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myOtaku.com: InuChanFan

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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charr (04/30/06)

Thank you for signing my gestbook. I don't mind that you think its cute ^_^ and comments are good comments. You'r site is very vivid and nice, I've seen some of you'r work as well and its very plush and cute. I will also add you to my friends list...


eyes-of-the-wolf (04/30/06)

aww thanks so much!! i really appreciate the compliment. Of course its alright!!! I'll add you as well!!!


ElvesAteMyRamen (04/26/06)

WHAT?! I've never signed your guestbook! Shame on me. *hangs head*

Anyway, thanks for always coming to my site and leaving such nice comments, Jordon! It 'tis greatly appreciated!

I really like your site too. The colors work ever-so well with the Bleach background^_^

Anywho, you're an awesome person so I hope to keep seeing you around!^___^

Sakabato Samurai (04/25/06)

hellos! i noticed you commenting on my posts. thanks. would you mind signing my guestbook as well? honestly, your lucky i even noticed you at all. ^_^v so, i'll add you as a friend k? that way i know when you update so i can return the favor. ok, latr!

whitecat (04/22/06)

ah hello there

so sorry it took a while to respond to your signing..wasnt able to get online..anyway thanks for the lovely comments on my site and wallies *bows*..well i shall add you..seeing as you added me


LinkShelbit (04/21/06)

So you are pretty new to the anime world huh? Well welcome aboard! I can help you learn a lot about charaters and quite a few shows. If you have a question pm me anytime.

Lord Boxy (04/20/06)

well hi nice to meet you your sites cool too thnx for signin my gb

Black Warrior (04/18/06)

entrance only?

that's funny, thanx for signing~!

i'll add you as a friend now!
and then we will eat pancakes...
=^ ^=

SpookyKatie (04/16/06)

Cool site! And your ava is funny were one earth did you find that?!

Well see ya later!!

Love and Peace!

chii00 (04/11/06)

Hey I really like your site it's really cool! I'm going to add you as a friend hope you don't mind! Your BG is really cool too. I'll stop by once in a while!

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