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Tuesday, February 1, 2005

a short one
Can't sleep well, tired, hot,bummed. Nothing is going particularly wrong, I just need a tuneup--- Big M always says 2 days without sun and I turn into a mushroom. Just coming to say hi to good friends--- Love and peace!
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Monday, January 31, 2005

Monday, Monday
Still tired, and very frustrated with house chores and work. I had typed a long rant, it made me feel worse. So I think I'll just let my camera do the talking today....

The picture of the wolf was taken at the LA Zoo-- there's a large area for them to roam. Though we do get coyotes in the canyon.

Hugs to good friends, you all keep me going during hard times. I think I will stop at the anime store and browse, or have chai tonite at Borders.

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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Can anybody tell me where I can buy some energy? I feel again so lazy...house chores, prepare for taxex (No way I do them---just prepare the files). I cooked yesterday, making taco meat, and used left over mashed potatoes to make potato pancakes, and some gelatin. Starting to have some headaches now, but they are minor. I think this is a day to take the camera outside and take pictures. I usually energize a little, and use the evening for chores.

I'll share some pictures because nothing exciting has happened:
For Darkkiba, a wolf:

And for Panda, the legendary pizza kitchen of New Orleans (it was super yummy!):

Well, huggles to my friends. I'm going out to "shoot" Nature, to share with you . Kitsune Tsuki, good luck with all the moving and HURRAH ! for great scores on tough exams. Darkkiba, when you move, I hope that it goes well, and I am confident you will find many nice folks in town.

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Saturday, January 29, 2005

Saturday is here! I feel very lazy today, just want to watch TV and snooze. There are hazards in owning fluffy pillows-- they call to you, especially when housework and preparing taxes awaits. Big M does the hard part, I am too lazy to even get out the files today. OzymandiusJones drew a great pic for me of Vash doing his taxes (I love the pic). What do you all do when you are content to just watch TV or anime, have an entire weekend to do chores (ummm... that have been put off for a while....). Today I think I will give in to being lazy, and then put on the afterburners tomorrow. I guess its time to call a truce between the I-gottas and I-donwanna. During those mental tugs of war, the only thing that passes, and I end up with neither chores getting done, or fun freetime.

Check out Panda she has the coolest puzzle on her site. And check out her interviews. Sounds like Sky Blue which comes to the theatre is gonna be like nothing we have seen yet. See her article on the home page!

Well, dear friends I am going to turn into a lazy cat.. I think I'll watch Cowboy Bebop the Movie again. If you all can see Patlabor, Patlabor 2 and Patlabor 3, check it out! (was on the action channel on cable last night).

Hugs to you all, love and peace, and POPCORN!

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Thursday, January 27, 2005


Well, slept most of today, and I'm feeling pretty comfortable, so back to work tomorrow. We had a small temblor VERY close to the house, only 2.9, but I actually felt something, and it sounded like THUD THUD on top of the roof. The parrots ran into their cages, scrunched down, and remained very quiet for 5 hours! They are now out playing with their toys very cautiously. Big M is in Chicago for a business trip. Just me and the birds for a bit!. I thought I would have dreams of Oreos last night--- instead I had nightmares about dentists!

Tonight, I will leave the TV on (usually do) but I think I'm going to put Cowboy Bebop DVD on tonite. I love the episode where Ein joins the crew. And also a Trigun DVD (I like the first disc because it is kind of funny)

What do others do to keep nightmares at bay?

Wishing you golden days, and azure nights tomorrow, with lots of hugs. !

Love and Peace!

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

And another day ///

Well, part I of the oral surgery is done...luckilly I am still numb. Haven't eaten all day, but its hard to move my mouth. I got a lot of rice, soups and jello, and I think I'm gonna need them for a week or so. But right now I so want an Oreo cookie! I was going to go back to work tomorrow, but I called in because I had 4 extractions plus other work, and I think that is going to be sore when the novocaine wears off. I will shortly go to bed and grab my plushie. I brought my CD player and headphones and listened to a mix from Bebop to focus my concentration. I don't like pain meds, so I try to focus concentration.

Today was really sad for many people--- there was a horrible train wreck . Someone parked their car on a train track, changed their mind about suicide and bailed out, but the train hit the empty car left on the tracks. That's so sad.... and I guess another reason if people feel low, call someone, talk.... never try self harm. Lots of folk at a local warehouse store helped the passengers, and fire and police were super fast. My candles are in the window.

Please friends, don't be afraid to let another friend who feels down know you care, and tell them to talk to someone!

Many hugs to you all, you are so special! Well, its early night for me, so I'll grab my hand brace and Ein plushie (puts my arm in the right position), and some Jello. Probably will end up dreaming about silly Oreo cookies!

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No crunchies today
When I use the computer at home, I like to have some little snacky crackers or something crunchy. Well, at 3 pm the first part of the oral surgery will start--- I think it will be a while before I can crunch the crackers, so I will enjoy them now. When everything is done, I won't have to worry about clicking sounds etc. (I have cracked several things , so I will have to stop gritting my teeth.)

I have been enjoying reading everyones posts tonite. You all so rock! No Night Patrol for 2 months so that is good! I want to share a picture that is kind of strange. Only in So. Cal can one see a local snow topped mountain with palm trees growing at the base:

This is Mount Cucamonga, and it only gets snow when we have torrential rains because it is not very tall. The snow is fleeting, but the odd juxtaposition of palm trees and snow caps is unforgettable!

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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I guess its safe to come out... that was one funky bad Night Patrol! I am still tired! Wow, looks like Mother Nature had another tantrum with all the snow and ice. Hope everyone is safe and warm ::starts making large batch of cocoa:: Well, not too much to say-- sorry I wasn't around much but that weekend was one for the record books!

I guess today I'll let some of my photos do the talking. I have fun with the digit camera (no cost for developing, and throw the bad images away.) Hope you like them!

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Sunday, January 23, 2005

happy happy, joy joy (NOT !)
WARNING! Flee, head to the hills, its another rant:

NOOOOOOOO! Not another call! What did the trainee do.... NOOOO! Its gonna be all day to straighten this!

Night Patrol.....sucks rocks! I spent the whole day working my butt off. I don't relish the thought of possibly working 14 days in a row.... hopefully nothing will require my going in today, but still carrying the IPC and knowning you have to drop everything is called is yucky. It's times like this I think even Vash would have thoughts of shooting that device !(nasty, nasty little toy). Can't go to a movie, so I guess I'llread a book.
Vash: Mamma, what about your knitting
Jet:you finished the parts of another blanket, why not sew it together, you wouldn't even notice Night Patrol.
Vash: You are just in another whiny mode. Friends, just ignore this whining, she gets like this without sleep! I'm getting out of here until it stops!

Kuroneko: You should talk!

Jet: He's leaving because he knows he's been outwhined!

(door opens, Vash returns)
Vash::holds out a little box:: Truce! I broought everyone a donut, and some for friends too!

Have a donut on Vash, friends.

Well, I'll be around to sites as I can. OY! The house is such a disaster, I'm tired from lack of sleep (any chirping noise, and I'm up), so I will read, maybe go get breakfast and let my wrist cool off. The fastest paperwork processor in the West!


Actually, I'll get breakfast, and watch TV...with some ice to cool my wrist. Night Patrol----phhht!

Hope you all have a really good day!

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Friday, January 21, 2005

   Bernadelli Girls to the Rescue
LOL! I now have a little mascot that is the envy of all office girls! Yes, a Merryl action figure adorns the office! Complete with miniature manilla envelopes stuffed with papers that read "insurance contract", a desk with holes in it, typewriter, and Kuroneko! A true inspirarion! I put it together last evening, and when I got up for work this morning, the Merryl doll had fallen on its back, like it had given up. It was that busy kind of day.

I was exhausted by end of day-- so Team TRiP went to dinner a day early. We usually go to a British pub for fish and chips, or bangers and mash. It's a wonderful place to chill out, theres billiards and a great jukebox! We kept playing all kinds of music for about 2 h. Then , a walk with one of my friends through Market Night in Redlands. I only wished I had the camera-- a clown making heart shaped balloons in the evening, and a little girl getting her face painted, so kawaii a heart could melt. There's produce, shirts, anything you can think of, and after about 3 hours, it dissappears. It's held in the old downtown district. Next week I will bring the camera.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had an unexpected warm moment this week. That's what I like best about photograph, the moment is forver. Even a raindrop kissing the pond. Check out OzymandiusJones post of 1/20. There's a thread on OB where people are trying to write a quick story of 55 words. Ozy posted a good one on her blog. That's not an easy thing to do! Well, this weekend is Night Patrol (groan -- the whole weekend), next Wednesday is tentatively some big oral surgery -- ::dives under the bed:: Oh Kitsune Tsuki, I will stop chewing on the paper work! Apparently did more cracking then I thought. Oh, well.

Big hugs for my friends! I'm crossing my fingers that Night Patrol will be quiet, because the last several have been cork poppers!

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