. XP

I've been trying fitfully to watch some anime this summer, but SOMEONE keeps interrupting. Like, my family members coming home inexplicably early. No, I'm not watching naughty anime, but I hate using the living room TV when others are home. Because they question. "Why did that guy get all squat and sparkly?" "Who's that?" or my favourite "Why did that guy just turn into a chicken?" So, yeah. Which is a shame, but if I wake up early tomorrow, hopefully I can finish my anime fix and finally get around to finishing some movies I've meant to see. >.>;;

Hopefully some good stuff coming your way courtesy moi. Not saying anything else, though. XP


P.S. I'm cleaning out my photobucket account, so you'll find some (more) broken picture links in my archives. ^^;;

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