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myOtaku.com: Raindrop23

Monday, July 31, 2006

Currently Listening: Rakuen by ...forgot...>.>;;;;;;;;;
1. Do you like animals? Yesh. :3 Animals are fuzzy-wuzzy, scaly-waley, slippery-bippery, smoothy-foothy, ugly-wugly, pretty-witty things!! :D And why do you think Tay gots 6 pets? X3

2. Have you ever met an online friend in person? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........Tay talked to in-person friend online! O___o

3. Are you athletic? Nope. Tay's a competition level swimmer, though! :D Er, at least that's what the instructor told Mum...>.>

4. Are you: thin, fat, athleticlly built etc: How rude!! But, Tay has a couple extra pounds. -pokes belly- Though everyone says Tay's losin' lotsa weight...probably 'cos she forgets to eat breakfasat. O3O

5. How much do you weigh? -slaps-

6. What's your height? Tay's 5'5"!!! Very tall, yesh? X3 Gets to call all her friends midgets.

7. Shoe size? Foooooooooooooo......-looks in shoe-....smelly...yuck. But Tay's about..8-9? :O Gots BIIIIG feet.

8. Girls- are you tomboyish, girly, normal, etc? Tay's OAINVALATUPROWEMVJRNLDSJNLJY!!!!! :D

9. Guys- Are you girly, or guyish? T.T Tay is no guy...

10. How old are you? 12! Gonna 13 in September! =^-^=

11. When's your birthday? ...September 23! We celebrate 23 instead of 22nd 'cos Tay was born in Australia on 23rd while it was 22nd here in US!

12. Do you like to receive giftart? :'( Tay's never got giftart before...

13. Are you sociable? Weh......yeh. :D Thanks to psychologists, Tay has many more friends!! XD

14. Do you have many friends? Read above~!!

15. What's your race? PSYCHOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

16. Do you like to talk on the phone? Nu.

17. Are you single or taken? Tay's never had no boyfriend before, so SINGLE AND HAPPY!!! *o*9

18. Do you eat meat? Carnivore....:F

19. Are you paranoid? Yesh. You know der government puts up cameras in EVERY room in house regardless of whether you want cameras there or not. >.>...<.<....and when parents go out, they really just drive off and park in parking lot so they can view what children ish doing while parents are away. No one cares - even KNOWSH - about personal privacy no more. ISH THE APOCALYPSE, TAY SAY!!!

20. Do you read a lot? Tay reads before she goes to bed! v_____v;;;;; Though don't think reading Stephen King before bed will help much with Tay's nightmare problems...

21. Do you listen to music, what kind? Tay likes soundtracks to games (KINGDOM HEARTS!!! -bounces in chair-), easy-listening, and new age.

22. Do you play any instruments? Used to play piano, now play cello. :3

23. How long have you been drawing? Ummmmmmmmmm............Really started off PAINTING when Tay was in preschool. Started drawing CARTOONS when Pokemon came out. Started drawing ANIME when Inuyasha came out. Started drawing LIKE SHE DOES NOW .... forgot when.

24. Whats the meaning of life? To make Earth better for future generations to live in. :O CONSERVE ENERGY AND HELP MOTHER EARTH GET BETTER!!

25. Now tag five of your friends! 1 2 3 4 5!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Nu, anyone can do if they really want. Tay wants'ta go play Kingdom Hearts now. X3 Restarting and replaying whole game until KH3 comes out!!!!!! @________@ Tay'll have every cutscene branded into memory by then. Very sad, yesh?

End. :)

Alright! Stole that from new friend CERM. Tay feels like talking in third-person POV today. :D Yay!

Got a facial yesterday that felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOOO good!!! Tay was like goopy sock monkey for the rest of day so she went online for bit (made Sora the super puppy pic!) and then collapsed onto floor and rolled around for rest of day. :3 But bad part of facial was the EXTRACTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Felt like getting shots ALL over head. X.X It HU~~~~RT!!! Otherwise, it was like heavenly massage. ~_____~ -floats-

And made a new avatar! :D People likey? Tay accidentally saved it at wrong point. She WAS gonna animate, but hand slipped. ;_; Mean right hand. No wonder Tay sa lefty.

Hmmm...what else...Tay emailed her friend, Libby, and they compared schedules for next year. Tay has....-counts-....5 classes out of 8 with Libby!! XD Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! Now if only Tay's other friends would email her. *_____* Tay believes all her friends have grown to hate her over the summer. TT^TT Wuuuuuuuuuuu..........

-gasp- Tay's hands smell like mints!!! OAO -chomps-

D'okay, off to play Kingdom Hearts now! -_- Still wish Nomura-sensei would make it NOW instead of other poopoo title. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!! OHOHOHOHOH! Real quick!! Tay found site with BUNCHES & BUNCHES info on KH3!! Well, at least Tay thinks it's mor than any other site...Go look!! (only people who completed Kingdom Hearts series so far. -glare- 'Cos there are MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR spoilers.)



Can you believe they gonna incorporate PIXAR into it?!?!?!?!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEE~~~!! Well...I guess since Disney bought Pixar, it's not PIXAR.


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