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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Gandhi's Birthday!
I'm part of an animal/human rights group at school. We had decided that since today was Gandhi's birthday and it's some sort of peace day that we would fast for Gandhi's birthday. So we wore white shirts and fasted for twelve hours. My fast just ended about two hours ago. Fasting really isn't that hard, as long as you have water. Saying that we were fasting because it was Gandhi's birthday got us a lot of ridicule from the student body. I think we sort of sound like hippies. But whatever. It's what we feel strongly for.

I got up at 5 this morning so I could be at school by 6 (school doesn't start until 7:30) to be in line for advisory selection. It was all kind of ridiculous but I went anyway. So it's been a pretty long day.

It's raining like crazy today. Wind and everything. There's a lot of parking lots that are flooded. It's deffinately fall now. I don't mind walking to and from school in the rain. But it's so dang cold! I've been sleeping with seven quilts on my bed for the last couple of days. I'm pretty sensitive to changes in temperature, though. Hope the weather where you all are is somewhat better.

Well, that wasn't a very interesting post. Sorry. I'll do better next time.

Till then.

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Don't have much time so I'll try to cram in as much as I can.

A couple of weeks ago my grandma, aunts, and uncle left. The visit was good but sad at the same time. My grandma's condition has really gone down hill since last year. This was probably her last visit here.

School is insane. I'm handling spanish better but I still have a very hard time. Soy incompitente. Math is difficult too. I'll just have to survive.

My parents are on this binge and purge kick right now. I'm not talking bulemia. I mean, they're getting rid of all the old furniture that we have. I'm not really sure why though. My mom loves antiques and that's what we have. *shrug*

I might get a cat. My parents are dangling it as the bait for getting my driver's license. I could have gotten it years ago but I really don't like driving. Yes, I'm sure you all think I'm crazy. That's the general reaction I get when I say that. Oh well.

Otherwise, I've been playing Okami. That's such an amazing game. If anyone has a PS2, you should really play it. My favorite trailer:

Well, that's all for this time around. Till then!

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm Gonna Die!
Today was my first day of school. I got up early to go to a friend's house and decorate for a suprise birthday. All in all, not too bad but much too early to be getting up. School didn't start until past noon. Classes are alright. But I'm telling you....I'M GONNA DIE IN MY SPANISH CLASS! We're only allowed to speak Spanish in class and I can't seem to remember anything from the last two years for some reason. So my teacher was only speaking Spanish and talking FAST and I just sat there with this blank expression on my face. I didn't understand anything she was saying. I'm gonna fail. I think I'm going to try to cram tonight, see if I remember anything. Other than that, all my classes are alright.

But besides all that. My grandma and my aunt are here. My poor grandma. When we were driving home from the airport, this was the first thing she said:
-"What city is this?"
-(me talking now) "[insert nearest major city]"
-"Oh. I thought I was going home."
- (Dad talking) "Why would you leave [insert Grandma's home town] to take a plane and land right back at [insert Grandma's home town]?"
- (all) *laugh*
It's really quite sad but cute and funny at the same time. It really scared me one time when she came out of the bathroom and had no idea where she was. She was on the verge of panic. So for that, I was almost panicing too. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease.

Well anyway, I should go cram. Good luck with school, everyone!

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Tomorrow I have to go back to work. Bleck. I took Wednesday off because I was sick on Tuesday with some kind of stomach flu or some other such. I was awake from 4 in the morning to 7 in severe pain. I was able to fall asleep at some point after the pain subsided a bit. I missed orientation because I slept in a little too late. So I had to go when the underclassmen went. It was a little embarrassing. I came home at one and slept until eight. So I stayed home on Wednesday to recoup. I was going to go in today but had to stay home to watch my younger brother while my parents were out working. Sigh. So I'll be working all week next week. -_-'

I seem to be on some sort of vampire kick lately. Which is a little odd, because I can't really say that I'm a vampire fanatic (sorry vampire fans). I suppose that it started when I was explaining to my friend that I'm paranoid about my neck (just talking about it creeps me out) when it was suggested that maybe I was bit by a vampire in a former life. And, well, it didn't help that I was lent Trinity Blood either. I have to say though, I like the manga a lot better than the novel version I read a while back.

Speaking of which. They use the word "methuselah" to describe vampires, or rather, that is their proper name (so claims Trinity Blood). But in Witch Hunter Robin, "methuselah" was a witch. Sometimes I wish that gothic-fiction wouldn't deviate on words such as this....

I've got this strain in my neck...Ow....

Oh, yeah, but anyway. I also started writing some kind of vampire story (based on the fact that I was paranoid about my neck (talk about inspiration)). I'd love to see it illustrated though. So if anyone is interested, please let me know. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish (and that my interest in it keeps and my kick lasts long enough....).

Till next time, everyone!

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Monday, August 20, 2007

And here it is, practically the end of August. Geez. Things seems to get more intense by the day.

Tomorrow is my orientation (hence my subject title). I can't really say that I'm excited but I can't say that I'm dreading it either. I just want to get it over and done with. Things are happening really fast, now that school is getting closer. I've still got summer homework to do (almost done though; only half a book left) and expenses to pay for (I get paid on Thursday).

My grandmother is coming next week. You know, the one who came last summer that has Alzheimer's? Yep, she's coming again. So that will be interesting. My uncle, my two aunts, and my aunt's mother are coming too. I don't know where we're going to put them all! Our house isn't that big! Gah!

Work is getting crazier too. I work at a universtity and people call all day, freaking out about their expenses and stuff. Most of that stuff doesn't even come to our department but the student services is SWAMPED with people. Remember, kids, when you go to college, don't blame the staff. They know what they're doing and are trying to help. You're not the only one who needs help, you know. I get some people who are like, "are you sure you can help me?" all rude like. In my head, I'm like, "Uh, duh. That's our job." Some people....

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Friday, August 3, 2007

What About My Homework...?
I've got a job. Finally. And I start tomorrow. In a way, I'm glad. It releases the pressure for the time being and I'll have some money to pay off school expenses. But it's only temporary, until the end of August. So I won't be working during school (which is also nice because I don't think I'll have time for a job). But then I'll be short on cash again. Well, it happens.

My cousin, thinkanti, is in the area for an internship and will be coming down for the weekend. I'm pretty excited. We only really see each other on holidays now, so it's been a while.

And in the middle of all this, I still have two novels to read and a whole lot of journal entries to make. I wonder if I'll be able to make the deadline? I'm going to go buy the novels after work tomorrow so I can get started. Strangely, I'm not stressed....

I've been playing Final Fantasy VII lately (Advent Children makes SO much more sense now). Sadly, I'm stuck at Safer Sephiroth. Damn you, Sephiroth...! Well, I won't quit. Goes against my nature, so I'll keep trying.

I've been drawing a lot lately too. I wish I could show you all! Not having a scanner is not a happy thing....

Well, till next time, everyone.

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Birthday Week
Yesterday was my birthday. I had family come over and then two of my friends randomly showed up. They didn't know it was my birthday (I have such great friends, don't I?). So they stayed for dinner. I ended up getting a lot of money. I felt guilty. Getting a lot of gifts all at once makes me uncomfortable (especially money). I know that sounds ridiculous, but that's how it is.

But the partying isn't over! In fact, it's just begun! This week in July, I swear, everyone's birthday is on it (I know I've probably said this before). Two friend's birthdays were on the 21st, mine was yesterday, there's one today and two in several days. It's crazy, I'm telling you.

Well. That's all for me, I suppose. Til next time, everyone.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

So yesterday was the Dir En Gray concert. I haven't been to a concert in years and this was a fairly new experience for me. It went pretty well. Dir En Gray was amazing. I got my ticket signed by the singer afterwards. It was pretty cool.

I also found money on the floor. The things you find in The Pit...

I also got called back from one of the numerous job applications I filled out. I have to call them back tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Til next time!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

School is now officially out! Yay! Actually, it doesn't feel like school is out...It's a little strange. Maybe it's because of all the looming summer projects I have to do. *dun dun dun!* Well, whatever.

I suppose that most of you are already out of school, huh? So how is everyone's summer been so far? Will you be doing anything exciting?

I'm gonna upload a picture today. Or at least try. It's a really nice one so go see it, okay?

Well, that's all for this time around. Enjoy your summer, everyone!

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Friday, May 18, 2007

5 Weeks Til the End of School? WHAAA--?!
Long time no see, again. Just swinging by for an update and a look around. I'm sorry I don't have time to visit you all.

The first round of exams ended yesterday. I don't think I did very well but right now, I'm just glad that they're over. But every class just gave us a huge project to do. I don't know if I can handle it all. I'm in the process of getting a job too. I'm hoping I can get the job at the local bookstore (more manga!) but I guess we'll just have to see.

I've been making plans for the summer too. Dir en Grey and Daft Punk are both having concerts here. >.< No one ever comes to our area (we're too out of the way) so I definately plan on jumping on this. It's gonna be great! I might also go to another con with my cousins. They live far away but they invited me to come along. I really want to but I don't know if I can scrape together the money or the time off to go. Sigh.

Well, that's my update for this time around. See you guys around...sometime....

Til then!

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