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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

   Currently Listening: Four Seasons by Namie Amuro
Moo moo.....short post at 9:28 PM (Tay should be snoozin' like a kitty cat)

Okays. Tay's on the laptop w/ no tablet nor a scanner...soooooooooooooooooooo. KH puppies (drei14, haricutie29) will be up in 2 days TOPS. If not, you can send all the hate mail you'd like. :P

Reason Tay's on the laptop is 'cos she suffered a complete breakdown last night and wrecked her room. Mum got mad at Tay and Tay had EXTREMELY bad day, so she just went insane.

Then Tay moped today, which led to heart-to-heart conversation wif Mum, which THEN led to Tay bursting into tears.

So. Tay stole laptop (didn't feel like using her own computer downstairs) and is usin' it to clarify requests and to surf net. WILL GET BACK TO WORK TOMORROW, PINKY PROMISE~!!! 030 Bad Tay, procrastinating. (GASP BIG WORD~~~!!)

-shoots brains out-

Nyarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhah. But still sketchin' and doodlebuggin' like there's no tomorrow. So. Will probably scan in pictures instead of usual sketchy-doo on computerater.


Time for beddy-bye. Migrane says so. TvT;;;; Tay doesn't wanna go to school tomorrow. That was part of why she had mental breakdown. TTOTT That and comin' home and havin' Mum and Dad and Chelsea gripe and whine and throw poop-comments her way. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. rrrrr. rr. r. r. r. r. r. rr. r. r. rrrr. rr. r.

....rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnyaf. Night-night everybodies! Don't let the Boogeyman eat your toenails!

-spins into wall-

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Friday, August 18, 2006

   Currently Listening: Carribean Blue by Enya
Oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lack of updates~!!!! ToT I'm sorry for everyone that is mad at me. I mean, really. You know that deep, deep, deeeeeep in the back of your brain in the tiniest corner of your file cabinet, you are a bit mad.

-gets shot-

Squirrel Army: CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! -revive-

Yay! Okay. Swimming es MUY bien!!! I am actually having fun now~~ Got to play water polo today. It was FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN but my team lost. Because one of our players held the ball with 2 hands instead of 1. GRRRRRRRR.

Anywho. Life's grander than usual. Except for the fact that I'm 2nd chair in Orchestra. TT.TT I play badly, that's why that Brianna girl is first. Wah......I suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. -mopes-

Got the 4th Inuyasha movie today too! :3 I luff you again, Mum~! Now if only if I can get the E's Otherwise DVDs....

...Speaking of E's Otherwise, why isn't that series popular?!?! It's a GREAT series. :O But I don't see any fics on FF.net or a section here on theO or ANYTHING. Rawr!!! It's like no one knows it EXISTS except for me. :P

...I would do another character bio (Xilia's), but I'm going to go watch America's Funniest Videos with Dad. :) Luffs for all, and to all a good day! OwO

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Currently Listening: Kids With Guns by Gorillaz
Alrighty then! Lets start off with the good news:

1) Swim Team actually starts swimming Monday!!! ^0^ That'll be great~! 'Cos dry-land exercise sucks horribly. And to add to this, I got a good physical done today. :)

2) Out of Emo Mode. Pretty much.

3) Working on pretty pictures.

4) Saw Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby today~! 'Twas much fun and I couldn't stop laughing...X3

5) Finished The Shining which means the family and I'll most likely watch it this weekend.

Now the stinkin' poo-poo news.

1) School still stinks 'cos I really despise most of my classmates. I glare holes through their empty heads while they no lookin'.

2) You know that latest lineart I uploaded?? I was halfway done coloring. Coloring was comin' out BEAUTIFULLY. But. Photoshop's bein' a b---- and won't read the format correctly. Which means...

3) I get to start ALLLLLLLLL OVER on coloring my Curran pic. :D *sarcasm*

4) Chelsea AND Mum made me feel terrible yesterday by calling me names and sayin' I was "antisocial", "rude", "lazy", "getting fat", "a loner", "creepy", "someone who will probably lose all her friends". Now that isn't somethin' that would make you happy, is it? No, I think not. And yes, this was Chelsea AND MY MOTHER. G------ idiots...

5) 175 days left of school. Whoop-da-loo.

-le sigh- I'm tired, and I'd better start back up on my Curran drawing. Speaking of which, here's the Curran bio:

Name: Curran Feaux (Prounounced: Kur-rahn Foh)

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Height: 5' 1" ...shorty...

Weight: 88 pounds

Race: Half-elf. Mami (mom) was elf, Pap (dad) was human.

Hair color: Silver

Eye color: Right eye is brown, left eye is white/blue since he's blind in that eye.

Style: He likes baggy clothes and being at least mostly clean.

Disabilities: Blind in his right eye which doesn't really help with depth perception.

Residence: Doesn't really live anywhere...he travels.

Personality: Very easy-going. It's hard to get Curran mad or depressed, but if you do, it'll take a while to calm him down to his normal state.

Likes: Reading (luffs it), sitting in dipfruits (that's NOT what they're for though), woodlands, musufas (animal), friends, and rain.

Dislikes: Raw food (any kind), revealing clothing, the Queen (I hate her too)

Little Piece of his background:

He is Xilia's little brother by 2 years. Curran lived with her along with his parents in his little village, full of members of The Resistance Group, until he was 10. During that time, Curran and Xilia drew attention to themselves by doing random jobs and going on little adventures around the town. Then, on his 10th birthday, the Queen's army attacked their town. They executed whoever they could find; everyone in the village except for Curran and Xilia. The two watched as soldiers apprehended their friends and parents and beheaded them one by one. Happy Birthday, Curran. :'( The two then scrambled from one town to the next, stealing food and survival supplies then fleeing, in hopes of finding a suitable home, but to no avail. But on another steal-and-run, they came across Eshe and began their BIG adventure.

Ah...I'm sorry your parents were killed on your birthday Curran!!!! ;____; I didn't mean it!!

Curran: Then why don't you change it to where I'm living a happy life with my family?

'Cos that'd ruin all the fun, silly~! Besides I have secret that is stored in one of the back file cabinets of my brain. -hands Curran file-

Curran: -reads- .........I WHAT?!?!!!

Hey...don't get all PMS-ish on me, princess.

Curran: BUT I--

-covers mouth- DON'T SPOIL IT!! Okay. Done now.

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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Guys, I'm terribly TERRIBLY sorry, but I can hardly post anything now that school's started. I already got assigned some homework, and supplies are absolute HELL. So I'm absolutely SWAMPED for the time being.

KH Kitties and Puppies are being delayed. I'll post the one I quickly finished before school started. Kk? D: I'm so tired and unhappy.

;______________________; Emo mode. I'm depressed and I'd rather be insane so I can live in the looney bin instead of going to school. :'( I'm sad...so sad...the only class I like so far is Art. Not even Orchestra. v________v

School seemed like it'd be great on Founders' Day, but now that I'm actually DOING stuff in it, SCHOOL SUCKS. HOOORRRRRRRRIIIIBBLLLLLYYYYY. Except Art class because I luff Art. Wah...please don't hate me for not updating a lot and for not completing requests and such on time.

;A; Tay ish as depressed as Ralphy is, let's leave it at that. Ralphy and Tay are emo together. -hugs Ralphy and skips meals- I not eat either then.

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Sunday, August 6, 2006

   Currently Listening: Houki Boushi by ............forgot that too. -_-;;;
SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW~....-dies- I'm gonna get KILLED this year since I have to do gym. TT.TT My poor legs will give out and I'll have to amputate them and get automail legs then keep breaking them so I can keep getting them replaced. That'll suck..

But my school has a SWIM TEAM. And I'm gonna DO IT. YOSH. 'Cos I'm awesome like that. ^____^ Haha, just kidding. I suck.

I'm AAAAAAAAAAALLLMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSTT done with The Shining. That means: MOVIE SOON, WOOT WOOT!!! Yesh....cannot wait to see it. :]

New pictures up!! My first character bio will be up in this post. It's Ralphy's!! ...if you dunno who Ralphy is, then look at his reference picture. 'Else I'll beat your foot with a typewriter.

And my "people only comment & vote the 'in' anime" comic still stands since my Naruto comic (3 minutes) is in the feat. fanart while my Ralphy Reference (5-6 hours) only gots 2 MEASLY VOTES. I thank you voters of Ralphy Reference deeply. -kisses feet- Ewwwwwwwww stinky feet. Hahaahaa.

'Cos you know how HARD it was to draw Ralphy?!?!!! VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY HARD. HAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRDDDDDDD. H-A-U-R-E-P. HARD. Dangit!! -cries-

I'm moody. >.> Developed NAAASTTTTEEEHHHHHH migrane. Probably 'cos I haven't eaten since last night. Oh! Last night was Mum and Dad's 17th Anniversary!!! :D And we went to Lawry's and had their famous spinning bowl salad and famous prime rib. TT^TT It was SOOOOOOOOO good. My GOSH, DELICIOUS.

Okay, okay. Ramble session done for the day. ONTO RALPHY'S BIO!!!!!!!!!!!! 9O1LPK~!!


Name: Raphael (Nicknamed "Ralphy")

Age: 18

Sex: No thanks. Haha, just kidding. Male.

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: ...he won't let me weigh him...-smacks Ralphy- Thinks I'll force food down his throat. But I'd guess him to be about...-ponders- 60-70 pounds? EAT, MY LUFF!!

Race: Once human. Deformed (kinda) by Marsh Syndrome (THE PLAGUE O.o)

Hair color: Gray-green

Eye color: Orange

Style: Shaaaabbbbbbbbbbbyy...he only has 1 pair of clothing and 2 pairs of undergarments. But of course he finds a clean stream and washes off his clothes.

Disabilities: Can hardly use his hands (you'll learn why when I post a pic of him w/out gloves)

Residence: Jeuns Marsh. West of Aquimance, city of water.

Personality: Sad, mopey, quiet, antisocial. Since he was infected, he avoided all contact with other creatures in hopes of not getting them infected. Besides the smaller animals in the marshes, he hasn't been close to anyone in years, which has made him quite the loner. He is a great fighter but doesn't need it since he's...I told you he's alone like...92,384,572,348 times already. He doesn't eat either, hoping to die soon. (Tay: -smacks again-)

Likes: Cloud gazing and playing with the fish in the marsh.

Dislikes: Himself.

Little Piece of his background:

He was born in the woods on Mt. Grenden and lived with his famliy consisting of his mother, father, and 2 older brothers. In his childhood, he was bright, happy, just one of the most joyful children. Then, at age 9, he was diagnosed with Marsh Syndrome. His family began to fear him, and, in time, attempted to kill him many times. Putting poisonous liquids in his foods (he saw his food was different from everyone else's so he didn't eat), trying to "accidentally" stab him (he got away with minor injuries), and much more. Their final attempt, they just came out and tried to burn him out in the middle of the woods. But they started a fire they couldn't stop and all but Ralphy got caught in it and burned to death. Then he packed a bag and left, never to return again. Now here he is today, still suffering from the plague, alone in Jeuns Marsh.


That was LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. Wow. But now you know about Ralphy!! :D I luff you Ralphy!! -hugs & kisses- My Ralphy!!!!




GAH!!! I'm typing with one hand 'n' the other is holding my internet connection wire up so I can stay online. MY COMPUTER ISH ACTING LIKE WEEK-OLD POOP. RRRRR...EFEHL (evil).

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Thursday, August 3, 2006

Currently Listening: The Sacrament by HIM
-sigh- I feel mopey. :( But I just can't grasp the fact that Sugar is really gone...I wanted to spend so much time with him. Mum's going to see if they'll give us his remains (they cremated him) today. I hope they do...I really want to keep it with me forever. Like Gramma did with Buttons, her puppy.

I really don't want to go to school now. I told my friends that Sugar was sick, and they hoped he'd get better, but now they'll bring it up and I'll just break down and cry. I don't want anyone to worry about me.

...drew a memorial piece for him, but since the server's gone haywire, it won't load. Oh well. I really hope they fix it, though. :(

--On the other hand--

I finally thought up a plot for a series. But I'm not putting it up until I can get the character bios done. So la-dee-da.

Done now.


Grrr...server's pretty much fixed, but I still can't add friends. That sucks. Very much.

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Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Sugar's gone.

My baby is dead.

No coming back...


...he's with Bobcat now.

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Tuesday, August 1, 2006

   Currently Listening: The Place We Knew by pixietricks
SUGAR NEEDS YOUR PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Yesterday Sugar went to the pet hospital because his kidney failure is getting worse and worse. We also found out he has stomach ulcers....TT________TT My poor little baby...nuuu...

-sigh- Mum says Sugar might not be able to make it to December. -cries-





Other news.

I'm taking a little break from KH puppy adoptions. 2 Rikus in a span of 10 hours, whew!! >.> That made me tired.

Well, now I'm gonna work on another little pic before I start puppies back up. :D Hooray, I'm so happy everyone -coughcoughmostcough- likes the pups! >w< It makes me very happy.

And new layout too! I found the background and fell in love. <3 But I still think the text color is a bit distracting....I'll look into that...when I feel like it...

Pray for Sugar-booger, pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please.

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Monday, July 31, 2006

Currently Listening: Rakuen by ...forgot...>.>;;;;;;;;;
1. Do you like animals? Yesh. :3 Animals are fuzzy-wuzzy, scaly-waley, slippery-bippery, smoothy-foothy, ugly-wugly, pretty-witty things!! :D And why do you think Tay gots 6 pets? X3

2. Have you ever met an online friend in person? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........Tay talked to in-person friend online! O___o

3. Are you athletic? Nope. Tay's a competition level swimmer, though! :D Er, at least that's what the instructor told Mum...>.>

4. Are you: thin, fat, athleticlly built etc: How rude!! But, Tay has a couple extra pounds. -pokes belly- Though everyone says Tay's losin' lotsa weight...probably 'cos she forgets to eat breakfasat. O3O

5. How much do you weigh? -slaps-

6. What's your height? Tay's 5'5"!!! Very tall, yesh? X3 Gets to call all her friends midgets.

7. Shoe size? Foooooooooooooo......-looks in shoe-....smelly...yuck. But Tay's about..8-9? :O Gots BIIIIG feet.

8. Girls- are you tomboyish, girly, normal, etc? Tay's OAINVALATUPROWEMVJRNLDSJNLJY!!!!! :D

9. Guys- Are you girly, or guyish? T.T Tay is no guy...

10. How old are you? 12! Gonna 13 in September! =^-^=

11. When's your birthday? ...September 23! We celebrate 23 instead of 22nd 'cos Tay was born in Australia on 23rd while it was 22nd here in US!

12. Do you like to receive giftart? :'( Tay's never got giftart before...

13. Are you sociable? Weh......yeh. :D Thanks to psychologists, Tay has many more friends!! XD

14. Do you have many friends? Read above~!!

15. What's your race? PSYCHOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

16. Do you like to talk on the phone? Nu.

17. Are you single or taken? Tay's never had no boyfriend before, so SINGLE AND HAPPY!!! *o*9

18. Do you eat meat? Carnivore....:F

19. Are you paranoid? Yesh. You know der government puts up cameras in EVERY room in house regardless of whether you want cameras there or not. >.>...<.<....and when parents go out, they really just drive off and park in parking lot so they can view what children ish doing while parents are away. No one cares - even KNOWSH - about personal privacy no more. ISH THE APOCALYPSE, TAY SAY!!!

20. Do you read a lot? Tay reads before she goes to bed! v_____v;;;;; Though don't think reading Stephen King before bed will help much with Tay's nightmare problems...

21. Do you listen to music, what kind? Tay likes soundtracks to games (KINGDOM HEARTS!!! -bounces in chair-), easy-listening, and new age.

22. Do you play any instruments? Used to play piano, now play cello. :3

23. How long have you been drawing? Ummmmmmmmmm............Really started off PAINTING when Tay was in preschool. Started drawing CARTOONS when Pokemon came out. Started drawing ANIME when Inuyasha came out. Started drawing LIKE SHE DOES NOW .... forgot when.

24. Whats the meaning of life? To make Earth better for future generations to live in. :O CONSERVE ENERGY AND HELP MOTHER EARTH GET BETTER!!

25. Now tag five of your friends! 1 2 3 4 5!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Nu, anyone can do if they really want. Tay wants'ta go play Kingdom Hearts now. X3 Restarting and replaying whole game until KH3 comes out!!!!!! @________@ Tay'll have every cutscene branded into memory by then. Very sad, yesh?

End. :)

Alright! Stole that from new friend CERM. Tay feels like talking in third-person POV today. :D Yay!

Got a facial yesterday that felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOOO good!!! Tay was like goopy sock monkey for the rest of day so she went online for bit (made Sora the super puppy pic!) and then collapsed onto floor and rolled around for rest of day. :3 But bad part of facial was the EXTRACTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Felt like getting shots ALL over head. X.X It HU~~~~RT!!! Otherwise, it was like heavenly massage. ~_____~ -floats-

And made a new avatar! :D People likey? Tay accidentally saved it at wrong point. She WAS gonna animate, but hand slipped. ;_; Mean right hand. No wonder Tay sa lefty.

Hmmm...what else...Tay emailed her friend, Libby, and they compared schedules for next year. Tay has....-counts-....5 classes out of 8 with Libby!! XD Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! Now if only Tay's other friends would email her. *_____* Tay believes all her friends have grown to hate her over the summer. TT^TT Wuuuuuuuuuuu..........

-gasp- Tay's hands smell like mints!!! OAO -chomps-

D'okay, off to play Kingdom Hearts now! -_- Still wish Nomura-sensei would make it NOW instead of other poopoo title. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!! OHOHOHOHOH! Real quick!! Tay found site with BUNCHES & BUNCHES info on KH3!! Well, at least Tay thinks it's mor than any other site...Go look!! (only people who completed Kingdom Hearts series so far. -glare- 'Cos there are MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR spoilers.)



Can you believe they gonna incorporate PIXAR into it?!?!?!?!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEE~~~!! Well...I guess since Disney bought Pixar, it's not PIXAR.


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Saturday, July 29, 2006

   Currently Listening: Summerdawn (Original Mix) by Synthetic Spirit
I just had a big cup of shaved ice. ^_^ Wedding Cake flavored. Very nummy for all the hot weather we've been having! ...but now I'm so very cold...>.>

Ah. New pictures up! :D Yay. I knew you all were waiting for them. -is hit with rusty spatula- Wah....I'm so so so so so so so sorry!!

Okay, so the past week I've been reading up on Kingdom Hearts 3 because I've gotten back on my Kingdom Hearts obsessive streak. >.< I found out that it should come out *with all the work Nomura-sensei is doing right now* in about 4-5 years. TT^TT That made me cry so hard. That'll be about 2011, the year I graduate high school...nuuuuuuuuuu.....I wish it was already in production! -cries- But they have another title to do and it'll take a little longer for Nomura-sensei to even come up with a plot for the 3rd game!

-regains composure- Anyways. School starts in...-insert fanfare music here- 2 WEEKS. That really sucks 'cos I won't have my free time to draw you guys pictures or comment as much as I do now. SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKY. Rrrrrrrrrr. But the teachers *that I met* seem really nice and I can't wait to get along with them! ^_^

...I suddenly feel the erge to spin in my chair...Luffs to everyone. :) See you guys 'round!

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