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myOtaku.com: Tsunade

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Guestbook Entries:

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sempai cat (07/02/04)

hi! i like your site and i'll add you as a friend! BTW, i like your avi and colors, too! ja ne!
Xx~sempai cat~xX

SilentDreamerHaku (07/01/04)

I like your site. It's really pretty. And it's also cool that you like Naruto, it's my favorite anime. ^^ Stop by my site some time, please. ^^ Your art is awesome!! ^^ I'm adding you as a friend. ^^

Glinadaro (06/26/04)

Great pics! I really like your character Tokuro, he's so cool.;) I wanna see more of him. So, what's the plot of your manga going to be?
-Can't wait to see it.- You definately have the skill.
P.S. Wanna be friends? I'm adding you as a friend. ^_-

ShadowHimura13 (06/22/04)

Konnichiwa!!! ^_^

Cool site you have here. I think that I came here before but I'm not sure. Come by my site sometime. I'll add you as friend.

amcgirl13 (06/19/04)

hey ur site is cute ur avator is cute as well! Ok well ummm ttys plz sign my gb! I am adding u as a friend!

hinaru (06/18/04)

Hey, thanx for your comment on my pic!
So, you love the Naruto show too! That's so cool! I took a look at your fanarts, they're good! Hinata rocks!!!!
Anyways, I'm adding you as a friend if it's alright...
Come by my site sometimes...
Well, see ya!^_^

Inuyashacutie (06/15/04)

I love your site and I added you as a friend

ghettostar0492 (06/12/04)

hey i love ur site and colors! can u come by my site sometime? thx
i'll add u as a friend.

Takhisis (06/09/04)

This is Nuitari under a different username because my account got screwed up, forcing me to delete it. It would be much appreciated if you added me as a friend again, as I will add you again.

Shelby P Wolfwood (06/05/04)

LOL. You crack me up! so your brother licks sick kids! that sounds like me to hot guys! yeah... like wolfwood! NAH-HA HA! So stupid of me. licking sexy men... well yeah, who can blame me? No one thats right!

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