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The protective knight
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I lived through something doctors keep teling should have killed me.
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Seventh Grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Trinity Blood, Orphen, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Trigun, One Piece, s-CRY-ed, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Escaflowne, Naruto, Soul Taker, Betterman, Hellsing, Project Arms, Full Metal Panic & Gungrave
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It's an odd hobby, but my hobby is protecting those I love.
I have a few, but I don't feel like listing them at this time
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Thursday, September 4, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hello my friends…well…what may be left of you that is. I know it’s been a pretty long time since I’ve last posted, but that is mainly due to two things. First I’ve started school again, and it seems I’ve got my work cut out for me because Misty has told me that I can not get anything lower than a B in all my classes…so yeah the pressure is on. And then secondly I haven’t been on the Otaku because well…I have Misty back and she is taking up…oh lets say about…99.99% of my time…when I’m at home that is. So yeah I haven’t really had the time to get onto the computer, nor is the internet here fast enough for me to actually want to try anything on here. So sorry if it seems as if I’ve forgotten all of you, but I truly haven’t…I just o longer have any time to spend here. I can’t say how often I’ll be able to stop by the Otaku, but be assure that I’ll try my hardest to stop by once and a while. Oh yeah, what do you guys think of my newest wallpaper? You know the one that you are looking at right now. Anyways I hope you all are having a great time, because I know for a fact that I’m having the time of my life with Misty. Anyways I’ll try to talk to you guys later, so please enjoy the
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well looks like I’ve got some explaining to do…well how to put this…I bought an Xbox 360…so I keep forgetting to post…I’m sorry. But I mean come on I got Soul Caliber IV!!! And man is it ever AWESOME!!! So yeah I made a new wallpaper just for my site, so yeah there it is…enjoy it like I have enjoyed the game. I also bought another game called "Lost Odyssey" and man is that game ever cool. I mean I've had it for three days now and have put over six hours into it, but I've only fought three boss! This game is going to take me fucking forever due to how many disc it has, which is FOUR! Now for the real sad news…on the 18th I’ll be starting getting ready for college…and I’ll have a little too much on my plate to even try to keep up with the Otaku, so this might end up being my last post for a while. But don’t take my word for it because sometimes I’ll have time on my hand so that I’ll be able to post. So keep an eye out for me, which means I might have another chapter up and ready for posting for you guys to read.
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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well looks like I’m finally back from my amazing vacation. And was it ever a great one…I mean me and Misty didn’t even go anywhere amazing for the majority of my trip. In fact we stayed pretty much in the town she lives in. We spent most of our time in the mall they have, hell one day we were in the mall for eight hours! I haven’t spent that much time in a mall in my either life! But it was enjoyable due to having Misty there with me. One of our trips to the mall she made me get a new pair of jeans…which ended up in me spending $80 something dollars in clothing…it’s not my fault once I get started I don’t know when to stop. Now the most exciting day of my trip would have to be Saturday July 26, my birthday. We went to a theme park called Busch Gardens, and yes it is owned by the company that makes beer. This is cool because they allow you to buy alcohol in the theme park, and I was able to buy my first beer there. Bud Light with Lime is actually a nice tasting beer, and I’ve tried beer before and I’ve never liked it. But yeah, I don’t feel much up to talking about my vacation because I miss it now…so I’m going to end my post here. So I hope to hear from you guys, and have a good day.
Q & A
This is the part of my post in which I try to answer all of the questions you guys have left for me. The first question is from Redmoonchick, and she asks “Edge's story is back up?” Yes my story is now back up and running…it may be moving at a MUCH slower rate than it was before, but that’s alright because at least it’s getting done now.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Actually I'm shocked...Edge wrote something so pretty?!” Hey…I take that at some kind of offensive level…not sure which one, but I’m pretty sure I’ll find one. I mean I can write pretty if I want, but I’ve always been more of a fan of writing brutal fight scenes than I am at writing love scenes…just not my style…then again I still haven’t found my style of writing yet. Anyways the second discussion is from Kita, and she says “You did a great job Edge TWO THUMBS UP for this one...” Well I’m glad to hear that I have your approval, now I just need to get you to edit it…and the other chapters that I have that haven’t been edited yet.
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well today is the day that I’ve chosen to let all of you, my friends read my latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight”, yes I know I used to do that on Fridays, but you know what I’m going to have it up all week so if anyone wants to read it it’ll be there for their enjoyment. Now don’t get me wrong when I finish the story, as in completely, I’m going to submit my story to one of those Otaku Worlds, which I’ve already made one for my story. So yeah maybe when the story is finished I’ll once again have a massive following to my story…ah…like the good old days when the Otaku was a place for rest and pleasure…now it’s all a MAJOR pain in the ass. Anyways before anyone makes the comment on my story, yes I know that I kind of sped through what a relationship should follow, but come on give me a break. Edge and Aeris have wanted this for hundreds of years now…so give me credit where credit is due. But just so all of you know, this chapter takes place through 30 years of Edge’s and Aeris’ lives…so just deal with it. Well other than that there isn’t much else I have to talk about. So I’ll talk to you guys later, and I hope you enjoy the newest chapter of “The Cursed Knight”.
Q & A
This is the part of my post in which I try to answer all of the questions you guys have left for me. The first question is from…well…no one…oh well…on to the Discussion area then!
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Gidra, and she says “Anyway, I’m happy U started with your new chapter. And I suppose I don't have to tell U how much....hahahaha looking forward to it.” That’s for sure…if anyone is looking forward to my newest chapter it is you…now you just need to get started on that one piece of art work that you said you’d get started on. Anyways the second discussion is also from Gidra, and she says “And you have fun while Misty is away. Like that time will fly by!” Oh please…without Misty I’m not having any fun…I’m so bored these days that I just find something to do while waiting for Misty to give me a call. Besides in my mind time is going by slow, no matter how much fun I have…until Misty is back in my arms time will be moving slowly. The third discussion is also from Gidra, and she says “You have some new music here. It's good. I'm listening to it, and really enjoying it by the way.” Well I’m glad you are enjoying Kamelot, because they just happen to be one of my favorite bands at this moment. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Grave, and he says “Dude, if your story ever becomes a novel, I'll definitely buy a copy of it. You have a great writing style, and the story is interesting, as well as exciting enough for me to enjoy it.” Well I’m glad to hear that. It is always a good day in my mind when someone enjoys something that I took time into making…and my story has a LOT of my time invested into it. Hell coming up with this version has taken almost a year and a half out of my life…and if I make it into a novel then I can see another year of my life going into the final version.
The Cursed Knight
Chapter Twenty-Five
“A Truth Revealed”
While I was standing over the small creek I peered deeply into the flowing water wondering what was wrong with me. How could I a man who has been at war with the old Elemental Lords for well over 900 hundred years and now all of a sudden I start to realize that I might actually have feelings towards the last of them. As that question and many more poured into my head I kneeled down towards the water as I dipped my hands into the cool water to splash over my face to clear my mind of everything. “This is not the time for such thoughts to surface in my head. I need to keep my mind clear and ready for anything that might happen.” I said to myself as I splashed more water upon my face. “For all I know Aroth could attack me at any second, because for some odd reason he always seems to know where I’m at.” I said a little too loud. “Actually Edge Aroth does not know where you are, because honestly I always knew where you were, not him.” Aeris said to me as she crept up behind me. “You? And how do you always know where I am?” I questioned her as she sat down beside me. “Well if you remembered that first time we met. After all I did give you something after all.” When she said that I all of a sudden I reached down my shirt to reveal a small blue crystal dangling from a black cord. “That’s right Edge that crystal was how I was able to find you at a moments notice. Aroth never knew where you were, I did.” It was then I realized that she never showed up by chance, but in fact she always showed up just in time. “Wait, I thought you worked for Aroth and was doing his biddings?” I questioned Aeris. “Well I was at first, but when I met you I felt some sort of presence within you, and it caught my interest. It was at that time I knew I couldn’t let you get killed until I figure out what I wanted to know.” She said to me looking into my eyes. “And have you found out what you wanted to know after all these centuries?” I questioned her. “Well that is for me to know and for you to try and figure out.” She said mockingly as she walked off.
“Oh and Edge, please do not stare too hard I would hate for you to burn a hole in my ass.” Aeris said with laughter in her voice. It was at that moment I knew I could never kill her. To think I have fallen in love with the last of my enemies of the old days. But I could not be angry with myself; it felt right to love her as if it were meant to happen. As I came to that conclusion I stood up and walked over to where Aeris was standing. “I have something to tell you Aeris.” I said to as I grabbed her shoulder. “Oh and what do you have to tell me?” she questioned with a smirk on her face. It was when she was facing me I placed my hand behind her head and brought her closer to my face. “I wanted to tell you that I can no longer have hatred for you.” It was at that moment that I kissed her soft lips. It was at first expecting her to pull away and ask what the hell was wrong with me, but she never did in fact she kissed me back with more passion than I could have ever thought possible. After what seemed like hours Aeris could not help but ask me “What in God’s green earth caused you to do such a thing as that?” She asked with a smile on her beautiful face. “I guess it was all these centuries of trying to figure you out. I think I can blame Raikou mainly for this, due to his attack on us and Solum’s request for me to watch over you.” I remarked. “Well Edge I do not care what has brought you to this, because I have wanted this to happen for centuries.” Aeris said to me as she began to remove her clothing. I could not say anything because I was just in awe over her luscious nude body that just seemed to glow. “So what are you waiting for Edge? I’m presenting myself to you.” She said to me with lust in her voice. It was at that time I took her into my arms and laid her upon the ground. I then started to remove my armor and clothing to reveal my scar covered body, as my last piece of clothing hit the ground I found myself laying over Aeris .
Later that night as Aeris and I lay on the ground covered by a small cloth she asked me a question I never expected to hear from her. “Edge, I was wondering. Would you be willing to take a break from hunting Aroth down to live a peaceful life with me? I’m not asking you to give up on trying to kill him, but at least since he has gone in to hiding I was wondering if we could start a life together.” Aeris asked me as she rested her head upon my chest. “You mean you want to marry me and start a family? Is that even possible?” I asked her with confusion in my voice. “Well I was hoping we would be able to, and then again I do not know how our fates as immortals would play on us being able to have a family. But I believe it is something worst trying out, don’t you?” She asked me a very soft spoken voice. As I lay there with her resting head on my chest I thought about a life with Aeris and possible a child. After what seemed like hours I answered Aeris with a smile upon my face. “You know Aeris I would love to marry you and start a family. Besides who knows how long Aroth will be in hiding, for all we know he will stay in hiding for decades maybe even a few centuries.” When I said that Aeris raised her head off of my shoulder and looked me in the eyes before giving a long kiss. “I’m glad to hear that. But where will we start our new lives together? Because I have nothing to get a home with.” She said to me. “Do not worry about that Aeris, because over my centuries alive I have collected treasures that will most likely get our lives together started.
Sure enough the treasures I collected over the years did provide us with a wealth that Europe had not seen for years. With that money I was able to buy a large estate with a nice castle on it. It was on that estate that I and Aeris were married on. Our wedding took place on a beautiful May afternoon. I will admit not many people where there, mainly due to our habit of not getting close to people, and the simple fact that we were immortals and it would seem odd if knew we never aged. But none the less it was still a very beautiful wedding that will always have it place in my heart and mind. It was not that many years afterwards that Aeris became pregnant with a child. Who would have thought that twenty-five years after our initial desire to be together, and to have a child that all of it would take place. My joy grew even more when Aeris gave birth to a health boy, which we named Talus, with his birth I knew that there was nothing that could make me more proud; until three years later when Aeris came to me with news of her being pregnant once again. With that birth Aeris gave me a beautiful and health girl, who Aeris asked to name. I could not resist the woman that I loved dearly, so I was happy to let her name our daughter. It was then that Aeris spoke a name that I considered to be the most beautiful name for our daughter, Alexandra. With the birth of my second child I almost forgot completely about my mission to hunt down and kill Aroth; that was until that one ill fated day that came one year later.
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now I have good news for some of you, and for the rest of you…ah…you probably could careless. Anyways I’ve FINALLY got started on my newest chapter of “The Cursed Knight”! Yes you heard me right Edge (the character) has made a come back in my mind…finally I have something to keep me busy until my Misty comes back from D.C. And I’ll tell you guys something this next chapter will throw some of you a curve ball…while I think a few of you saw it coming…but hey it still works out if you ask me. Because this has got to be the hardest chapter for me to write, mainly due to the fact…well…I’ve sorta lived this chapter…now don’t get me wrong not everything I’m putting in this chapter as happened in real life ( I wish -_-) but it as it’s worth in the chapter at least. Also I’ve had to sorta censor myself, because…well…I didn’t want to put anything too graphic in my story…yet. Because right now it is just a story on a web site, now if I ever get around to fixing in up to be a real novel then I’ll put what really goes on in it. Yeah…let’s not talk about that right now…Oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you guys I got a new phone! It’s really cool and is called “The Gleam”…it’s really shiny…and completely hard to fucking figure out…man Verizon is hard to understand…I’m starting to feel I should have stuck with T-mobile…but then again me and Misty wouldn’t be able to talk all day when she gets bored. So I suppose it’s alright…I’ll just need awhile to finally figure it out. Anyways I believe that’s all I have to talk about in today’s post, so I do hope all of you enjoy the rest of the post, and I hope you have a great day.
Q & A
This is the part of my post in which I try to answer all of the questions you guys have left for me. The first question is from Yensid, and she asks “How's work going, still doing inventory?” Yeah I’m still doing inventory for the same company…but hey I got a pay raise so now instead of working for $7.50 an hour, I’m now working for $8.06 an hour. Which is just fine by me since I didn’t have to take any test to get that raise. I got it the old fashion way by working hard for it. Anyways her second question asks “what is the song/band you are playing?” Well as you found out already, the band is called Kamelot; I must say they are right now one of my favorite bands. Now the first song on my playlist is called Karma, but hey if you have any questions as to what album the songs are on then just ask me because I know which album that each song is on. Anyways the third question is from Kita, and she asks “Did I ever send you that last chapter I edited?” Nope you never did send me that edited chapter…heck I don’t even remember what chapter you were last on when it came to editing them. Hold on let me check…you last edited chapter 21, and I’m already now working on chapter 25…wow you are behind me now aren’t you. XD…kidding, I’m just kidding.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Kita, and she says “I think she will like that, that is very sweet of you to make that for her and will you PLEASE stop cutting yourself down you are a great guy... If you were not she would not be with you... DORK.” I know she’ll love it because it has always been something she’s wanted me to make for her…I just never got the right type of board to crave into. But I finally found the perfect one, and now I’m finished with it. And I know you’re right about Misty…if I weren’t a “great” guy she wouldn’t still be with me…so I suppose you are right Kita…but this will be one of the last times I agree with you!!! -_- Anyways the second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “That's great about the 6 months, wow it has been a long time!” Yeah it has been a long time…and God willing it will last a WHOLE lot longer. Anyways the third discussion is also from Yensid, and she says “Latin? O.O I'm impressed...” Well you don’t have to be impressed…because I don’t have any idea how I’ll do in it…the main reason I was going to take it was because it looks good for a History major to have Latin, but I’ve come to a fork in the road…I’m now thinking I should go for a business degree instead of a History one…but hey I’m just looking into it for now. Maybe I’ll tell you guys later why I want to get a business degree. Anyways the fourth discussion is from Xaos, and he says “You said you were sticking to myO, but I was asking if you were going to post your story on theO to get it published.” Oh…you meant get published as in letting the Otaku publish it like Kita is doing…well…from what Kita and I talked about last night I just might do it that way. But once I finish the story completely and have re-edited it to be exactly what I want it to be then I’ll try and see if getting it published for real…you know a real book.
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well now look at me posting two days in a row, now isn’t that a miracle? Anyways not much has happened since yesterday…even though I have now set up a new IM address so that I could once again start talking with my friends on the Otaku, so hey if you want to talk with me then I’ll provide my the address in which you can contact me on at the bottom of this post. Anyways other than that the only other thing I did yesterday was work on my 6th month anniversary gift for Misty, which will be on the 18th of July. Now I don’t mind telling you guys what I made but other than that I can’t tell you much because you never know if Misty is sneaking in here to read these post or not. Anyways I’m making her a wood craving, for some weird reason she loved the first one I made back in high school, so as a gift I thought I’d make one for such an eventful thing as our 6th month of going out. Hell in my eyes that is cause for celebration…a woman that can put up with me for that long has got to get something sentimental out of it…right? Anyways…umm…yeah I’ve started on submitting my new Squad wallpapers, so if you want to check them out then please go ahead, I sure as hell won’t stop you. And today marks a new mark in my post again; today we see the return of my Q & A section! Well other than that I’ve got nothing else to talk about, so I’ll talk to you guys later.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Kita, and she says “I saw your last wallie posted very nice. I was shocked to see you are finishing them.” Wait…you saw it and didn’t comment?!?! I am out raged you would do such a horrible thing…oh well it is just a wallpaper. XP Anyways the second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “Make sure you have a soft place to fall my friend, the hangover will be tremendous.” I don’t have to worry about that…I’ll be at Misty’s parents house and I HIGHLY doubt they’ll let me drink…and honestly I’d rather not because I would hate for them to get a bad idea about me. The third discussion is also from Yensid, and she says “DH's 40th is the 18th of July.” Well now…I have two things to say about that…one man he is getting old…and second the 18th of July is mine and Misty’s 6th month anniversary, so yeah two joyous things are happening on that day.
Q & A
This is the part of my post in which I try to answer all of the questions you guys have left for me. The first question is from Yensid, and she asks “Did you pass all your classes last semester and what are you taking in the Fall?” Yes I did pass all my classes last semester, in fact I made all good grades…well except for in my speech class…I got a D in that one, but oh well I still passed it. And as for my next semester of classes I plan on taking; Elementary Latin, Latin American History, Natural Disasters, and some business class…which I can’t seem to remember at this moment. Anyways the second question is from Xaos, and he asks “So are you planning on publishing it as a fan word on theO as well? Or you just want to write it, sort of just for personal joy?” Wait…what in the hell is a “fan word”? Because I was originally going to post it so that you guys could read it, and for the joy of FINALLY getting it done. Anyways the third question is from Kita, and she asks “Did I see in your post you are going to start posting your story again?” I don’t know…how much of my post did you really read, huh??? Nah, I’m joking with you Kita…well I did say that I might start writing it again…but I just can’t seem to figure out how to get this chapter I’m on right now to work out…and it’s been a VERY long time now…but we’ll see what I can do. And another by Kita asks “Woman JUST Love You??? OMG I think we have created a Monster here girls...” Well I’ll tell you what you women have done, you have created a monster, because everyone knows Edge just loves women…and it would seem the same goes for women, they just love Edge.
Edge’s IM Address
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Monday, June 30, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well I know I said I didn’t know when I would be posting again, but hey as long as I have nothing better to do I might as well start posting again right? Of course I’m right; I’m Edge for goodness sake. Anyways yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. I started on Squad wallpapers for bleach like five months ago, but never finished. In fact I only made four, but yesterday I decided that it was time to finally finish them. So now I have completed all 13 squads, which included captains and their lieutenants all on the same wallpaper. Of course I didn’t just use them in normal images; I had to do them in card mode. I would have to say they look good…but of course I would have to say that…because it just wouldn’t sound right if the artist didn’t even like his creations. Oh and good news, since more than one person commented the last time I posted that means I still have a discussion area in my post! Now all I have to do is start writing my story again and I’ll be able to include that into my post as well. Now don’t get me wrong my post still isn’t what it used to be, but that is only because no one asked any questions, which means the Q & A section was left out of this post. Anyways nothing else has happened…but now it’s only down to 21 days until I see Misty again, and only 25 days until my 21st birthday. Oh and it now confirmed that we’ll be going to Bush Gardens for my birthday, which shall be awesome…from what Misty keeps telling me since I’ve never been there before. So yeah that’s it for my post…anyways I hope to talk to you guys later on.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Kita, and she says “Getting more excited about seeing Misty then your birthday I see heehee. Cannot say I blame you there you two have been doing so good together.” Well of course I’m more excited to see Misty than I am about my birthday. Hell birthdays come and go, Misty is always a pleasure to have…while a birthday can either be good or bad Misty is always good. And yes we have been doing very good together, I feel like our relationship is growing more and more even day, which is always a good thing. The second discussion is from Yensid, and she says “I guess I better wish you Happy Birthday now, don't know when you will be back...” well I do suppose I asked for that since I did say I didn’t know when I’d post again, but hey I’ll be posting every now and then…but when the 22nd of July comes around I won’t be posting at ALL. Anyways the third discussion is from Sesslover, and she says “I guess I better wish you Happy Birthday now, don't know when you will be back...” Geez…I didn’t know you knew how to cuss. And more surprisingly is that YOU of all people missed ME…now that was a shocker, but hey I can’t blame you I am Edge after all, women just love me.
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well my friends it would seem I have once again come back from an extended leave…ok I will admit it did seem as if Edge would have never showed up again. Now I can’t say I’ll be here all the time like the good old days, but I will say what I’ve always said “There will always be an Edge on the Otaku” whether it is called theOtaku or myOtaku. Anyways I will also admit that I have to shorten my post down BIG time due to the fact that I barely have any comments, so that most likely means there won’t be a Q & A section, nor will there be a Discussion area. Even though both were big successes here on my site, but hey times have changed and so has the Otaku…can’t say it was for the better, but hey it’s all good…I guess. Anyways I thought I’d give you guys an up date on how mine and Misty’s relationship is coming along. Well for one we are both very happy with each other, and enjoy each others company. The 18th of this month was actually our fifth month going out, so that’s a good thing in my mind. And I honestly seeing our relationship going on and on, in other words…looks like the Edge everyone has come to know and love will have to hang up his title as the “Pervy Sage”…it’s odd how I was the last of the Pervs to survive…Lordsesshomaru has left, Grifter has left…which only left Edge, but now with Misty have no need to be pervy, so I’ll hang up my title…after she comes back down here from here summer up in Virginia. Which reminds me, it is now 25 days until I go up to D.C. to see Misty! Yeah for me!!! And during that week it’ll be my 21st birthday, and even my third year of being a member on the Otaku…even though that account was deleted awhile ago. Man I could have been an Otaku Legend by now…oh well. Anyways I believe I have talked for WAY too long, so I hope to hear from all of you that still are here, and I’ll try my hardest to do the same.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well my friends it would seem I have once again come back from an extended weekend…sorry about that. But hey for once Edge had himself a great Valentines Day. Let’s see…where to start on that day? Well I suppose I’ll start with the roses I gave Misty. Well I gave Misty three white roses due to her not wanting any red ones, which was fine by me…the white ones were easier to get anyways. But don’t tell her that, anyways I gave her the roses while I was wearing some nice cloths that I happen to own, which added to the moment she says. And then without my knowing someone took some photos of us…ok maybe I saw they during the second picture…but I hate getting my picture taken, but Misty wouldn’t let me have the camera to get rid of the pictures…so I suppose I’ll show they to all of you. Anyways the roses where only part one of Edge’s three part Valentines Day surprise. The second part was me taking Misty out to eat at Olive Garden…yeah I know…very original…but hey it worked out great. And then my third part of my plan was to give Misty a small gift, all it was a nice simple shirt that she wanted for awhile. But the weird thing for me was that Misty actually got me something Valentines Day…and NO girl has ever done that for me before. She got me this nice dress shirt and some pants as well to go with it. Oddly enough at the end of the day me and Misty broke about even when it came out to who spent the most, but what she doesn’t know is that I won in the end because I spent a little more than her. I know I have a few other days to talk about…but oddly enough nothing much happened…so I’m just going to be a lazy bum and completely leave them out of my post. So that’s all I have for today…so I hope to talk to you guys later today. And please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Lordsesshomaru, and he asks “What do you feel is the greatest rivalry in anime history?” hmm…now that is a hard one to answer…I would say just for the sake of old animes out there that the greatest anime rivalry would have to be Goku and Vegeta. Now that is a battle that was and still is one of the longest lasting ever.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “It's good to hear from you again, Edge. I was getting worried about you, believing that your perverted actions got you arrested. If that ever happens, let me know. I know a good attorney... not that I've ever needed to get out of jail for anything like that...” Nah…Edge wouldn’t get arrested for being perverted…Misty would kill me before hand…but there in lies what might happen to Edge…if you don’t hear from me in over a week that means I did something to piss Misty off, and she killed me.
Random Cursed Knight Facts
Well this used to be the part of my post that was me asking all of you questions…but honestly I got tired of asking questions…that and I couldn’t think of anymore. So here is a new thing, Random Cursed Knight Facts. Yes I am now going to give all of you a random fact about my story, characters, settings, and even reasons as to why certain things happen.
Random Fact
1.) I killed off the character Rire in the fashion that I did so that his overly popular character could stay with the story longer.
Valentines Day Pictures

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Picture of the Day
Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well my friends it is good to get back onto m y computer in which I use to update all of you on the life of Edge. First off I’d like to apologize for no being around like I use to be…I suppose you can say that life has started to kick in for me, which means I’m not really on my computer long enough to type up a post, or even to drop by to comment on all of your posts. Which does make me feel bad, because some of you actually still take time to read my post…I really am trying to get to everyone’s sites but some days it truly is a hard thing to do. Anyways…onto the real post, as some of you have noticed…and since I know a lot of you actually turn off the music I have on here, I thought I’d point out that I have a new group playing music in my background. The group is called Kamelot, and I have recently found out about them, and I must say I love there music. A friend told me they were like Masterplan, so I took his word on that, and sure enough they are kind of like them. I am still a Masterplan fan, but Kamelot is a close second now. Also Saturday (the 9th) me and Misty went to a friends birthday party and we choose to get her a small cake…which was in the shape of a small puppy. And as we bought it we were coming up with plans on how to make it funny…I’ll try to show the pictures as soon as I possibly can. Depending on how long it takes Misty to finally get those pictures off her camera. Anyways I really don’t have anything else to talk about today, so I’ll talk to you guys later. So please do enjoy the rest of the post.
Q & A
Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Caprice, and she asks “She sprained her ankle and was told to stay off of it, yet she went shopping with you?” Yeah…but she was walking around on her crutches, so it was ok for her to walk around.
Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Forgotten-Heart, and she says “All in all, I don't think there's anyone who can say that they're not happy for you two.” Well now…I find that one to be hard to believe. Hell I’m pretty sure I can find a lot of guys that are not happy that the two of us are together…and that is no lie at all.
Random Cursed Knight Facts
Well this used to be the part of my post that was me asking all of you questions…but honestly I got tired of asking questions…that and I couldn’t think of anymore. So here is a new thing, Random Cursed Knight Facts. Yes I am now going to give all of you a random fact about my story, characters, settings, and even reasons as to why certain things happen.
Random Fact
1.) Most of the characters in this version of “The Cursed Knight” are actually people I know; either in real life, or even on the Otaku.
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