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Tuesday, November 25, 2003

   Good and Bad . . . again
Well, got that 2nd CS midterm back today. In comparison to the first one (46%), this one was much better (73%). So, as long as I don't screw up the final, I'll be good to go.

Essay's at the halfway point. Any second now, I'm sure . . . . . and that is that.
Hey! Why aren't you doing your work?!
(Gak!) Uh, uh . . . this IS part of the work!
like hell it is and you know it! Now get back to writing! It's not like your brother's making you watch X2 anymore!
I know, I know, and I watched more of it after he left, I know, I'm going, I'm going . . .

(Blasted conscience . . . . .)

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   Semi-good News
Well, I had my final lab of the semester. If all goes well, it will have also been the final lab for the rest of my university career . . . this is all pass-pending, of course. But yeah, feels good to know I'll definitely get at least 5% of my final CS mark . . .

To top that off, I'm about a third of the way through my essay. So far so good. I'm shooting for past half tonight, so we'll see what happens. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm still utterly screwed for the other assignment along with this, though . . .

. . . . . which is why I'm here and not working, of course. Ain't I the clever one? Everyone, remember: schoolwork is GOOD to finish!

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Monday, November 24, 2003

   All work and no play . . . . .
[takes another long break from writing very little for a very big essay . . . . .]

So . . . . . they pre-empted Teen Titans and Justice League this saturday for some new CG racing cartoon . . . . . that made me sad . . .

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Sunday, November 23, 2003

   I'm so screwed . . . . .
So you know that essay and assignment I've got due during the next week? Or not? Well . . . if not, suffice to say that I have an essay and assignment due during the next week.

I still have A LOT to do for both of them . . .

It seems I'm still a terrible procrastinator. Not good, not good . . . so, again, I may or may not be posting as enthusiastically as I usually do for the next while or so. Heh . . . and then of course the week after that it's finals time . . . . . gah! I want it to be Christmas break already!!!

So here is the public message again: school is important. School work is important. Be sure to stay on top of it all.

And for good measure, here's another public message influenced by recent events in my neck of the woods: don't drink like idiots. Now, many of you are too young to drink anyway, which should help a little, but should the situation arise, do NOT start throwin' them back for the sake of whatever, be it peer pressure or your own sense of whatnot. Frankly, when someone passes out after profuse vomiting, another has been outside during this winter month with little warm clothing, and both have to be hospitalized for the night . . . . . just . . . don't do it, okay? It doesn't help the parents who get police notification around midnight, it doesn't help the well-being of the friends involved, and it DEFINITELY doesn't help the guy with heated I.V.'s pokin' out of him in the hospital.

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Saturday, November 22, 2003

   New Vocation at mO . . .
So, I think I'm gonna start doing some different things around here . . .

There are a couple things that are starting to make me think about things around here:

1. People who get paranoid over the silliest things. Now, I don't mean any disrespect, all, but if I have to see another "people aren't coming anymore - did I do something? / are you guys pissed off at me?" comment or post . . . . . PEOPLE! Sometimes people just can't make it for this or that! RARELY is it because of an actual offense! I mean, sometimes it DOES happen, but not often! So please, I implore all of you, this is NOT an issue to fear! It's just . . . silly!

2. I guess I'm a little concerned about the amount of depression around here. I don't want to say too much, because frankly I'm not allowed to talk. I guess all I want to say is that a lot of you are just really young, and shouldn't be in these sorts of positions. I'm sure it's not your intentions to feel the ways you do, but ya know . . . just . . . all of you, just hang in there, alright? Don't be doing anything too drastic now . . . . .

In any case, I think I might hafta start crackin' some heads around here and straighten some things out, ya know?

Still, no matter what I do or say, I'll never get mean, aggressive, or assinine. Ever. I'll promise that.

As for whether this plan of mine might be a good idea or not, well . . . what's the worse that could happen, my popularity drops? Meh . . . I'm sure there are more important things than that . . . . .

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Friday, November 21, 2003

   Alright, I've teased ya enough . . .
Shanny was more or less right. I'll give it to 'er. Well guessed, m'girl, well guessed.

The theme was "Change The World" from Inuyasha. Don't feel too bad if you didn't get it . . . this little riddle-ish thing wasn't even remotely fair! Eheh heh heh . . . . . thanks for playing in any case, everyone! I had fun watching this go by . . . I'm sick, eh?

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Thursday, November 20, 2003

   Dance, Magic Dance . . .
I had the "Dance Magic" song from Labyrinth in my head the other day. Weird, huh? Maybe I heard a baby talking in a stroller or something, but all I know is that suddenly I was thinking "Voodoo, who-do, you-do, do-what?" Eheh heh heh . . . . . note to all: if you haven't seen Labyrinth yet, do check it out. It's some good old school fantasy movie - I mean, David Bowie's the main bad guy-ish guy!

I'm not feeling especially prolific today, nor do I feel like saying anything all too thought-provoking. Don't worry, I've got 'em on hold, so they'll come by . . . I'm just not in the mood for that just yet . . . . . SO, instead, we shall play "guess what the hell anime theme I'm playing!"

Bah bah bah baaah, bah daaaahh,
Baaahhh, bah dahhh, bah dah daaahh, bah dahhh,
Bah bah dah-ah bah bah-ah dah-ah,
Bah dah dah dahhh bah dahh,
Bah dah dah dahh dahh dahh da dahh,
Bah dahhh, dah aaaaahhhh,

Bah dah dah dah bah dah dah dah bah dah dahh,
bah dah dah, bah dah, badadah,
Badadah, bah, bahdah, badah, dah,
Dahhh, dahh, dahh, ba-dahhhhh,

Bah dadadah, (ba-ba) dadadah, dadah, da-ah dah,
dah Bahdah dah dah, dah dah,
Bah dah dah dah, ba dah, ba dah dah,
Badada da da daaa,
Bah dadadah, badah, dah . . .

Bah bah bah baaah, bah daaaahh . . . . .

And so the insanity continues . . . . .

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Wednesday, November 19, 2003

   The Battle For Middle Earth Was About To Begin!!!
So . . . . . yeah. Yesterday, plans for buying "The Two Towers: Extended Edition" kinda fell through, and people who were going to get it were unable to do so. And then I was sad.

So, at about 8pm, at the slight urging of my brother, I drove out to the rental place quickly to buy what would probably be a much more expensive copy of the movie.

Fortune's wheel was on the rise for me tonight . . .

Not only was that beautiful red DVD box there, it was also marked down at a sale price for about ten bucks less! So, I quickly snatched it up, bought it, ran back to my car in the light rain, and made haste back to my home a couple blocks away.

And what can I say? Having an extra 40-some minutes of footage helps that movie extensively! I mean, aside from the fun bits with hobbits or flashbacks, the movie just flowed much better than the original version. Those minutes bridge the rushed wonder that was the theatrical cut, and make for something truly spectacular . . . everyone who cares about this sort of thing, GET IT!

And yes, this message brought to you by Flava's Ultimate Anime Character Tournament. Go to his page. Vote. Later.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2003

   So, this kinda sorta sucks . . .
Trojan Horse virus on my comp. I saw it for myself today. Norton scanned it and found it . . . . .

It was unable to repair it . . .
It was unable to quarantine it . . .
It was unable to delete it . . . . .

So, I think we've hit critical mass with our little machine here. It's already been on the fritz, what with about 200-300 things of spyware on it and everything . . . and yes, I got adaware for that, but after we tried killing off the spyware, internet conked out, so . . . . .

So yeah, I guess now's as good a time as any to wipe the drive, maybe upgrade to XP, ya know . . . . . wonder when I'll actually get around to it . . . . well, the plus side of it'll be that I'll finally be able to play Neverwinter Nights . . . . . that'd always be a plus, eh?

Oh yeah, and everyone, don't forget to vote for Flava's Ultimate Anime Character Tournament. He's put a lot of effort into this and is aiming to make this a huge thing, so go help a guy out, savvy?

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Monday, November 17, 2003

   Sortin' through the hard drive . . . . .
I'm down to my last gig on my hard drive . . . I'm gonna need to burn off some of my animes . . . . .

Thing is, I've neglected a lot of shows! I have all of Lain, and I have a whole slew of Scrapped Princess . . . but I haven't watched them yet! My fear is, I'll burn 'em off, and then catalogue them with the rest . . . and then I'll never get around to watching them, and they'll sit for a year or so without me watching them . . . . . which would suck, mind you . . . . .

Hmm . . . I wonder if there are any games I'm not playing right now . . . maybe they can get the axe . . . . . gah! I'll just buy a new game instead! Aw . . . . . maybe I should've asked for an 80 gig hard drive last Christmas? Oh well . . . . .

You know what's really funny? I have all these episodes of Evangelion, but I refuse to burn them off. Why? Because I feel destined to buy them one day, so I don't need to waste the CDs on them! They're all probably taking up like, 3 or 4 gigs alone! Gah . . . . . stupid personal manifest destiny . . . I'm Canadian, damnit! I shouldn't even be thinking these things!

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