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Tuesday, August 26, 2003

My grandparent's 43rd anniversary was today. They went to the Tower of the Americas resturant.

Summary of what the Tower of the Americas is.

The resturaunt is in the black-windowed area, and rotates consistantly while you dine to show you all it can.

Heh. My mother got a job at a steakhouse in the plaza area nearby the tower, where the other part of the World's Fair was. It was a mexican place. She called my parents all happy about it one evening and invited us there.

It was just strange. Alien. I dont really love my mother, but I dont hate her. Its like seeing someone you dont know walking past you- theres no sense of care there. You are preoccupied with the task/goal/situation at hand.

Heh. The last time I saw my mother was when my parents decided to go to the Little Red Barn steakhouse. I glanced over at the cashier after I sat down, and I saw my mother there.

Haha. We exchanged the same mischeifivous smile. Its like we knew what we were doing.. I didnt say a word to my grandparents, and just waited for her to come over.

Heh. We smiled. Thats the one thing that stands out in my mind. It was the only time we exchanged smiles that I can remember.

Also, those feminist Secret deoderant commercials are childishly amuseing. Like a kid screaming "no, no, no" repeatidly in a temper tantrum that embarasses its parents because of how idiotic it is.


What else do I hate today. I hate arrogant anti-racists who are below the racists that try so vainly to stop.

I hate people who are against war as a whole- since, obviously, this nation that allows them to speak freely about it was born in complete peace.

Aside from that.

I was thinking of writeing poetry again, hm.

Oh well. *Stops venting*

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Monday, August 25, 2003

The sky looks painted on today.
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Saturday, August 23, 2003

Hmm. I thank James for his comment, and I added a reply.
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The weirdest thing happened today. The scar on my left wrist reappeared for no reason. In general, you cannot see it at all- A.) Because I was givein top treatment. B.) Its been 4 and a half years.

Hmm.... of all my scars...

That one plagues my mind with irony for various reasons.

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Friday, August 22, 2003

Current Music: Dire by Strapping Young Lad
I was studying the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics last night and was thinking quietly about how foolish it was for them to attempt an arms race of that magnintude with the economy they had. Communism could barely handle the sheer magnintude of domestic need, but an arms race with a free enterpriseing, capitialist nation just doesnt seem plauseible.

So once again, democracy lucked out.

Technically it has been said that the best economies actually dont occur in democracy. A good example of this would be pre-WW2 Germany. Many of the allies were miffed at how powerful Germany had become in that regard- the power aiding its buildup of military armaments. So, technically, this form of government can easily be outmatched economically.

With this, I was studying Operation Barbossa. The Blitzkrieg tactic which had washed Poland and France off the map couldnt be launched effectively for one reason- the Blitzkrieg calls for Panzers moving in a fast line across the landscape.

The plan for the Operation called for 3 divisions- The north heading to Leningrad, the central to Moscow, the southern one to go to Stalingrad and the oil fields North East of Turkey. The problem was that most of Russia's infastructure was in pretty bad shape- there were hardly any paved roads, and the ones that were paved couldnt handle the sheer mass of vehicles moving across it. The only highway to Moscow wasnt completed, and winter was setting in.

They consumed alot more oil that planned since they had to move offroad, pushing the vehicles to their limits. It seemed somewhat doomed from the start.

However, the Soviets were sorely outmatched technologically- but they had millions upon millions of men that were ready to bring up arms in the patriotic fight for glory.

Thusly, the Germans siegeing Stalingrad were pincered from behind and surronded on all sides by a maelstrom of over one million men. The airstrike on the Soviets never came, men were falling everyday. The facist soldiers froze and starved to death over the winter, before finally the commanding officer of the now-besieged Nazi's decided to surrender- contrary to what Hitler ordered.

Mmmm. In my mind democracy's goal is flawed by the fact whomever you vote for, you are stuck with for 4 years- no matter what. I bet not as many people would have voted for Bush if they had known he would go on a stereotypical warmongering streak to set up democracies in half the Muslim world.

Democracy might be fine for America, it might work perfectly in America but not every part of the world wants to be a democracy, it might not work for them- All we are doing is FORCING the FREEDOM OF CHOICE on them.

What freedom? Did the people say they wanted it?

America has lost wars before. Korea was a wake up call, Vietnam was a wake up call, The Bay of Pigs was a wake up call. In my mind, we cant win this Iraqi war. Its just going to be a stalemate.

The Roman Empire didnt need democracy, but it fell with a resounding thud.

What of the US?

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Thursday, August 21, 2003

In the middle of the night.
sometimes I wonder what all of you people are doing, lol. It seems funny to step back for a second and realize that a person you speak to online has the exact same amount of life in them. Realize for a moment that all of the decisons in your life probably are only the average amount of decisons compared to other people's lifes.


I wonder what everyone is doing now. *ponder*

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Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I wonder if theres a guy named "Dill Doe"
I have found my next true love.. and it was only 50 dollars.

Whomever reads this and has-

A. A PlayStation 2.

B. A passion for the console strategy games.

C. A passion for roleplaying.

D. Likes KOEI's historical series set in China [Dynasty Warriors; Dynasty Tactics]

I got Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 8 yesterday, and it is just like cocaine. I snort it up as much as I can.

Mmmm. Snortlicious.

But seriously, I adore this game.

Aside from that..

Conformity sucks blablabla, organized religion is the secret bane of the world ablalalablala, and I hate some random group of persons or person.

Good day to you.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2003

I wonder if hope is merely humanity daydreaming more often. I wonder that so much.

The fairytales of religion, the false promises of governments, the shattering truth of social life, the dieing state of the family.

Optimism must be cheap. Every stupid person on Earth more than likely owns it.

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Sunday, August 17, 2003

Do I sound as emotionless as I think I do sometimes?

Maybe I...

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Saturday, August 16, 2003

I feel sadistical.
I am so tired of hearing how great New York is for surviving a blackout- no, not surviving. Handleing the blackout in a calm, logical way useing actual common sense.

What? What idiots put this on the news?

I'm sure that all New York needs is another chance to get an inflated sense of ego. Someone ram another plane up their butts, please.


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