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Sunday, September 5, 2004

The Fair
*sigh sigh sigh* I hate senior year so far. Too much to do so far.

I'm thinking of making a poetry club in my school. And I hope it goes through all right.

Anyway. The Subject.

I'm going to the annual "fair" today. I shouldn't be, because I should be studying for the ACT and the SAT, getting myself acquainted with Eliot, Dickensen, other various poets, writing my admissions essay, cchecking out scholarships........... uhg.

But I'll go. There's always good food and some intersting crap. County fairs are like that.

I should just stop apologizing for not being around often. My lovely rating has shot down quite a bit. but that's not a concern of mine, although I do wish I had more time to visit people.

um. anything else....... not really. Oh, I've been harrangued into going to Homecoming. *harrangued..... is that a word? Harrassed .... but nicer? who knows*
Roped.... there you go, I've been roped into it.
I have to find a dress tomorrow. And then I'm going to be escorted by a guy I've never met, since there are NO guys at my school that would (or ever HAVE for that matter) ask me to a dance.

Um. Yeah. That's about it.

Have a wonderful week everyone. and again, comments will cause me to visit your site. That way I know who visited and who still cares.

Don't worry, I"m a bit melodramatic, I'll get over it.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Huff Huff Huff ... hu .... huh.. *wheeze* *choke* *cough* *Die*
yeah. I'm worn out. And it's what ... my 4th day of school? This sucks.

Anyway. Some cool news.
I may be going to the UK for a week or so in the Summer of 2005. My Drama Teacher has been trying to plan a school Shakespeare trip, also just an awesome touristy thing. We'd see shows, and visit all the cool places. Basically I'm just super excited to maybe get out of the country - and I won't even have to learn another language.
OH yeah, it'd only be around 1,200 dollars. I think that's cheap, personally.

Everything is about money. Senior year is so expensive.
4 AP tests at 82 dollars a pop equals
*chi ching sounds*
328 dollars

Senior Pictures at least 100 dollars
*chi ching*

Graduation stuff - gown, tassle, hat, announcements etc.
About 121 dollars
*chi ching*

Total so far
549 dollars.

Disgusting. I shouldn't have totalled it. NOw I feel bad. *sigh*

I'm trying to be positive.
Okay - I won't lie. I'm not really trying very hard. Sometimes you just need to be pathetic, you know?
Well. Yeah.

That's all. If you comment on this I WILL visit your site, and if youdon't....... welll...... there's really no guarantee. Actualy, I probably won't. I like to know that people care.

Oh yeah.


*written at 11:00 at night*

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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Work Sucks
Yes. You all know it. And most of you probably agree.


My life is good right now. Actually it never isn't neccesarily good, let's just say that I feel pretty happy about it. At the moment. A sad thing, though, or maybe just a pathetic character trait, my cynicism seems to have come back to me full force. I don't really want it to. but it has. *sigh* I'll try and be optimistic.

I want to thank all of you who commented on my last post.

Kitsune Tsuki = aren't scary guys amusing?

Shizoku = shy people ROCK!

Rustym = Congratulations again. And thanks.

Nikorasu = Yeah. It's not fun, but I'll deal. Again, good luck with college.

Mr. Iguana = smart people ROCK!

Tae = guys are weird. and braces aren't very fun

blackwings = I'm sure I will. Sounds busy, I really hope you find a job you like. STay away from the food industry. That's my advice.

Danny = yeah? Freedom is something I only wish I had more of. Thanks for stopping by and LEAVING A COMMENT. ^_^

Number 5 = me too

sweetshnara16 = ^_^

Liam mc = don't let college consume ALL your life, cuz then you'd never talk to me. ^_^ but I know you'll do great.

Okay Okay. I'm done. And if you skipped that part wonderful. But look , personal recognition is what you get if you leave a commment. Cool huh? Yeap.
If you don't understand, refer to the comments to my last post.

And if you DID read this, or skipped to the ending like a cheaty pants, drop me a smiley, PLEASE ! !!!!!!


Bye now.

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Friday, August 27, 2004

*Sob Weeping Sob*
School is now to consume my life. And I don't like it. I can't get to people's sites, I don't know what is going on in anyone's life anymore.
It sucks. And I added like 4 friends or maybe more less than a week ago and I never have the chance to visit them. I'm so sorry everyone. It totally sucks.

I guess I just feel bad because I've been reverted to my old social status again "Ultra-Smart Wall Flower"
not that either part is completely true or completely false for that matter.
You can't define people though. It isn't fair. Sure I may be a little shy from time to time, but I'm eleqouent, I can talk to anybody.

*sigh* Not like it matters here.

So, Enough about me.
Please tell me what is going oon in your life.
How are you all?
Doing well?
Anything life changing or just plain funny happening?

Please tell.

Thanks. And I miss you all.

- hearts and hugs -

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Monday, August 23, 2004

Thanks Everybody!
Wow. so many new words for green. I like all of them.
COOL! Thanks everyone who thought of one. And everyone who simply commented on my stupid, short post.

Well. Crime and Punishment is so close to being done. I mean, I finished the book, but I still have one more assignment left. And two days of freedom in which to do it in.

Here's my schedule, for all of you who wanted to know the inner workings of my school life.

Communications (required)
AP American Government (required)
Drama 4 (choice - I get to be a director! Yippee!)
Italian 4 (choice - Ciao, come sta?)

Next Day:
Art 4 (choice - get to work on whatever I like)
AP Language Composition (choice/required English)
AP Literature (choice)
AP Calculus (for now - will probably change)

AP - advanced Placement.
All my classes are 87 minutes long.
Lunch is only 1/2 hour.

And that's it. If you have questions, please comment and this time, THIS TIME I SWEAR TO ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS in tomorrow's post.

That's it for tonight.
And thanks once again.

Bye bye.

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Sunday, August 22, 2004

Super Late
Okay - bed time should be now.

Quick update.
Work in progress on Crime and Punishment.
Couldn't visit sites, went shopping and then work and more work.
I will visit EVERYONE who left a comment on my last post - again for everyone who updates today.
I do that on the weekends.
Thanks for your patience.

And YAY! Everyone likes the new style. At first I thought it was a bit too green, but what can I say - I love green .

Green Midori Verde - other languages.
Hey if you know how to say "green" in a language other than english japanese or italian/spanish. please tell me.

Thanks. Goodnight.

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Friday, August 20, 2004

*Big Sigh of Relief*
Now it's different.
What do you all think?

I think Niko already saw it. But that's because he's a late nighter.

But besides that.
Wow. So green. I was searching for at least twenty minutes for greens I was fond of.
And the avatar is cool too.
So different.

That's all for tonight. Night all.

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Thursday, August 19, 2004

I'm Adding My Second Post.
Hello all again. Thanks yous guys who commented on my almost nothing post.

Anyway. more about me! Yay! I love talking abou me! hehehehe. not really, I'm just being goofy.

I need to make one of those table things with the pictures and the lists of all the people I go to all the time. the thing is...... I kind of just want to say "Hey, look at my friends list" Cuz you guys are all so cool and stuff. Plus ... my intro scares me, I'm afraid to do anything to it after that time where it freaked out and wouldn't let me change it or my posts. crazynes..

Anyway.... who thinks I need a site change up?
I do.
But, I can't figure what colors I want to use. And you know what HTML shades of green are all ugly! That's right. My favorite color gets butchered by freakin' HTML. uhgness.
If anyone thinks of a really cute color scheme just let me know. My avatar will probably change too. I never have the same avatar for like more than a month. I'm a change-freak.
I'm one of those people who can't stand to have my room the same for more than a few months. I get all clostrophobic ( how is that spelled?)..... as a matter of fact... *idea lightbulb above head* *DING* I think I'm going to change it today! YAY AGAIN!

Eck. Enough Yaying.
I've got to read the Crime and PUNISHMENT. - just to let you know, I have to read it for my school summer assignment.

Anyway. I'm off. *swooshes away from computer into bedroom, where maniacal laughter can be heard*

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School registration at 8 in the morning?! Who freakin' plans these things?!

Anyway. NOt much going on as of late. Watched a lot of the olympics. Paul Ham has a funny shaped head.

Besides that.

Uhhh. I'll update when I get home from registration .

HHHh. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay - done with panic attack.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Hey Everybody!
Yep, I missed another day of updates. So sorry about that.

Other than that I've just been working and reading and stuff. I got a little writing done last night, but not anything I'd post, because no one would understand it seeig as how it comes from the second book in a series I'm currently writing. Even though I'm still stuck on the first book, you write when the ideas come, neh?

I've decided I'm going to write more. I think school starting is my incentive. I only wrote like 3 poems this summer. That's insane for me, I've counted over 250 poems in the last few years and this summer I wrote 3?! Eck. I definately need to get myself in gear.

Then there's Crime and Punishment. That book is going to allow me to catch up on any and all sleep I lost this summer, because I just can't read it without falling asleep. my eyes unfocus, I can't concentrate, and then a few minutes later I shake myself awake.
*sigh* And I have about a week to finish all the work. Scary.

Other than that. Not much is going on in my life. I get my check tomorrow, and then I'll go buy some more stuff for school. And hopefully another manga. I also want to order a CD off of the internet, but I haven't decided which one yet. Hmmm.

That's about it.
So How are you all doing? I got 16 comments on my last post, and I'll try to visit the last couple of sites today.

See you later !

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