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myOtaku.com: Koneako

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

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I hate school........

Day at camp:
Act 1.
Characters: Lisa, Rachel (me)
Alright, so Lisa knows some stuff about our favorite thing; anime.She's very familiar with Ouran High School Host Club. We're walking up this REALLY steep hill to get to the main hall, which is where they fed us. ((**This was Young Womens camp, I'm not gonna explain what that is, but if your religion is LDS like myself, you should know.**))
Lisa: "You know, I think I should start adressing you as "senpai" Rachel,
Rachel: "Huh? Why"
Lisa: "Anime wise, you know so much more than me"
Rachel: *stands proud with hands on hips pose on purpose half way up hill, like so, except more of "hand on hip and pointing a finger at":*
"You may now adress me as; ..."Tamki Senpai"
Lisa: *totaly awe struck* Why..Tamaki?"
Rachel: *shrugs* Because I miss my internet...I wasnt my Kenni...I want my site and a glomp and a PM and a comment and a song and some anime and a manga and TT^TT Whhhhaaaahhh I want my Kenni! TT^TT
*She recorded that on my Mp3 player, I actually said every word of that very fast XD*
Lisa: And I quote from Tamaki, "Not senpai just someone you know...."
***This happened when Tamaki was telling Haruhi to call him Dad and not senpai, but she refused to call him dad, so she came up with something besides senpai, "just someone I know"***
Rachel: I bursted out laughing, and we finaly made it up the hill to stuff our faces. X3


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