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Wednesday, August 3, 2005

   Vacation Photos!
Time of Post: 11:43 AM
Listening to: "Blackened", by Metallica.
A very dark, but very awesome song off of the "...And Justice For All" album. This song always brings back memories of my childhood fears (if you know what the song's about you'd know why I say that).

How's everybody doing today?

First off, EAMR submitted her final colored version of her new FB pic! I'd love to post it on my site, but I'd rater post a link to encourage you to vote and comment. Click the link to view the piece: Clicky-clicky!
I'll post an in-depth review later this week, but today I won't have room for it.

Instead, I have something for you that is long overdue. I'm sorry it took so long, but I have the photos from my beach-trip ready! Check it out:
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Two nice pictures of the beach from my 4th story condo. *sigh*, I love the beach.

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This is the pool they had at the condos. It was a little sandy, but we loved it. Not too many cute girls, though. -_-'

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Front door of our condo. We got an end unit on the top floor, meaning ours was slightly larger then anybody else’s and we has less chance of noisy neighbors (isn't my dad a business genius?).

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2 pics of the kitchen. It came equipped with everything! Even a blender! Boy, I get real excited over little stuff, don't I?

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My little sister and I had to share a room, but she was cool about it. She didn't bug me, and she let me leave the light on to read manga even when she was trying to sleep. My bed is on the left (since the pink bunny is obviously not mine).

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Two views of the rest of the room taken while sitting on my bed.

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Heh heh, you could have probably guessed from this photo that my sister let me have the bed-side table.

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Me and my big ol' folder of all my drawings. If you're an observant person with good memory, you'll probably remember some of those pics.

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4 pics of the lovely living-room in our condo. My brother slept on the pull out sofa.

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This is the room my parents slept in. The wall on the left (which is not seen in this photo) has a door that goes out to the porch, meaning that we had 2 ways to get onto the porch from our condo. That's pretty freakin' pimp!

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This is my Daddy-O (that's what I usually call him) hanging out on the porch. He says that I get my "humor" and "good looks" from him. I certainly hope not.

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A photo of the rest of the hotel and the parking-lot, stupidly taken at night. (Jeeze, I'm a real dunce at times, neh?)

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Pretty cool photos, huh? All of which were photographed by me. b~_'

Anyway, before I go, make sure to watch Ghost Hunters tonight on Sci-Fi, 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Yes, yes, I know, they totally stole the name of my manga. Lousy TAPS and their uncreative marketing.
If you've never heard of Ghost Hunters, it's a reality-show that follows TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) as they investigate purportedly haunted locations. As you guessed, it's got me hooked!
After that, there's a new show called "Master Blasters" at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. Master Blasters is kind of like a combination of Junkyard Wars and Monster Garage (two awesome shows, by the way), but instead of building a car, they're launching it 1,500 feet into the air. Have I got you interested yet? ^_^

See ya' tomorrow!

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Tuesday, August 2, 2005

   Silent Hill?
Hey everybody. How's it going?

Just an FYI to spread the word for a great artist, ElvesAteMyRamen will be posting her completed Fruits Basket portrait when she gets home today. The portrait will be the colored form of this line-art:

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Knowing Lindsey, it'll blow us away. ~_'

I've been watching and downloading A LOT of video game trailers lately. Mainly because I found a wonderful little site called www.GameTrailers.com, where you can watch and download many different trailers, reviews and game-play previews for free. :D
Sites like this one make the internet worth surfing. b^_^
Anyway, I've downloaded a total of 8 Resident Evil trailers (material for a VGMV perhaps?), a Devil May Cry 3 review, as well as 4 Silent Hill trailers (two from Silent Hill 3, and two from Silent Hill 4). Man oh man, and I thought Resident Evil was scary. @_@

I still prefer Resident Evil's game play and plot, but Silent Hill is definitely a nightmare inducing, crap-your-pants work of art. It's like a psychological thriller, playing on your instincts and thoughts to create absolute terror. The thing I like most about it is the idea of the monsters being incarnations of someone's fears or sins, and thus being a metaphor for them.

For instance, Silent Hill 2 centers around James Sunderland, whose wife was deathly ill and hospital-bound for more then a year, then finally died. This left James in a constant state of emotional turmoil and mourning. His emotions culminate and finally explode, and James wakes up trapped in a nightmare-ish delusion inside his own head. As he wanders around searching for a way out, he's constantly under attack by bizarre and twisted creatures. Unbeknownst to him, they represent different parts of his suffering and mentality. One such monster goes by the name of "Pyramid Head", and looks like this:
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Pyramid Head Stalks James, periodically trying to kill him. It is often seen beating some of the other monsters, and can even be seen trying to rape one of them. The raped monster is called a "Mannequin", which I don't have a picture for. But, Mannequins look like fashion dummies without heads and have legs where their arms should be (so that should give you an unpleasant mental picture).
Anyway, the kicker is that The Mannequins represent James's instincts and urges, while Pyramid Head represents the part of James that feels like he deserves to be punished. That is why Pyramid Head is so rough on the other monsters, and James himself. Pyramid Head also represents some of James's sexual frustration from the time his wife spent in the hospital (thus PH's compulsion to rape the monsters). Pretty trippy, huh?

If the idea behind Silent Hill interests you, I'd be happy to post some more of the deep ideas behind the series (but I won't do so if it would just be me talking your ear off about something you don't care about). Ghost Hunter actually has some similar qualities to Silent Hill, at least in the "Until It Sleeps" saga. But I'll tell you about that another day. ^_^

See ya' tomorrow!

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Monday, August 1, 2005

   Hey everybody! How's it going?

If you didn't see yesterday's post yet, please take a look. Big thanks to all my wonderful friends who worked so hard to make those wonderful gifts.
Geeze, I really owe a lot of you, don't I? Some have you have not only given me one gift, but instead several over the past year. People like Vankala86, Miyoko-chan, MadamRyeka, ElvesAteMyRamen, and several others have just been so generous to me, despite the fact I've done little (if anything at all) in return. I'm sorry, guys. -_-'

Urgh, I need to quit playin' the pity-card so early in my posts. I better snap out of it and get to the fun stuff!

How are you guys liking the new video of the week (Please see the bottom of yesterday's post for details)?
I just love that Resident Evil promo so much. For those who don't know, the original Resident Evil (for PS1) was released around 1996. Then, in 2002, they remade the game with fully-updated graphics, extra game features and voice-acting that was WORLDS better then the original. This commercial is for that remake, and I love it! That heavy metal bg-music is so cool! Even though I was just ending 6th grade/beginning 7th grade at the time, I can still vividly remember that awesome ad from the time. The zombie jumping out of the closet (and on to Chris), the giant snake, and the massive mutant plant hanging down from the ceiling are all things I remembered to this day. Viva la Mal Residente! ^_^

I was up till 3 last night, and I couldn't draw at all. @_< I've been so uninspired these past 2 days. Will you please pray that it passes?

Alright everybody, I'll see you tomorrow!

I've always thought that combining existing movies can create an awesome new movie. Example:
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Coming this September, The Avionator. XD

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Sunday, July 31, 2005

   Thank you!
Hey everybody. How's it going?

Thank you all so much for the lovely gifts! Check out some of the artwork that my wonderful friends made for me!

Naru Atshushi drew this adorable pic for me:
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Isn't Paru a cutie!? Thanks, Mana!

Miyoko-chan made me a very funny and clever birthday card:
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..............That's a damn good present! XD Thank you so much, Erin-chan!

Vankala86 is almost Otaku-famous for her beautiful mermaid portraits (which I'm a big fan of, by the way). Rosa decided to draw this incredible portrait for me! Just look at all the shading and vibrant colors!:
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Thank you so much, Rosa! It's beautiful!

And finally, Living Doll drew me this wonderful picture (despite the fact that she's swamped by cosplay work, conventions and college preparation):
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She even gave me a Metallica shirt! Thank you so much, Karen! You rock!

By the way, there's a new submission in my Song of the Week space! It's one of the coolest game commercials I can remember seeing. The first Resident Evil movie was released in early 2002. At the time, I had no idea that Resident Evil was a game, or that the movie was based on a game series (yes, I was that stupid). But a few months later, this commercial started airing, and I was awe-struck. I thought, "That...is the coolest game trailer...ever made", which along with Resident Evil 0 got me into the whole zombie and bio-mutant genre. The things that I remember in particular from the commercial 3 years ago are the zombie jumping out of the closet, the giant snake, the zombie sharks and the giant mutant plant. Ah, so cool.

OK everybody, I'll get those condo photos posted ASAP, OK?
See you later!

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Saturday, July 30, 2005

   Guess who's back, back again (again)....
Hey everybody. Guess who.

AD is back from the beach, and back in action!
I just got home and finished unpacking, and thought I'd stop in real quick.

Since I'm back to my Broadband connection, I can now go see all the stuff I've been sent while I was away! I can't wait!
I'll also post the pictures I took there next time I post.
Don't give me that look.
Yes, yes, I know I still haven't posted the pictures from the anime convention (Josh is taking his sweet time with that >:P I'm still waitin', buddy!), but this time I took the pictures with my, well, my mom's camera. So I'll have em' up by next post for sure!

Later tonight, my mom will finally show me my new scanner! YAY!!!

Oh, and I finally got to see the Slipknot/Resident Evil MMV on atreyu7slip's site! It was friggen' awesome! Please check it out if you haven't already!
Thanks buddy!

*sigh*, I'm still trying to ride out the hormone induced depression. I feel all anxious and sad right now, yet have no reason to be. Oh well, all things come to pass. Right?

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Friday, July 29, 2005

   Time of Post: 4:46 PM
Listening to: "Nowhere Man", by the Beatles. ^_^

Hey everybody!

I know a lot of you have made gifts for me for my birthday, but please remember, I won't be able to properly thank you or even properly view until I'm safely home and off my mom's limited dial-up server. Please be patient, and know that I'm on pins and needles to be able to see what some of my wonderful friends have made for me! I love you all so much! =^_^=

Well, today's my last day at the beach.
AHHHHHHH! I don't want to go home yet! Boo-hoo!
*sigh*, I leave for home tomorrow at 10 AM. My week at the beach went by too fast.
Oh well, at least I'll be able to see all your wonderful artwork, plus I'll get to use my new scanner!
The only new thing I've drawn this week was a zombie pic, but I'm actually pretty pleased with how it came out.

I read the 2nd half of Kenshin vol. 7 last night. Man, that was FREAKIN' COOL!!! That was so awesome! That fight with Saito, so incredible! That volume had some of the most beautiful panels I've ever seen! Especially the last few pages, man was that a heart-ripper.
Anyway, I'm hungry for the next volume! Good thing I already stole...err, borrowed it from Josh! ^_^'

Anyway, I've been flying through my emotional highs and lows lately. Damn hormones. >_< I hate it when I start the day happy, then being about ready to shoot someone by nightfall. Ugh, this is a rough age. I've sort of got that lonely/stressed/angry/confused thing going on right now. Is it any wonder I've been taking so many long walks on the beach lately? *sigh*

Anyway, I'll be home tomorrow! (*Boo-hoo, sniff*)

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

   Time of Post: 4:00 PM
Listening to: "Purple Haze", by Jimi Hendrix.
Heh, guess what the song's about. ^_^'

Well, it's Wednsday, and things are going fine. I'll be home by Saturday or so.

Man, as I've said before, I'm reading the Ruroni Kenshin mangas that I mooched off of Josh. I don't know how many of you here have read them, but I am HOOKED! I had only seen up to the end of the whole thing with Raijuta and Yutaro in the anime, so that may be part of it. But regardless, I'm lovin' it!
Watsuki is such an incredible artist, and his characters are so unique and full of life! That's why Ruroni Kenshin is one of the greatest animes and mangas of all time!

I've also been enjoying my Love Hina DVD's (also borrowed from Josh ^_^).
The Love Hina anime definately does not live up to it's manga counterpart, but it's still a fun thing to watch after you've read the mangas.
I honestly don't like the new characters they added to the anime. Well, with the exception of Kentaro. Kentaro actually provides a good contrast to Hinati and Shirai (sp?), plus Akematsu only lets him show up every once-in-a-while, thus making sure we don't get sick of him.

In other news......
"Message to: Karen (Living Doll)
Did you get my reply to those questions you sent me?"

"Message to: atreyu7slip
I did know that 'Headbanger's Ball' had been brought back on Mtv2, but:

A. I don't get Mtv 2, and,

B. I've heard from several people and even from artists that appeared on the show, that the new version sucks compared to what it was in its glory days."

Anyway, about my birthday!
I got a $30 gift-card for GameStop, and a $15 card for a music store! Plus, my mom bought me a NEW SCANNER!
That's right! I'll have a better, faster, smarter scanner, that will above all work in my room instead of just in my brother's!!!! YAY!

Anyway guys, I'll have plenty to report, talk about, submit and scan once I get home on Saturday, so wait up for me until then!

See ya' later!

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Monday, July 25, 2005

   Hey everybody! Guess what day it is!

I'm 16 today!
Go Logan, it's your birthday,

Yep, it's my birthday today! Rock on! \m/>_<\m/

atreyu7slip has a video VGMV for Resident Evil posted on his site, but my mom's crappy dial-up won't let me watch it. -_-' I'll have to wait till' I get home to watch it. Oh well, at least you can watch it now if you want!

There's only one phone-line in the appartment, so I have to sit through the movie my sister is watching while I post. And you'll never guess what she's insisting on watching right now. "The Lizze Maguire Movie". @_@ I'm gonna' kill myself. This is the most disgusting, immature, illogical, moronic, estrogen-fed movie I've ever had to lay eyes on. This is just so unbelieveably stupid.
Well, miss Hilary Duff, you've just earned a spot on Logan's revenge list.

Kid with the Hearing-Aid on Barney
Christina Agulera
Michael Moore
OJ Simpson
The guys at Mtv who cancelled "Headbanger's Ball"
Marlyn Manson
Andrew Loyd Webber
and now, Hilary Duff

You shall all get your just deserts, soon enough. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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Sunday, July 24, 2005

   Last Night as a 15-year-old!
Hey everybody! Guess where I am.

I'm at the beach! I'm using my mom's laptop (and dial-up, yech) to post from my beach-side appartment!
I swear, my dad did a great job of finding us a nice place! I'll be sure to take some pictures and post them here on Saturday!

It's Sunday night right now, meaning tomorrow is my 16th birthday! \m/>_<\m/
It's my last night as a 15-year-old!

Anyway, I've started my summer reading ("Shizuko's Daughter"), plus I've been reading the Kensin mangas I borrowed from Josh. Tonight, I'll be watching my Love Hina DVD's on my mom's laptop! (The DVD's are also borrowed from Josh. Hehe, I'm such a free-loader.)

Anywho, please continue to pray for Ami-chan, as well as everyone else on the prayer list.

The beach is realy beautiful down here, especilly at this time of night (it's 9:00 PM). I wish some of you were here to enjoy it with me. =^^=

See ya' tomorrow!

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Friday, July 22, 2005

   Hey everybody. How's it going?

As I said, I'm leaving tomorrow morning for the beach. I'll be back in one week. Hopefully I can post from my dad's lap-top.

If you didn't see any of the posts in the past couple days, please take a look.

I've sort've been drifting in and out of depression (if you don't know why, look back to the post from Monday or Tuesday of last week). *sigh*, them’s the breaks.

Anyway, before I go, I'd like to give you some lyrics to interpret. To some, it may be pretty obvious. Please tell me what you think the song is about, and bonus point's if you can tell me who wrote it and what it's called. Good luck, and I want details and deep thoughts, people!

"Yeah, I feel you too.
Feel, those things you do.
In your eyes I see, a fire that burns
So free to you
That's wanting through.
Deep inside you know,
The seeds I plant will grow.

(One day you will see
And dare to come down to me
Yeah c'mon, c'mon now take the chance
That's right
Let’s dance)

Snake, I am the snake,
Tempting, that bite you take.
Let me free your mind,
leave yourself behind.
Be not afraid.
I've got what you need,
hunger I will feed.

Yeah, Come dancin'!


Yeah, I feel you too.
Feel, those things you do.
In your eyes I see a fire that burns
So free to you
That's running through.
Deep inside you know,
The seeds I plant will grow.

It's nice to see you here."

Thanks everybody, and hopefully I'll see you tomorrow!

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