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Sunday, April 2, 2006

I usually don't do those kind of things for subject titles but I couldn't help myself.

Well our production is all over now. It went pretty well. It was a good experience, I guess. If anything, I learned that I can't act worth pencils. After the last production last night we went over to someone's house and partied to 2 in the morning. So today I slept in till noon. It was a great party.

And now I'm on break so I'm really happy. Don't have to worry about getting up at 5 a.m. But I've got homework still. Poo. Oh well! My spirits will not be dampened!

As for everyone's art piece that I still owe you all, I'm sorry! The scanning program is being fickle! But I promise that when it finally decides to let me do something, I will upload lots of art for you. Sorry, again.

Speaking of projects. Remember that comic I mentioned I would do? I've got writer's block. So don't expect that anytime soon....

Hope you all are well!

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

-_-' ...
First of all, I want to say I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to get your thank you picture up, everyone. It's done and ready to be uploaded but the system I have to resize it isn't working. So I've got no way to post it here. I'm really sorry! I'll do my best to get it up ASAP!

Standardized testing is all done for this month. But I've now been enlisted to be in the play for school. All this week I'll be painting and sitting through rehearsals till 8 o'clock. I've even got a line this time. Ooo, uncharted territory! The performances are the 30th, 31st, and 1st. Sadly enough, no one is ready and it doesn't help that the director is sick half the time. Probably from the stress. Wouldn't blame her though....

Anyway, because of all this, I'm likely not to be around very much until the performances are all done. Ung. It's so busy. But I was just informed today that we only have 12 weeks of school left, not counting Spring Break. Already?! Heh heh. Anyway, hope you all are well. Take care.

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

   One Year Anniversary!
I thought I would make a quick post before school starts. Mornings are such a rush for me. But the sunrise is really nice.

One year. I can't believe it. I've made so many friends and I'm glad for every one of you. Thank you so much for visiting me and commenting on my art every once in a while. You have no idea what it means to me!

I'll try my best to get a picture up for you guys but judging by how busy I am, it might come a little late. But I'll try my best!

Thank you everyone for a great first year!

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Another week come and gone, eh? Seems like forever.

We've had snow for the past three days. Snow. In March. Don't see that every year. It's not anything heavy though. It all melts off by the end of the day.

Next week I've got standardized testing. Joy. I don't half mind though. It's usually not that hard and I don't have homework. And it's only the first half of the test. The rest will be happening in April.

You know, I realized something about artists when we were talking in history. A true artist knows how to make things like they are but also how to twist things to their own liking. Not everything is relatively attractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That's what makes us all so unique. I figure a true artist should be able to see this and portray it correctly in their profession. We can't embellish and sugar everything up. I know I've got a problem with that. All my art makes me think of Greek statues. "Pretty" with unnatural stances. I'll have to work on that. Anyway, that's my thought of the week. What do you think about it?

Speaking of which. I've got some friends who are bugging me to make a comic. So I'm finally going to give in and just do it and make it look good ('cause I never spend more than an hour on any piece of work) just to make them shut their faces for a little while. And I mean that in the most loving way possible. Anyway, maybe I'll post it here, maybe I won't. We'll see.

My one year anniversary on this site is coming up! Has it really been a year already? Wow. Maybe I'll make a picture for you guys. Because you all are so wonderful!

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Friday, March 3, 2006

tired and happy
Today was crazy busy. But good things happened. For one, my cat, if you read my last post, had a biopsy on that tumer thing she had on her leg. Turned out it was just an infection. Thank goodness. But she had to go through surgery for practically nothing. Bet she's not too happy about that.

District science fair was today too. And guess what? First place, man, first place. For microbiology, I mean. Well, there was only three of us in there, so I'm not really surprised but am at the same time. We decided we would try out for regionals, which is next week, or the week after, I can't remember. It'll be interesting how far we make it in that one.

This weekend is going to be great. Sleep and hanging out at the mall with friends. I can't wait! Any of you have plans for the weekend?

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

five day weekend!
We are having another cold snap. And last week it was so nice. What happened to all that nice sun?! Brrrrr.

Well, the week has been interesting. Valentine's Day on it's own was interesting. And not for the candy and cards or whatever. Speaking of which, what did you all do for V.D.? Anyway, we had a bomb threat that day. We had to stand outside for an hour while the bomb dogs did a sweep of the school. It ended up that we had to move to the school across the street. We had to leave all our stuff at school too. No bomb, of course. Probably just a hoax.

Yesterday we had our science fair presentations. My partner and I hadn't planned on going to district or regional fair but everyone seemed to be asking if we were going, so maybe we'll go. But there was this one project that I really liked. About different picks (for guitars) and sound. The guy who did it--his guitar was awesome!!! I can't describe it real well but let me tell you: that was the coolest instroment I've ever seen!

Today, I had to take my cat to the vet. Apparently she has some sort of tumer and will have to go into surgery next week. Poor thing. She absolutely HATES the vet.

Now I've got five days of laziness ahead of me and I am sooo looking forward to it! Well, there's the minor detail of studying but whatever. Five days!

Hope you all are well! PM me sometime or something. I'd like to know how you all are!

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Friday, February 10, 2006

What a good day it is!!! The weather has turned nice again. The sun is out, the sky is painfully blue, and there's a very nice breeze coming in. It makes me very happy.

I also had many (well, maybe not "many," but still) anime/manga related good things happen today. For one, I had a dream about Naruto last night. Which I find very odd, since I've never read nor seen (well, I watched one episode I think, when I was at a hotel) Naruto. And also a friend is letting me borrow the box set of Inu-Yasha season one! Ooo! I'm so excited to watch it! Oh, and I posted another piece of art, so that should be up pretty soon.

Do you guys remember that gigantic science project I had? Done. Well, not quite, but I don't have to worry about the board anymore. And that means not staying up until 11 o'clock to try to get things done. That in itself is worth celebrating.

To top it all off, it's a Friday! So happy Friday everyone! Enjoy the weekend!

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Monday, February 6, 2006

Mmm...well, nothing really exciting is happening lately, I just thought that I would let anyone out there who is interested that I have a new piece of art up. It was a request for artist0625 (artist, thanks.) My second request! Yay!

I've been busy; got this gigantic science project looming over my head and what with new classes and things like that, I don't have much time. Combined with my laziness (that is now times 2)...it doesn't make a very good mix. Got to get myself together!

Hope you all are doing well! Enjoy the week!

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Sunday, January 22, 2006

I just got back from my two-day outing and have just found the time to sit down at the computer and type this. Though I don't have much time and I'm rather tired.

Friday I took the 3 hour drive down to my hometown to go to the funeral of my friend. It was a rollercoaster of pain and awe. It was a good service though and he will be sorely missed. I visited awhile with his brother who is also my childhood friend.

Stayed the night and this morning I went and had breakfast with the friend that is moving out of the country. It was great seeing him again. Left from there and drove the 3 hours back home.

After about a half hour after getting home I got a ride down to the musical (I was able to change what day I was going [see last post for details]). It was a lot of fun and the musical was pretty good. A little over the top maybe but I've no complaints.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

all a-jumble
My life seems to get thrown around a lot. But I suppose everyone's does. It never seemed to be like this. I'm not explaining myself. Sorry. I'll be leaving on Friday for a memorial service of a childhood friend (first death of the year [see my Dec. 31 post if you don't know what I'm talking about]). Poor guy was hardly 20. Lung cancer. Just goes to show. But because I'm leaving, I'll miss out on the musical the school is putting on. I really want to go and I've already bought my ticket. Hopefully I'll be able to get a refund. It's the first production too. And to add a little more mixing to this, another childhood friend is moving OUT OF THE COUNTRY. Heh. Maybe I'll be able to go visit sometime. Sorry; morbid post again.

I put up a new picture yesterday. Feel free to check it out.

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