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myOtaku.com: Tsunade

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Guestbook Entries:

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cherry sakura 09 (09/05/04)

Hi ya!Well thanks for the comment on me Washu artwork!^^Just thought I would come to your site to return the kindness.And I love the colors!
See Ya

Kagurademon (08/29/04)

So u dont like Tokyo Mew Mew but do u think u can still help or give me a person who likes it a lot and can help understand it more?

KenX21 (08/29/04)

hey thanks for commenting on my pics...yours are really good too!

Otemba (08/28/04)

Good G*D! Ur good at Drawing! Ur good at it! I love it! I was just looking at some of ur work, ur site and stuff and I believe that ur pretty good.By the way, I added u as a friend. hope u don't mind. Come by my site, its a li'bare but I'm working on it.


Matt Prower (08/28/04)

Hi. Your art looks cool. The chibi people are cute. And you want to become a comic artist too? Cool. Maybe we can team up and create a comic. ^_^ Peace!

writerofdragons (08/23/04)

wow everyone in your family is like tha then lol anywaz your really good at art!!! glad to see your site

Amanda is great (08/23/04)


00kenshin00 (08/22/04)

hi! i reely like ur art! it's great! be sure to chek out mine by the way...it's not that great but w/e! mind if i add you as my frend???

Sakura chan (07/12/04)

hiya!! I love your site!! hehe..Naruto rocks!! ^_^...if you have the time, please come to my site and sign my gb...umm..do you mind if I add you as a friend?? ^_^ see ya....

KitsuneTsuki (07/07/04)

Hi there! You've got a nice site. Your artwork is really good - I found you by clicking on "random fan art."
Well... have a great day!

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