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Saturday, June 5, 2004

I'm Back!!
Well, I'm finally back!! ~dances around~

But, I'm still mad that I missed my HP premiere... GRR. I hope to go and see it with my friends sometime soon.

Anyway, my trip was okay, but, yeah .... I saw this one guy on the highway - I swear, he looked like Ian Malcom from Jurasic Park. It was really weird. And then, I watched this one movie called 'Cool Runnings' and one of the actors names was Malik. That was just weird.

But, when we went to Missouri, we stayed at this church, and their youth lounge had computers with internet access and AIM, and they had a widescreen HDTV. They also had a air-hockey table and a ping-pong table. It was crazy. That made Misery not so miserable.

Well, now that I'm back, I'll be changing the blondies. Dunno who they're gonna be, but be on the look-out for three new blondies!!

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Friday, May 28, 2004

Hope you like it ....
Yeah, I worked really hard to get the colors right. Took me forever, man. But, anyway, the blondie design is obviously now in session. Woohoo!! I think I'm going to keep it like this for a while. And I'll keep changing the featured blondies so you (and I) don't get bored out of your minds with the same three faces. I don't really know who will be featured next ... if you have suggestions, leave a comment, or sign my guestbook (that's what it's there for)! Seeya later!


Oh, yeah, I won't be here for the next eight days cuz I have to go on Choir Tour (the one I was basically FORCED to go on) ... grr. I'm going to MISS MY HARRY POTTER PREMIERE!! ~throws Harry Potter book at choir director~ So, I'm just letting you know NOW. ^_^ See ya June 5th!! (Random fact: June 4th is Yugi Motou's b-day!! Yup, his b-day is on the HP premiere!!)

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Thursday, May 27, 2004

New Design
You know, I've been thinking ... this thing needs a new design. I'm getting kind of tired of just focusing on ONE character. (And, as much as I love Kurama, and as much as I love red, I'm really in the mood for a change.) So, I'm going to be revamping this place in dedication to - can you guess?? - BLONDIES!! It's going to be awesome, just you wait.
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Monday, May 24, 2004

I feel like ranting. So, here I go.


My parents no NOTHING about me. And if they KNEW all the things I do and say and look at, they'd probably be very, VERY ashamed and confused at why I would do these things. The extent of their knowledge is that I am obsessed with Harry Potter and Anime/Manga. If they knew that I am REALLY obsessed with shounen-ai, they'd be in major shock and I would probably be dead and banned from the computer and anime for the rest of my life. I mean, how long can I keep hiding the fact that I like two anime dudes making out/having sexual interactions? It would be kind of hard to explain. And, thus, they know nothing, and they will know nothing. This is why I hate my parents. I have NO relationships with them (neither of them like anime, and they're both good Christians - I'm NOT a good Christian), and probably never will. This is why I really like all of my FRIENDS' parents.

Now, on to the next subject.

No one loves me. Okay, yes, my parents do, and my friends do, too, but that is only in a family or friendly way. No one TRULY loves me - in that TRUE LOVE kind of way. You know, boyfriend/girlfriend kind of love. Why is this? I'm not that hard to love, am I? What is it about me that makes me so unloved? Or is it that someone loves me, they just don't want to tell me, or are too shy to tell me? If they ARE too shy, then why don't they speak up? I would really like to know if someone loves me. That would make me feel so much better. I mean, really, the only thing I want in life is to be loved, and to be understood, and to be accepted for who I am and what I do. Is it really that hard to fufill?

Now, on the other hand, I love someone, but I AM too shy to tell them. Well, actually, I've told them I like them, but I've never actually told them that I love them. In this case, do they feel like me? Do they want to know like me? Would their life be better if they knew? It's hard to say, because, frankly, I don't know. I don't know if I ever WILL know.

And, if I told this person that I loved them, what would they say? Would they be flattered, traumatized, confused? Would that hurt the friendship I already have with them? And would they love me back? That is the biggest question lingering. Would they love me back?


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Friday, May 21, 2004

Band Banquet
Yay. I went to our school's Band Banquet today. 'Twas fun ... I guess. One of my guy friends (Jabez) was almost hugged by my other friend (Rachel), but he said, "No, don't touch me, my parents are here." Hahaha. That is very amusing. So, then, when Jabez walked out to put something in his car with his dad, I followed him, along with Morgan, Rachel, Kristine, and Sabrina. We walked really close behind him, just to make him feel uncomfortable. ~lol~

Then, on the way back, Morgan and I walked really close next to him. He gave us this funny look a fourth of the way down the hall, and then he started running, so we had to chase after him. We looked like rabid fangirls.

But, unfortunately, he ran into the Boys' bathroom ... curse the bathroom!

Anyway, after Jabez made his escape into the bathroom, our assistant band director (Mr. Prothro) came out and told us to go back into the cafeteria. Jabez came back like a minute later.

At that time, we had been talking about how we were his rabid fanclub, so we squeeled, "We love you Jabez!" as he sat down. God, it was hilarious. Mr. Prothro had to come and tell us that if we didn't behave, we'd be thrown out of the cafeteria. ~sigh~

Well, that was the only interesting thing about the Band Banquet. All the rest of it was us being awarded for being in band. Big whoop.

(Oh, yeah! I get to go to Six Flags tomorrow with the band, choir, and orchestra!! Yay!! I'll tell you about it when I get back!)

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Thursday, May 20, 2004

I'm obsessed with these things ...

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Short and brightly coloured.
Clothes:You dress like a wanna-be magical girl.
Powers:Shape Shifting
Special Features:Random tattoo(s)
Sidekick:A wise-ass little demon.
Attitude:Psychotic and damn proud.
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

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Free Manga!!
Whee!! I got a free manga from one of my friends today!! And, it happened to be Gravitation VOL.2! YATTA!! Guess I need the first one now .... Oh well.

Anyway, she gave it to me because she thought it was disgusting. *shrugs* She's not into shounen-ai. Oh well.

Your Life: The Movie
by mintyduck
Who will play you:Natalie Portman
Who will play your love interest:Cate Blanchett
Weeks you will stay in the box office:9
Song that will play during your love scene:Space - Female of the Species
Song that will play during your death:REM - Try Not to Breathe
Your name:
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Your Love Situation
by Amberishjewel
Your Love Is...Gentle
During Lovemaking You Act...Like a river, very refreshing
Your Partner Is...Your support
Your Partner Has Said That You...Are a great lover
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote."You deserve a bed of roses"
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

What will your last words be?
by cum_on_bitch
Your LJ username
Your real name
Your sex
Your age
Your last words will be..."LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED"
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

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Monday, May 17, 2004

Birthday par-tah
Man, sleep deprivation for two days straight ... so ... tired ....

Anyway, after staying up until 3:00 AM at one friend's (Morgan) house, I went to another friend's (Erin) house for her birthday. That was fun. (But I missed all the good stuff coz I fell asleep at 1:00 AM.)

We watched the crappily dubbed Sailor Moon (for some reason it intrigues me ...) and I got to see Dragon Half and Ranma 1/2 for the FIRST TIME EVER!! (RanmaxRyouga forever!)

Then the rest of my friends did a LARP (Live Action Role Play) and I watched. Morgan was Squall - but this was DRUNKEN Squall. Yes, you heard me right. DRUNKEN SQUALL. It was so funny. But, I missed all the good drunken Squall parts because I fell asleep, dammit! They should have woken me up!! Grr ... (If we ever do this again, which I know we will, THEY NEED TO WAKE ME UP IF I FALL ASLEEP!! I was only paying attention because I wanted to see the SQUALL parts. Sheesh. I'd rather see my friend play a drunken Squall than sleep. Wouldn't you?)

Anyway, they gave 'drunken Squall' his (or her - Morgan is a girl) own theme song - to the tune of 'What do you do with a drunken sailor?':

What do you do with a drunken Squa-all?
What do you do with a drunken Squa-all?
What do you do with a drunken Squa-all, earl-eye in the morning?

YAY!! Now I refer to Morgan as Squall and we sing the happy theme song all the time. *sings the happy theme song and dances*


-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

I wish I could be like you...
You're a sidekick!

You're short. You've got mousy brown hair and glasses. Sometimes you get to be the comic relief or provide an infodump, but mostly your role is to be helpful and supportive to your tortured best friend. You're always going to come second in everything. Sure, this may seem like a bad deal, but at least you get to bask in your friend's reflected glory; and looking on the bright side, you're unlikely to be dead by the end of the series. Every hero needs a cheerleader for their final battle.

Which generic anime character are you?

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Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Favorites, Have-You-Evers, and Last Times Survey
Because I'm bored:

What is your favorite..
gum:big red (i guess ... O_o)
restaurant:um. fast food?
drink:coke (life blood!!)
season:i guess spring (i like them all, really)
type of weather:mild sunny, cool, breezy
thing to do on a half day:don't know ....
late-night activity:doing crap on the computer
sport:ugh, i hate sports ...
city:the hell?
store:waldenbooks or suncoast motion picture co.
When was the last time you..
played a sport:uhh .. couple of weeks ago
hugged someone:yesterday
kissed someone:long time ago ...
felt depressed:the day we had to use our notecards and i only had two
felt elated:don't know
felt overworked:a while ago
faked sick:not anytime soon
lied:probably today ...
What was the last..
word you said:today
thing you ate:chicken fingers
song you listened to:gessekai (from nightwalker)
thing you drank:mountain dew
place you went to:applebee's
movie you saw:the alamo
movie you rented:nightwalker: midnight detective
concert you attended:never been to one
Who was the last person you..
hugged:rachel s.
cried over:myself
kissed:mentally: someone i can't say; physically: no one
danced with:no one
shared a secret with:morgan r.
had a sleepover with:my girl scout troop
called:i don't remember
went to a movie with:my parents
were angry with:kelsey s.
couldn't take your eyes off of:someone i can't say
obsessed over:shuuichi kurama
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:no
kissed someone:yes
done drugs:hell no!
drank alcohol:hell no!
slept around:HELL NO!
partied 'til the sun came up:hell ya!
had a movie marathon:hell ya
gone too far on a dare:hell no
spun until you were immensely dizzy:tch, yeah
taken a survey quite like this before:no, sadly

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!

Tell me about yourself
What's your name?:should i know this?
How old are you?:this one's a toughy ...
Where are you from?:a place
When is your birthday?:some day
What color hair?:brown
What color eyes?:blue
What is you favorite
Drink?:coke (life blood!)
Song?:blue (eiffel 65); anime: gessekai (from nightwalker)
Movie?:don't know
TV show?:any GOOD anime
Book?:don't know
Sport?:i hate sports
This or that
Night or day?:night
Black or white?:black
Chocolate or vanilla?:chocolate
Pepsi or Coke?:coke!!
TV or computer?:can't ... decide!!
Movies or DVD's?:dvds (special features!)
Rock or rap?:rock
Pop or punk?:punk
Old or young?:dunno
Tall or short?:i am neutral!
Big or small?:neutral!!
Have you ever tried to lick you elbow?:yes
When was the last time you cried?:04-16-2004
Do you sing in the shower?:yes
Can you drive (legally)?:no
Do clowns scare you?:sometimes
Do you enjoy jello?:sometimes
What is the one thing that annoys you most?:the thing that annoys me the most
Do you laugh a lot?:yes
Do you consider yourself a funny person?:sometimes
Who is a sexy mofo?:WTF? O_o
Does MTV suck?:yes
Does Avril Lavigne suck?:ehh .. i'm neutral
Do I suck?:yes
Do you suck?:no
Have you ever chased a duck around in circles?:no, but it would be fun
Are you tired of this?:maybe
What time is it?:10:54 pm
What day is it?:wednesday
Do you love me?:no

About You brought to you by BZOINK!

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Well, this is random, but one of my non-anime-obsessed friends read my anime (Gundam Wing) fic today ... and thought it was funny! ^_^ I'm so happy that even a non-anime-obsessed person thought my fic was funny! ^_^ Yay!!

And, now, she wants to help me write an R rated fic ... she's crazy, I tell ya.

((It's not like I'm addicted to reviews, but, PLEASE REVIEW MY FIC IF YOU READ IT! Here's a link: Love Hurts - My Gundam Wing fanfic Please read it!))

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