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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Ha ha ha. *fails at life*
Ugggh. The biology test was killer. D: I mean, I even went in knowing most of that stuff, and I still don't think I aced it. Maybe it's because it's so simple it's complicated? Boo. Maybe I should actually apply at least a little effort next time.

But, when I opened my inbox today, I realised that I got an e-mail telling me that the bookstore was taking pre-orders for HP7. Apparently, it's hitting the stands on July 21st. I'm rather psyched (despite the silly name). Time to cast your bets, kids. Snape good, Snape evil? Harry dies, Voldie dies? I've already made a few predictions myself, but I'm not going to embarrass myself by posting them on a public forum ('cause I tend to be wrong). ;)

OMGz, "I'll Make a Man Out of You" (from Mulan) just came on. This song is twelve different kinds of awesome (moreso because there's a Cantonese version sung by Jackie Chan). Much Disney soundtrack love.

Aaand, now my mellow, somewhat depressing alternative rock just came on. What a mood change. XD

...Anyway, not much going on over here. This weekend will be my Catch-Up Weekend because I have a lot of cleaning/organizing/schoolwork to work on. Sigh. Maybe I'll treat myself with some anime afterwards. :P

Oh, that's right! I thought of a really cute comic I wanted to do. But, yanno, that's work. And I think I'd need special permission. And drawing skills. >_>;; Maybe? It's chucked in the same pile as those quizzes I meant to do a year ago that still aren't even out of my brain yet.


Anyway, have a spectacular weekend, all. Mine'll be pretty lame, but a necessary lameness. ;-;


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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Kindness in a can.
I guess two posts in one week was meant to tide you over for two weeks. ^^;; But, I've come back finally, right? I think one of the biggest reasons I didn't update was because I couldn't stand how cold the black and white was (and I had to stare at the Kite icon that isn't my favorite icon ever). It seemed to sap my creativity.

So, in a fit of boredom, I opened my GIMP palette and started messing around until I found a color I liked (the blue, in this case), then I proceeded to find some compliment colors. I opted for a warmer color scheme because I really wanted warm and inviting. Mostly so I wouldn't be scared away from my own site. XD The images were also spur-of-the-moment. I was just flipping through my pictures folder and FMA caught my eye, so I decided to make a splash image and matching icon. That and I secretly want to be half as cool as Shanny, so I wanted an Alphonse icon. :3 Overall, I'm pretty pleased with it. Nice and simple, warm and inviting, and filled with FMA goodness. (Finding a good link color almost drove me nuts, though.)

School is going okay. I'm still not quite used to night classes, mostly because I can sleep late. The problem with sleeping late, though, is that I tend to be really lazy and unmotivated (because I wake up during what is usually my natural down-time). I'm trying to wake up earlier, but it's proving to be easier said than done. I have my first test this Thursday, and I'm a bit nervous. The first test is always hardest because you don't know the kind of questions the teacher likes to ask. I'm hoping that I'll be motivated enough tomorrow to work on some homework so that I won't be swamped as much next weekend. We'll see how that goes. ^^;;

Not much going on otherwise. I might go to an art festival this weekend, but that's about it. There haven't been many hours at work to go around, but I'm not complaining. The Job is really just for extra cash. That and I'm thinking of quitting soon. I'm really not cut out for retail-- it's part of what's been draining me and making me feel like crap. I can deal with people, but I'm really only enjoying myself when I have a lot of freedom and I'm doing something I'm excited about.

P.S. I finally got bullied into getting Windows Live Messenger by one of my fellow RPers. So, you win, guys. :3 If you can't IM me at this point, you're obviously not trying hard enough. XD

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"Well, you can write erotica if you want."
What?! Two posts in one week?! Is the apocalypse upon us?

Anyway, I started back to school this week. Boo. Well, it's really just because I couldn't take all English geek classes-- I have requirements to finish. =/ So, I have a mixed bag this semester. The three classes I've had so far are neat. Marriage and the Family should be pretty light work-wise and I took it on a friend's advice that it's an interesting class. I needed another Sociology class anyway. I'm worried about U.S. Women's History a bit just because I'm weak at history and this class will be a bit heavy work-wise. Creative Writing is going to be a blast. Maybe not like my high school classes, but that might be a good thing in some respects. The only class I haven't had yet is Concepts of Biology, but that shouldn't be too hard as I've had a couple of biology classes before. Hopefully, it'll be light with regards to workload.

Other than that, not much going on. I think I'm going to revise a couple of my New Year's resolutions because I've come up with more ways I'd like to improve. We'll see how that goes.

But, you know, I'm really sad that AnimeFF doesn't have Adam's profile (or picture) on their website. I was so looking forward to making Moogle!Adam, which would be ridiculously adorable, I'm sure.

Comment replies~! Comment replies~!

CosmicSailor Ha, I have a knack for making people feel ancient. ;) Ouch! Does inspiration really have to be that violent? Maybe the clunks to the head explain why a lot of artists are a little crazy. Yeah, I had some problems with AOL before (mostly their craptastic AIM express), but I use AIM because all of my friends do. ^^;;

KanuckGrrl Yeah, it does feel like we've been around forever sometimes. Whenever I think 19, I'm always inclined to think "Gee, I'm almost two decades old."

Mimmi I don't know how you missed that post! The funny thing is that the instant the news report on the pants thief came on, I thought "What is Mimmi doing here?" And, yes, that was a quote from "Simple and Clean." I love that song to death (I have the original, the remix, and "Hikari"). When I heard "Sanctuary," I thought the lyrics were kind of weird ("I watch you fast asleep." Is Namine a stalker or something? =P). And I do have your screenname on my buddy list; I'll let you know it's me if ever I IM you. ;-)

Dark Phoenix Whoops, I almost typed Dark Phonics. XD That would be a pretty awesome screenname, actually. But, yeah, it is really a bother to be artistically constipated. =/ It bottles up and drives me nuts! But until I realize what's wrong, it'll stay all bottled up. I'm sure we'll muddle through. Ah, I have Yahoo! screenname (which is compatible with MSN), so I can chat with almost anyone (I even have a jabber ID). The only reason I use AIM a lot is because a lot of people on Livejoural use it. ^^;;

Jaguar I did have a lot of fun! I got Kingdom Hearts II, which is pretty fun (though I'm stuck right now...sigh...). And it was sunny on my birthday, which always makes me ridiculously and irrationally happy. =D And I added you to my buddy list. Huzzah!

SunfallE Ah, so that was Albel in the background? I thought so. I've played a bit of Star Ocean 3, but the battle system is driving me nuts. =/ I'm not used to a bird's-eye view of the battle, so it gets confusing. Then, I try to rotate the camera (which is usually done with the shoulder buttons), and I unwittingly change characters. XD I guess I just have to get used to it. Mastering the battle system is always the hardest part for me-- I get the controls all mixed up from game to game!

Demonsprite Gosh, I haven't seen you forever, huh? That's probably because I'm a ridiculous slacker. XD Ah, thanks, but the layout bothers me because it reminds me that I'm in an artistic dryspell. D= Though, simplicity has its perks (black and white always go together, for one).

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest-of-the-week! =D

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Monday, January 8, 2007

Whatever lies beyond this morning.
December 21st, 2006. Hmm... I could have sworn I'd updated sometime between now and then. Huhn. That whole "not having a perception of time" thing makes life a bit confusing. ^^;;

Anyway, I had a lovely Christmabirthday (I'm now 19; I'm such an Old Fart). I also managed to catch up on Tsubasa RC through volume 8 (I can't find 9 anywhere. Rawr!).

I'm still stuck on the new layout. I definitely don't like my current one. It's far too stark and sparse. =/ I'm stuck on a lot of things, actually. I was hoping winter vacation would unstick me, but it didn't seem to work. Sigh.

Anyway, I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and a splendid New Year's!

P.S. I got a new AIM screename. Just PM me if you want it. =D

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pants thief?!
Apparently, Mimmi's in town and didn't mention it-- we have a pants thief roaming around. =O

I think I've decided on my next theme. It will be simplistic, but with little hints of Victorian influence. Buuuut, I think I'll keep the color scheme and such a secret for now. ;) What's life without a few surprises?

Sadly, I'm also working this weekend. *le sigh* It's the first time I'm not free on Christmas Eve. Fortunately, I should have next weekend off for my birthday, but I'm still trying to figure out what to do for my birthday. I'm leaning towards dinner with a few friends. =D

But, in happier news, I finally finished the Spiral anime, which really makes no difference because it doesn't answer any of the questions it poses throughout the series. What are the Blade Children? Uh, I have no idea. Why Ayumu? Again, no clue. What's up with all those hints of Ayumu/Madoka? Yeah, that was kind of weird. ^^;; (Ayumu/Hiyono shipper, wut?) I managed to theorize most of the answers pretty accurately, but it was still rather incomplete. Ah, well. It's a pretty fun series. Stuff blows up, you can play with pairings since they don't seem that concrete, and there are bishounen. So, it wasn't really a waste of time. Just a bit unsatisfying.

Speaking of unsatisfying, I re-watched the FMA movie last night. Once I resigned myself to the fact that about 85% of the movie wouldn't make any sense at all, it was pretty neat. I'm an Alphonse fan, so I was happy that he got a decent role and a good chunk of spiffy new abilities. It was an okay end to the series, but it was an end, which made me sad. I can never seem to cope with a series ending. ^^;;

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. :*


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Saturday, December 16, 2006

   Oh noez!

I'm typing to you from beyooooond the graaaaaaave! Yeah, not really. But you probably knew that already (you had your doubts, though, didn't you?).

Anyway, I'm tired, but I thought I'd pop in and let everyone know that, yes, I'm still alive and, yes, I remember this place. I'm on winter break starting this week, so I'll try to get a half-decent post up in here. =D

*massive heaps of sleepy love*


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Sunday, November 12, 2006

"You're not cool enough to be Riku!"
blowin' kisses So, I went and disappeared again. Whoops. ^^;; I've been online quite a bit, but mostly being unproductive (in every sense of the word). I made a neat-o bulleted list last time that I guess I should explain, huh?

Okay, work. I'm not as bothered by it now that I understand how things work. Though, I'm pretty sure that I didn't get proper training at all. Some people hired around the same time as I seem to know more than I do. =/ Ah, well. I just ask questions when they arise and try to remember the answers for next time. My coworkers are pretty nice, which is always a plus. Also, I'm definitely getting 20+ hours. Theoretically, I'm not supposed to work more than 15-20 with school, but I work weekends, so it doesn't matter too much. ^^;;

I'm glad everyone likes the new theme, especially since it might not change for awhile. I really like the splash image (though the resizing screwed it up a bit =/). It seems kind of Victorian to me in the detailing. I've always loved the Victorian style. I almost fangirl over turn-of-the-(last)-century architecture. *dork*

Ehhhh, what else? Right. I started writing a bit, but stopped because of time constraints and lack of inspiration. I'd hate to get engulfed in a major project around this time of year-- my free time seems to be disappearing faster than PS3s. O___o

I'm hoping to turn out a wallpaper or a quiz or two soon. We'll see. I have been planning on doing this for months, but never quite get past the planning stage. How tragic.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.


P.S.- If you haven't seen Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Version, you should definitely take a gander. It's a good waste of time. :3

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Coming back from the dead-- how's that for a Halloween trick?
No, no, I didn't actually die. But, I am sleepy, so I'm going to be lame and make a list that I might expound on next entry. ^^;;

--Got hours at work. Not enjoying myself at all.
--Over my bronchitis (finally!)
--Changed the theme...sorta (finally! x2)
--Spiral boxset
--Back into writing (woot!)
--Cold weather (finally! x3)
--Astrology still v. weird

Mmmmmmnnnn....I'm going to sleep. Not that I'll actually wake up on time (my bed is so warm that I hate getting out of it). Ja ne!


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Saturday, October 7, 2006

And after all, you're my wonderwall.
woahz! ...It's...It's October? Wh-when did that happen?! .___.

Well, I'm getting frustrated with a lot of things. Myself seems to go to the top of the list a lot. I frustrate myself a lot, which is pretty silly since other people seem equally capable of frustrating me. Take work, for instance. I've been employed for about a month and I've "worked" five whole hours. I haven't finished training, I don't have a set schedule or even a hint of a schedule at this point. It's getting to be Christmas shopping season, so I seriously hope they step it up before I get really frustrated and leave for another job. If by November, I'm still not getting any hours, I'm gone. Despite this being my first job, I know that this isn't how it's supposed to go.

I'm also frustrated with my cold. I ended up getting sick when the weather changed, and I'm saddled with bronchitis right now. The meds the doctor gave me don't seem to be working, but I'll see. Hopefully by Monday, this horrible cough is gone. I hate interrupting class with a horrible, probably gross-sounding cough. -_-

So, no super-happy funtime over here. Sigh. At least the zealots and salespeople have left me alone.


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Friday, September 22, 2006

When the toast pops out you scream "Hallelujah!"
eheh Bread into toast, it's a miracle! *is shot repeatedly for sacrelige*

Speaking of relgion, I really need a shirt saying "No proselytizing. All attempts will fail." So, I was leaving my horrible Trig test yesterday and walking to the parking lot when I see this guy handing out papers. 'Okay, probably something for an upcoming event,' I thought. I kept walking. Normally, I go more or less unnoticed in crowds. Unfortunately, my mad ninja skills fail me when it comes to salesmen and religious zealots. This guy stops me and says, "Have you received your million dollar bill yet?" I know for a fact that there is no million dollar bill. I just look at him and say, "What are you advertising?" Then he starts going on about the Gospel. I was way too polite just to walk away, so I nodded and smiled and plotted escape. I endured this for at least five minutes before I managed to get away. It was both midly amusing (I was struggling not to laugh) and kind of irritating.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm down with basically all religion. If someone's managed to find something that makes him feel fulfilled and happy, then that's stupendous. However, I'm tired of people trying to shove their beliefs down my throat. It's a reciprocal relationship with me: I'll respect your faith as a possible truth so long as you respect my desire to believe what I do and to find out the truth for myself.

I wonder if I'll regret making a post about religion. Perhaps.

Anyway, I have job training later today. I'm not particularly looking forward to it, especially since I have a cold. But, afterwards, I'm hitting the mall with my mom, which will be lots of fun. I'd better get fed sometime between training and mall-hopping, though. ~_^

Nothing super awesome on the anime front. I've still yet to order the FMA movie, which I meant to do months ago. Sigh. I haven't had the opportunity to see much anime. And, can you believe it, I go to the only college ever not to have an anime club. Hopefully, that'll be fixed next semester. It could be a hit, seriously. =D

As for the theme, well, I'm stuck on colours. I don't want red for some reason...hmmm... Maybe I should find my inspiration image first.

Have a splendid weekend, my ducks!


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