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Friday, December 30, 2005

Guess what I watched today....
Yup, It's the most awesome scary movie of all time. It has just the right amount of suspense, Pop ups, and sounds. Hehehe. Well, I'll leave you with that for now, I'll probably get back on later tonight to update more.
Ja ne!
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So yeah, I watched it for the 15th time. That movie is scary as poopoo, but I've grown used to it so that the adrenaline rush is there, but I don't think about it before bedtime like I used to.
During the whole movie, I kept thinking of Zappa-kun...Heheh...Silly boy...
Well, Animula is sitting here with me, She wants her mask on today though. She likes it when I play with the little yarn bits on the top of her Beanie. I love her so much, my little baby girl.

It's amazing how many people think that these dolls are bad...If they would take the time to read the stories, they would know how innocent they are.

More of My day:
I printed out many pictures of wolves, hoping to use them as inspiration to draw some more wolf characters and some submissions from www.gaiaonline.com . I haven't been drawing them for too long, I think I started at the beginning of the year. I also drew a dragon scaly for a friend of a friend mine and got 5 dollars off of it. If anyone were to ask for a Charrie drawing, I'd do it, just give me accurate details. If you want color, I could do that too. But I can only DRAW it all, and then color it in. I don't have PhotoShop or anything, but people still say it's good...Yey! *Jumps up, Ron Burgandy style*

Well, I'm off to search the net, update some forums, all that country...(Get it, all that jazz? all that country? I switched them around...er..heh..um...*nervous laughter*...Nevermind.)
Today's Icon:
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I'm feeling good today


I went to the member list to see popularity rankings and such. Riddle me this:
Why is someone who hasn't updated AT ALL ranked number 389?!?!?!
I can understand that Seth-chan (Kawaii Seth) is ranked 459, That's pretty damn cool, but that person (Monkey D Luffy) is even a higher rank than Seth....
It confuses me...I'm going to go check up on that person's journal and see just what is up with it...
I have no life...

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Thursday, December 29, 2005

To cheer myself up, I've decided to post some pics of teh hotness, Alucard!
Here ya go all you fangirls and erm...*ahem* fanboys...YEY!
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   All I'm doing these days..
I know I want to start writing again.
I have splurts of different images or scenes that I want to write about. But I have no beginnings for them...What usually ends up on the page is a small bit of a story, floating in no where. It's just there...
It's like just writing the plot of the story, without a resolution or introduction...I need help. I'm not just writings my emotions down anymore, like I do with poems or lyrics, but ideas, and characters....I have characters, but it's as if they just popped in to say HEY! Then they just stand around, waiting for someone to bring up another topic in an awkward discussion...
This is unnatural for me though. Most of the time I have no problem coming up with different ideas or writing prompts...

I need help...someone give me a start off? Of course, I usually write when I'm not on the computer. It seems that's all I've been doing these days...
Animula thinks I'm just stressed about certain things. From my dresser, she peers to my paper, sees me tapping my pencil, and questions what I will do next. She sighs and shakes her head sorrowfully when I put my paper away and bring out my Sudoku book.
After I finish a puzzle, I give her a hug, and say thanks for getting me through the night. I then sit on my bed, with Billy, Sha', Jess, and Joey around me, keeping me warm while I think about the day's events.

Music puts me to sleep on Sha'atan's stomach. There's nothing better to sleep on than a warm dragon's stomach, huh?

Maybe I'm just feeling a bit anxious or something...
Today's Icon/Pic:

Heh...That one makes me laugh a bit...

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Another haxor job by Zappa_Slave.

This means that some cosmetic changes have gone down.
Take a close look around v'v

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I just got 200 visits...
I think it may have been from Zappa, but either way, COOL!

*celebrates, throws confetti and whatnot. A firework explodes somewhere off in the distance. Maki pulls random people from the crowd and dances with them dressed in her raving wolf ninja gear*
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   Meh Huggle Slave: ZAPPA-SAN!!
Seeing how Zappa-kun always leaves a comment with a *hug* or *huggles* in it, I have proposed for him to be my Huggle Slave. How's that kids? Of course, I've had to ask Sada-chan for permission. I hope she will grant me this wish.
I like Zappa-san's hugs
....*runs up to Zappa-kun and hugs him, then runs away*

Sada-chan says she'll share.

Taken from a PM between Zappa-san and I.

Here's my icon for this post:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com <--Me an' Zappa-kun

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

December 26, 2005, 4:00 AM
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I hate thinking about this stuff. Stuff that makes me think about death. It's not that I'm afraid of death (people who really know me should know that), It's that I'm afraid of losing people because of it.

Not just any person, of course, I can't cry for everyone in the world...I'd be dry...

But, I've been thinking consantly about what I would do if certain people died, or left me somehow, someway, for any certain reason, the people that make me feel good, the ones who maked me laugh and smile.

It makes me cry when I thnk about what I would do without these people. I've met some good friends along the path of my life that I hold close to my heart. They know who they are. They gave me extra shoulders to cry on, a fresh face to look at, some laughs, you know, good stuff like that. All these people who make/ made me happy also make me cry, just to think of losing them... I'd be alone, no one to hang onto or hold, Lost, no one to guide or help me.

I had always tried to help by not letting stray or lone wolves remain alone. I intend to stay in a pack, and keep a pack together, one way or another. I do love everybody. At least i know that I'll never be a lone wolf, for now.

I think I'm just really bored right now...

PS- To my friends, the ones that cannot be seen: Help me out a bit. I think I'm gonna pull an all nighter.

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I've decided that Everytime I post, I'm going to use a cool/cute/weird icon to go along with it.

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"I just need someone to talk to"

I'm feeling ok today. I want to be perky, there is nothing to really bring me down, but nothing to really bring me up. If someone gives me a call, it would be cool. I'm really bored. In a bit, I'm off to fill out some work applications. I printed out my resume.
I've also decided to start writing little stories in my new journal I got for X-mas! ^.^ When I write, I usually stick to poems or songs. I think it's time I start writing stories. I find myself venturing off into those "what if" states. "What If" my friend did this- Then I start thinking of wild, adventurous (SP?) tales of things that can happen in different situations. Wish me luck guys!

It's not so much what you do in life -- what matters most is whether or not your intentions are good. ~ Anne G.P. Quinn ~

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Monday, December 26, 2005

AGH!!! I'm testing something...Just trying to get up a cool blog thingy up, I can't get it...If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. Lemony Slash has already tried to help. The directions were simple, and I followed them with ease, but it just won't work!
If anyone wants to do ti for me, or wants to give me a good site for blog codes (I think part of the reason is that the site I was getting if from sucks), I just need help guys. Please?

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Here's that picture I drew a couple days ago. It's the first drawing I've actually done in charcaol, so don't expect too much from it.
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