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myOtaku.com: desertphoenix

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

stararnold (11/30/07)

just thought of dropping by.

Hiko (06/13/07)

Hey I like your site ^^

To me personally the colors are really nice ^^ like not too flashy lol

So lol I was just kind of stopping by and saying hey ….but I didn’t lol weird how that happens ….well it happens to me a lot …..I also forget a lot lol but that doesn’t bother me as much as getting off task ….-_- ….which I am doing right now …grrr lol well I shall talk to you later ^^

Shishou (06/11/07)


Thank you so very much for signing my guest-book and also for putting the link to my HTML tutorial site up on your profile! So uber awesome of you! Most people don't do that so it is nice to find someone like you! I am glad it helped you. =]

Well I best be off. Maybe I'll be seeing you around!

Take care,

My Deadly Wound (03/18/07)


Death.Scout.Chick (03/01/07)

kool site. i like it. uuuummm... yeah. ill see ya around.

XxPoohBearxX (02/02/07)

nice site, i likes it!! well i added ya, and i hope you and i will be budds,adds me!!^^HOLLA!!!

5 poppin' 6 droppin'

mrs ginji amano (01/14/07)

Thanks for visiting^_^ My friend is helping me out with my sit cause I'm still new here

kakeru500 (01/13/07)

Hi there cool site^_^ just visiting random sites here. Visit my site when you get the time also visit my friend's site her username is mrs ginji amano. Well see yah later

noirassasin (01/03/07)

HAHAHA! ur avatar is funny in a way cuz u can interpret what hes saying Nice site by the way

oturan ikamuzu (12/01/05)

Anosa, anosaaaaaaa!! i'm the 1 to sign..yeah!! anyways, i really like your picture..keep up the aweosme work and come see mine..I'll add ya on with my friends too..well, talk to you laterZ!:B
Cool site by the way!^_-