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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Well Well Well
I was SO busy today.

First off. I went with my Dad, younger brothers (2 of em'), and Mom, to a big "Tour of Dad's Work" Day. I never really saw so many pipes in all my life. See, he works in this nuclear waste management facility, he's like a trouble shooter guy for the facility. Yeah, it was cool though. There were these huge robotic arms that looked like monsters sparring. Pretty neat.

Then, when I got home, I immidietly headed to battle of the bands in the downtown area of my town. One of my friends from school was playing in it. He's an awesome guy, very talented. I only got to spend an hour there, then I had to head off to work.

And I've been there for like ..... ever. Well, I'm home now. But I had to take ANOTHER freaking shift cause some girl didn't come in. UHGNESS.

Anyway. That's my day.
I should be going to bed, but oh well. I'm not going obviously, because I'm still typing in this site.

Oh. And I'm SOO sorry again for not getting to any of your sites. I guess it's a precursor to the school days, eh?
You know though, if you comment, I will definately visit you. I might not have time beyond that.

So that's it.

Goodnight to all you night people.
And Goodmorning to the rest.

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Friday, August 13, 2004

Today Today. I got my hair cut. Weee. I'm so happy, finally I have a hair style I like! YIppeEE !

Basically my hair was down to almost my waist, now it's just below my shoulders, but with layers and utter cuteness.

Yes. I'm happy.

This weekend I'm going to be busy.

some things I've been thinking about.

The definition of happiness.
Happiness is such an enigma to me, and not really because I've never been happy. But just because I can't think of anything to really describe it.


Who could really say they know who they are?
I get so confused. I just can't say, "I am this way and always will be."
I can't even say that I know who I am, what I am, what I'm good at, who I should be or anything.
Identity. For some reason it baffles me.


People in general.
Not like this is something new that I've been thinking about. I'm an observer, first and foremost. sometimes invisible in this fact. But I can't help but look at people and just wonder.
Why can't they see themselves?
Why can't they understand themselves?
Why can't they try?
Why can't they care?

Sometimes I think that people are born with blinders, and you can choose to take them off, or not. I think most people don't even notice. To me it's a little sad.


Other than that. My hair is sooo cool. I'm excited to show everybody that I know.
but I'm not so excited to go to school.
NOt at all.


See you all later.

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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Must Step Silently
Oop. Eh. Hi everyone. I didn't really ... uh.... visit anyone yesterday. Sorry about that. But I'm back now from my frenzied cleaning and welcoming my family home, so I'll be able to update.
Which is what I'm doing. Go figure.

I'm working quite a bit this week, this is my only day off. But hopefully so more money rolls in, I still need to buy some shoes.

I've been talking about manga and anime a lot lately. Yay for me. I mean this is the "otaku" after all, neh?

But today I'll leave off the anime.

I totally was going to talk about something. And yet, I forgot.

Damn, I really need to write some more story. I need to write more in general.
I also had the oddest urge to draw yesterday, not anime (well not a lot) but mostly just sketchy trees and scenery, perspective and what not.

Oh yeah. I remember now. My bad day.
That was it.

Soooo. Tuesday was a not so good, actually pretty shi- crappy day.
Monday night one of my puppies starts throwing up (If you don't want to be disgusted, skip down to next part) And she's throwing up all this gross food mush and then up comes this pile of cloth, or something. She's been eating a lot of cloth lately so I assumed that's what it was. THEN she starts eating it again. Suffice to say I thought I was going to puke, I tried to get it away from her, but I kept gagging and running into the bathroom.

In the end, my father had to clean it up.

Then we both decided that I should stay up until she threw up again.

- Skip to 5:00 AM. My dad gets up for work, I finally head off to bed.

- 7:30 the puppies wake me up. I stay up for about an hour, trying to settle them down.

-8:30 -10:30 more sleep.

then I was awake for the rest of the day.

Then, my best friend really dropped the ball, because she was suppposed to help me out with the puppies, but she was late, therefore I was late for work, I forgot my uniform, asked her to bring it, she gets there 20 minutes later (takes 8 minutes to get there) and I ...... Well I was dead on my feet for the rest of the day.

Then I took a bubble bath, much to the insistence of a couple of friends. Thanks Guys, by the way again.
Bubble Baths are oh so nice. So nice.

Now I feel better, and ready to go for the rest of the week.

Thanks for sticking around to listen to me. ^_^
See ya.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

just to let you know....
i will visit all your sites today, but don't expect a comment.
I've had 4 hours of sleep ... maybe, and I'm in a fairly foul mood.
reason will be told tomorrow

also..... i watched inuyasha on cartoon network and ..... suffice to say, i'm glad i've seen all the episodes I have in Japanese very glad
but i know most of you like it, and can only watch it in english, so i won't bash it.....

uhg. i'm going now.. too much to do.

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Darling! If you don't come out here when I count to three. One ... two .. three! *commence scary electric shocking*
I just finished watching Beautiful Dreamer, the Second Urusei Yatsura movie. Based off of manga of same name by the ever-amazing, Rumiko Takahashi.
What a funny and very good show. Kind of hard to follow, but still really really good.
If you have any way of seeing this movie, I recommend it heartily.

What else......... uhhhhh. I didn't do anything today. Except .... nope, not much.
I'm reading Yami no Matsuei right now. It's getting pretty good. Plus the bishies are sexy. What can I say.

So. Only two days left until my mum comes back. I'll be busy cleaning all day Wednesday so I guess I'd better laze around a lot tomorrow right?
Yes. Very right.

I GOT 11 COMMENTS! Yay. I'm filling my quota again. ^_^
And guess what. 1401.
That's my visit number. Someday in the future it will be 2000. That's my goal . *sigh*
I remember the old old days when I looked at my backroom, saw the number 102 and was exstatic. ^_^ wow. and that wasn't even a year ago.
But I feel like I've been here forever. And I haven't been here as long as other people.
Oh well.
I sign a lot of guestbooks.

Yeah..... that's about it for right now.
I think I got to everybody's sites. Just at the end of the day. Hope nobody was angry or anything.

Bye Bye !

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Monday, August 9, 2004

Eh. Hey! Where are you going with my MILK???!!!
sooo. Another day begins tomorrow morning.
And today I did very little. (it's late Sunday Night)
At least I think I did very little, I'm not sure. I feel like I've lost time somewhere.

ANYWAY. I would update the story, but I tend to forget what comes next. Which means I have to find my notebook where it says what comes next. But at the moment it is lost in my room. A dangerous place for a notebook to be, and where I keep all of them. It's probably buried under numerous other papers.

I went to the BarnesNnoble to buy Wish (clamp manga) today, but they didn't have volume 2. So I bought the fifth chobits instead. I need to start catching up on my series. I now have five chobits and five Dragon Knights, even though I've read up to volume 10 or 11 of dragon knights - I can't remember. I also need to buy the next trigun. the maximum one but it's so SKINNY for still 10dollars. *sigh* wish I had more money.
I still have to get a hair cut, school shoes, more shirts, and a few girly unmentionables before school starts up again.
Lordy. I wish I could be more frivoulous with my money. But... it's my choice after all. I need to read that manga though.
Alice 19th is also good. Well, good if you like Hott bishounen guys. The story is so-so, but Watase-san (Fushigi Yugi and Ayashi no Ceres - Ceres Celestial legend) is totally SO good at drawing bishounen.
Planet Ladder is weird, and the way it is set up is rather boring. Just boxes and stuff. But as long as I can get it from the library, that's fine with me.
Uhhh.... that's about all the manga talk I'll do right now.

As for my life. (even if you don't want to know.) Well, I've gotten used to being home alone. And I've actually started listening to the radio when I drive in the car. Strange for me, radio usually isn't my thing.
Work is boring. I make almost no money. Crime and Punishment is going by very slowly. And the puppies are monsters as usual. A couple days ago they went mud wrestling and literally COVERED my house with gross mud. I had to shower them off. A very unpleasent situation.

And that just about wraps things up.

Thank you and Goodnight. - or gooodmorning.

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Sunday, August 8, 2004

Mwahaha. Nothing Better to write about.
And so it goes.
Nobody knows.
That when it rains on me
oh sweet twisted irony
yeah when it rains on me
I'm able to see
for miles and miles around
only down on the ground
wish I didn't live here after all

Hmm. Ho di do .
I'm a little bit bored. Feeling a bit poetic, but also... yeah. not so much.
Crime and Punishment.
wow. It's like super boredom sometimes,but it isn't a boring book. I guess I'm just not used to reading regular fiction.

So. .... more randomnes..

I ran down the street
across the muddy town, beat
down by the heat of the sun

And I lost my will to see
Breaking over day after day, being
molested by a dozen eerie eyes.

Before I lay down in the green
and completely lose my sense of self
Do you tell me what I've come to?
Do you tell me what I've done?
And laying with me, can you save me?
Can you take this insanity and lead me to a happier place?

With just your love to guide
I might not fall apart with the tide
I might not crumble, soul not hide
In truth, I may not survive.
From this turmoiled sea,
but after all it's not a mystery.
A craving and desire to be held
A God so high above all else
A nature defined by nothing more
than a smile.
Simply here all the while.

What if you didn't love me?
I would roam the world so pitifully,
and I would have done it anyway.
Straight down until that rainy day,
those words come to cross, and someone to say .....
"I love you"

Yike..... well. I'm glad that made little to no sense. Little to none whatsoever. It's kind of fun just rambling nonsense. Do you think?

Time for me to be off.

^^ *bows* Arigatou, everyone for keeping up with this crazy life of mine.

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Saturday, August 7, 2004

Quickity Quik Posty Pants


Not much going on as of late. I've not been terribly busy, but I have been having fun. Hung out with my best friend yesterday. That's right, the infamous-head-tilter Hollie. I spent the night at her house. It was fun. We did watch this dumb dumb movie though. More accurately, I watched while she slept.
Le Divorce. Stupid movie. Stupid.

Anyway. I have to do a lot of chores now because I was super lazy and didn't do them yesterday.

Hey, is Planet Ladder any good? If you know anything about this manga and have read it or something let me know. Otherwise, ignore this part.

I think my favorite anime is His and Her Cirumstances, Kare Kano. The manga isn't as good. It's good ... but not AS good.

My favorite manga is .... well. I'm going to say Trigun. For the moment. I just really like it. I need to watch the whole show.

Anyway. Enough about anime. Although, if you haven't seen or read Kare Kano I totally suggest it, even if you've looked at it and been like "It's not my type of manga, I like Naruto, other shounen/shoujou etc." It is surprisingly very very very very good.

Thanks. Hopefully I'll have something better to write about tomorrow.


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Friday, August 6, 2004

REst O' Pictures!
Okay folks. I played around a little. and these ones are smaller (thank god) I'm too lazy to redo the others. So.
I don't know if this will help or what. Hope you can see em. ^^ Anyway. Let's start with

Picture #5: Mandalay Bay
Me on left, Hollie on right. She always tilts her head in pictures. I don't know why. Behind us is this cool fountain thing. But you can't see it. Cuz the photo SUCKS. Oh well. I look funny, hope it amuses. The look on my face is like , "Gahhh. What's going on?" Hehehe

Picture #6: New York New York This Picture is good too. Pretty,and centered. And apparently Rick Thomas was playing somewhere, but I didn't see any shows, oh well.

Picture #7: The Paris Hotel Oooh. Chandaliers are pretty. And you can't see my face mwahhha. Actually, that was an accident. But... the interior is pretty, no?

Picture #8: Inside the Venitian Yeah, another example of my horrible camera. Anyway. Me on right Hollie on left this time. You see what I mean, she always tilts. Oh, and if you'd like to know, Yes. Apparently I am half demon, one read eye and one black. Mwahahahaha. ^_^

Picture #9: A Girl's Best Friend Isn't it cute? Sure, I look like a goofy idiot hugging a giant magic wielding bear, but I like this one. Truthfully, I don't exactly know what I was thinking to have this look on my face. Oh well.
There was also a giant knight bear, but I liked the wizard better.

Cheers to pics. and from now on .. ITS BACK TO REGULAR POSTS! Yippee!
That means regular randomness from your favorite random girl, ME!

See ya!

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Eere's my post for the day.

Pictures Pictures. some people may not be able to see them oh well.
*looks at last post* 3 comments? THREE? wow. I must be getting boring.

Tell me what you think, if you want.

Okay! Here are links to pictures! AHHHHHH!
I know. I know. It's like .. what am I doing?! Showing people what I look like? I'm crazy! But oh well.

Pic #1: The Bellagion Gardens
These Gardens were so beautiful. And then there was this little japanese woman who wouldn't get out of our picture. (I look dead.. then there's my mom, she's always pretty)

Pic 2: The Fountains. These cool streams of water looked like snakes or something. In all honesty, this is a very good picture.

This yummy thing was soooo good. The middle cake thing was my favorite. - The restaurant was really ritz though.

Last one for now!
Pic 4: Jelly Fish!
These guys look sooo cool.

That's it for now! Yay!

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