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Friday, October 22, 2004

Grandpa sure likes his bread...

Hey there again, everyone! I finally got around to changing the site colors (the theme is still in the works; I'll try to finish the Offender's image tonight). I'm going for a Halloweenish theme, can you tell? ^^ I even added a song called "Halloween" from Kingdom Hearts. If you still want to listen to it, but your browser doesn't play nicely with myO, just visit the site I got it from, as listed in my intro, and go to anime music page 2. I really like this song. ^^

Um...anyway, I have to make this quick. The winning picture was...*drumroll*...

DOOR #2!

Yay! Thanks for all your help, guys. I'll try to get the theme up tomorrow. Itekimasu!


*munches on sweet bread*

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Saturday, October 16, 2004

Millennium needs you!

Well, I've decided to scrap this month's theme and make a sort of October/November theme. ^^;; Sorry, but it's almost midway through October and I don't even have the pictures yet! But, I do have pictures for November's theme (well, now it's Octovember's theme) and December's theme. Yay! I do need your help, though. I have three pictures in mind for my December Offenders and I can't choose. Help!

Door #1

Door #2

Door #3

So, if you'll help, I'll be eternally grateful. ^^

Anyway, I've got to go. I have a lot of work to do.


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Thursday, October 14, 2004

Lazy bones...

This news may shock you, but I'm actually going to report about my life this entry. O____o Because I do have a life. Sort of.

Anyway, Tuesday I went out with my long-time friend and we acted like crazy otakuites. I found this really funny shirt that says "got sake?" on the front with "one sake, two sake, three sake, floor" on the back. 'twas hilarity. We also discovered this really awesome section of the bookstore where you can sample music. They have a really wide selection of Japanese music, too. I was surprised. They had everything from Gackt to Yuki Kaijura to Utada Hikaru. *happy* Speaking of music, I am currently obsessed with Yuki Kaijura who sings with See Saw. She also sings most of the music for .hack//SIGN. ^^ Anyway, I also picked up a copy of Shonen Jump, which made me happy as I loves the Ryou Bakura. ^_^

Wednesday was noticeably less fun. I had a dentist's appointment, which was rather painful. O___o I hate the plaque-scrapy thing. The cleaning was evil and the noisy X-ray machine sounded like the soundtrack to a haunted house. Blech. XP Fortunately, no cavities! *happy* Unfortunately, my wisdom teeth are a little ahead of themselves (they're not supposed to grow until I'm 18! Ahh!) and I have gingivitus. Blech. I later went to the mall with a larger group of friends, which probably wasn't wise as I was very tired from the dentist's (I swear they sedated me when I wasn't looking O_O). Anyway, we wandered, one of my friends signed up for a job (I hope he gets it, by the way!), looked about for new anime/album releases (more on this later), and played DDR (we had to find a way into the movie theatre; the guard was really nice and let us all in with one ticket, which he didn't tear so that we could return it ^^). So, it was a lot of fun. It would've been better if I hadn't been so tired.

M'yesh, the new anime releases I saw. Behold!

Legal Drug by CLAMP: Just the title makes you look twice. I think it's a yaoi (or shonen-ai) about pharmacists, but I didn't read much, so I don't know. The art style is very minimalist for CLAMP and a lot of people who didn't like their art style before are pleased with the change. Personally, I like both of CLAMP's styles. The bishonen are still cute, so don't worry! ^^

Chrno Crusade: I read about half of the first manga. It's really good and the second manga is even better (I saw the episodes for that one). The only think that irks me is that they spelled Chrno as "Chrono." This is bad as the way Chrno's name is spelled is actually a plot point. Silly editors. ^^;; All in all, it's a goodly manga.

Yeah, I'm a super-dork. Speaking of which, here are the answers to my little quiz:

1. What monster is Kaiba's personal jet shaped like? A Blue Eyes, White Dragon, of course! He's a little obsessed, ne?
2. How old is Yugi (this one is tricky ;3)? 15 or 16. I thought that I knew the actual age, but all the manga says is 10th grader ^^;;.
3. Who is the main character in SandLand? Bethelbub, prince of demons!
4. What is the name of Shirahime's deus in Angelic Layer?Sai Jounouchi
5. Who is Kaname Chidori's best friend in Full Metal Panic? Kyoko

Aah, I'm so bad. I had to look some of them up. ^^;; Anyway, sorry for the long entry. I'll try to get the theme together by this weekend. Yay, theme! Yay, Millennium-not-being-lazy-ness!


P.S. I like the new avi, Mimmi. ^^

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Monday, October 11, 2004

Great googlie mooglie!

Ah, I'm finally on break. Of course, I still have work to do, but I'm going to try to have a lot of fun this week. ^^ Sorry the theme still isn't up. Another computer crashed Thursday, so we had to do the Computer Shuffle and hook my mom's computer up to the internet. It's a nice computer, though. And I can see avitars now! =^_^=

I'm estatic that fall is here. It's probably my second-favourite season (aside from spring, of course). Plus, I love Halloween. Free candy for cosplaying? Sw33t!

One of my kittens took a bath this morning. Meaning he fell in the tub while my sister was bathing. Twice. Silly little kitty. ^^;;

I think I'll do a trivia contest just for fun. Lesse, what can I come up with?

Millennium's Trivia Contest

1. What monster is Kaiba's personal jet shaped like?
2. How old is Yugi (this one is tricky ;3)?
3. Who is the main character in SandLand?
4. What is the name of Shirahime's deus in Angelic Layer?
5. Who is Kaname Chidori's best friend in Full Metal Panic?

I think that'll do for now. ^^


"I'll be by your side...Even if you destroy the world...I'll be by your side..." -Planet Ladder.

*throws cheesy popcorn at passers-by*

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Saturday, October 2, 2004


*cough* Um...so, I'm not dead, even though I haven't updated a lot lately. Sorry, school's been hell, plus I've had club duties and community service hours to do (no, I didn't do anything illegal, as far as they know at least; it's a part of IB). As such, the new theme will be late (again). Sorry, everyone. I'm pretty swamped this weekend what with upcoming tests and assignments. Hopefully, though, I'll have the new theme up by next Friday. ^^ It'll be very spiffy.

Anyway, thanks for all the nice comments. I feel better now, so it's okay. My kitty's resting in the garden so I can visit her anytime now. ^^

I went to a pinning ceremony for IB a little while ago. It went pretty well. I didn't trip, light anything on fire, nor lose my pin. And everyone thought my little Chinese/Japanese-ish getup was cute. Everyone kept rubbing my silk-ish shirt. O__o Then, I got to go out with my friends for dinner. It was a lot of fun. ^^ Hmmm...what else? Uh, mostly it's been studying and sleeping (more studying than sleeping, hence the fact that I've gotten a light cold). But, I have a break coming up soon (yay!) during which I shall be bonding with my computer and PS2. Oh, speaking of PlayStation, did you know that they're coming out with a handheld version soon? Spiffy, ne?

Anyway, thanks for bearing with me. I'll try to get back to everyone who signed my guestbook as well as visit some sites. ^^


P.S. I got to see Samurai X. It's a pretty cool anime, except that I started with Rurouni Kenshin, so Kenshin scares me. O__o

*random monkey dance*

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Friday, September 17, 2004

Back to that place again...

So, in the karmatic universe, the one and only Millennium is getting grilled. Maybe this is because I took so long updating the theme. Maybe this has something to do with that catepillar I killed in the sixth grade. Regardless, it is raining terrible karma upon me. That sick cat I had died last night. We had to bury her in the garden. I'm pretty distressed over it. I had her for 10 years or so. ;.; Then, I had four tests today that I had to suffer through and I wasn't feeling all that great. So, yeah. And I have another busy weekend ahead, so, yeah. I really need a nice, long rest to recharge. But, I guess the best thing to do now is to keep myself busy so I don't dwell. Because dwelling is bad.

Anyway, I'm glad everyone likes the new theme. I'll try to adjust the Offenders image because it stretches the screen too much. I didn't think it was that big. ^^;; Thanks for all the compliments. I think one of my newcomers asked what the Offenders is. Basically, it is a list of the people on my friends list that visit the most. I started it up about a year ago and it's pretty popular. ^^ Another person asked how to get onto the Offenders. Basically, visit once every couple of posts. I don't update often, so hopefully that isn't hard. Also, I check around the last few entries before the end of the month to see if I have any frequent posters. So, you'll want to comment alot toward the end of the month. Sorry if I overlooked anybody. I do have that unfortunate tendency. I hope that helped!

Love to the masses.

Dark from DNAngel. Pretty. *_*

Well, I'm gonna go "bond" since my Uncle's in town. Ja!


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Friday, September 10, 2004


Lookie, new theme! Angelic Layer. Bet you didn't see that coming. ^^ I had a little trouble with the colors. I'm depressed that you can't really see the background because it has a chibi Hikaru. >.< But, to celebrate, I pilfered new gifs from Animated Anime Gifs Paranoia (I uploaded them myself, though). So, yay!

Today actually went really well. My weekend isn't looking terrible as I'm either going to a cosplay something or another or the mall. Waay better than trying to sleep off a migrane or being trapped inside all weekend. ^^

Anyway, yeah, that about covers it. I really only wanted to post so that you knew I changed the theme.

But, I did determine that all stickfigures are nekkid unless otherwise noted.


"Shugo's lost it." -Mirelle, .hack//DUSK

Holy flaming stickfigure!

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Tuesday, September 7, 2004

   Excuse me, I'm questing.
First and foremost, the Naruto licence thing...I lied. Turns out that it's still unlicenced according to Anime Suki. So, sorry! ^^;; Yeah, I'm gonna be hiding in my bomb shelter for the next three weeks. >.>

Anyway, I've found a nifty new site that I love. ADV films I usually rebel against most Western anime companies because they ruin the show, but ADV is pretty cool. They have sites for their anime shows that are a lot like fansites with everything from wallpapers to avis to images. Plus, there are trailers and manga previews. ^^ I'm very happy they picked up Chrno Crusade as it is a very spiffy manga/anime that deserves a very spiffy company.

Okay, done with the shameless plug.

So, thanks to everyone for commenting. I'll try to get the new theme up later this week. Ja!


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Saturday, September 4, 2004

   Doom army of nekkid stickfigures.
Ohayo nassai, minna! Er...I'm back again. I tried to come yesterday, but myO wouldn't load, so I thought that in my absence Adam-san said "Screw you lazy otakuites, I'm closing the site." But, that didn't seem very Adam-like, so I figured that the server was down.

I need an office chair. The dining room chair is too tall and I keep banging my knee. O___o

Like I said last entry, life's been pretty crazy. Just this weekend, I have to read a book for English and do journals, read and summarize a chapter for psychology, evil Spanish homework, and reading for history. Rawr. It'll get done eventually. Mebbe. In other news, my quest for shoes and shirts finally succeeded. I found good, comfortable boots and a pair of running shoes. I also got a nifty Pirates of the Carribean shirt and one that says my logo: Confused State. 'Tis goodly. ~.^ In sadder news, that cat I told you was sick a month or so ago is not doing well and we don't think she'll last much longer. Poor baby. I'm very distraught. T-T I'm also still having computer troubles. Everything from spyware to Trojan viruses to people hacking into my e-mail. So, once I have the time and patience, I'll start fixing my computer.

Er...as for the next theme, it might come next week. I'm working on it, really. Okay, so I only have a background picture, but it's a pretty background picture! So, I'll work on that some today. I'm also planning on replying to some guestbook signings and work on figuring out if I have new Offenders.

In case anyone's wondering, Japanese techno is way better than coffee.

I finally saw the ending to .hack//DUSK and I'm very dissappointed. They left me hanging! Grawr. I hate open-ended endings. It's still a good series. Other than that, I haven't seen very much on the anime front. I heard Naruto got licensed as did FMA and Kyou Kara Maou. *sigh* I hope they don't totally ruin the good anime. This also means that I need to find new obsessions. I saw a bit of Tengou Tenge and it entertained me. There was also Ragnarok: The Animation. I guess I'm just in to online RPG anime lately. ^^;;

Well, I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Here's a little salute to Yu-Gi-Oh!

All good things must come to an end.


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Saturday, August 28, 2004

Heh. It's been a whole week since I've posted. ^^;; Sorry, guys, it's just been pretty hectic. You wouldn't believe the amount of work I have to do. And it's almost the end of the month, so I have to find time to make stuff for my new theme. O___o It might be a little late, so I apologize in advance. I'm also sorry for not visiting sites and replying to my guestbook signings. Once I get a decent block of time, I'll get around to that. ^^;;

My mission to buy a pair of shoes is scrubbed for the moment. My new mission is to buy more shirts as I wear the same few every week. It gets a little boring. So, hopefully, I'll find some today on my excursion to the mall. ^^

You know what I was pondering: Why do all the evil henchmen always look so ugly? I mean, if they're going to be there, they might as well look nice while trying to thwart our hero. Seriously. I was also wondering why there was so much fanservice for the guys. Where is the fanservice for the girls? It's all nekkid/big busted women! O__o There was Kyou Kara Mao that had so many bishounen that it almost exploded and rained bishounen everywhere. 'Tis a good series. I also made a list of things I must get on my next excursion to a con: a dothack CD (or maybe a See Saw CD; they do most of the dothack music), a Do As Infinity CD, a Kenshin plushie, small Naruto figurines, and something Full Metal Alchemist. I'll probably think of more. ^^;; Of course, I probably can't afford all that. >.>

Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'll try to do something with the site when I get a chance!


Even the puppies from Kyou Kara Mao are cute!

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