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Sunday, March 11, 2007

How do you live your dash?
I read of a pastor who stood to speak
At the funeral of his friend.
He referred to the dates of his tombstone
From the beginning to the end
He noted that first came the date of his birth,
and spoke of the second date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all time
That he spent alive on earth
And now only those who loved him
know what that dash was worth.
For it matters not how much we own'
The cars, the house, the cash.
What matters most is how we live,
And how we spend our dash
So think about this long and hard,
Are there things you'd like to change
For you never know what time is left;
"You could be at
If we could just slow down enough ,
To see what's true and real,
And always try to understand
The way that others feel,
And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more,
And love the people in our lives
Like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile,
keeping in mind this special dash
might last but a little while.
So when your eulogy's being read,
Your life's actions to rehash,
would you smile at the things being said
About how you spent your dash?

Hey guys just to let you know i didn't write this poem. The writer was anonymous. I thought it was a beautiful poem so i though i'd post it. I really liked it. I am abou to go watch this play. UGH. But it shouldn't be so bad i guess it's like a teenage novel literally. It's title was something like "the Bratty girl"
so you can see it even sounds like it
will tell you how it was later.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Life ( sucky poem)
There are many things in the world
Some things are good, some are bad
some are not so simple, twirled and swirled
The effect of these choices,may leave us raving mad

This is because the choices we make define us
It's not in our hands to change the strings that fate itself may tie
we can't take them back no matter what's at stake
Though we can always try

By trying we may fix them or we may not
though we can't redo what we chose
we can make new choices to fix our mistakes
The hope this gives us soothes the heartache

This only gives us reason
to go on living life
no matter what unhappiness, no matter what treason
Because we can always try to fix our lives
with the choices we make in all seasons

Without this realization we would have nothing
no hope, no happiness, no pleasant sensations
we all make mistakes that sting

Even though all this is true
We must live for those who die
for those who are not here, we have no clue
those who no longer have the right to make choices
for those who have said good bye
we must live though and through

Because we have no right to give away our tie
to this world because many can't live
we must be happy and laugh
if not for our own sake
but for those who don't have what we have,even by half

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ps:my enthusiasm is kind of misplaced considering what i am doing over spring break.
parents are on a shakespeare play kick so i get to watch guys in tights speaking some foreign language all spring break
w/e plan to stay happy as long as i can

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

Balance(yet another sucky poem)
Look at the beauty that surrounds you each day.
See what you are missing in each and every way.
However,this time look around and for once dont think
The price it will bring
Take a deep breath adn then realize
How much your material items mean to you in size
Do not let this go on anymore
If you do not stop this,youll see whats in store
Remember how much your loved ones mean to you
In addition,don't forget no matter what,bad or good, they love you too!
Do not weep it will only make things worse
A Darkness will fall upon you like an unwanted curse
No instead with the things taht mean so much to you must part
You must forget that they mean more than your family for a start
Finally stand up and realize how much you missed your life and others
Do the things you know you should have start so that no body shudders
Remember everythihng matters
Be proportional keep balance or everythin in your life will shatter

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i am ok now guys so dont worry

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   um... (my life)
Hey guys
shaking pretty badly right now. i'm not crying so don't worry. just really bad right now. got screamed at again
with a lot of force
will come on again don't worry.
ttyl *tries to smile*

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An escape
Ever wanted an escape
a place to get away
from any evil shape
frome all evil people

There is such a place
or we would all die
because then we could not replace
all the hope we have lost

Do you want to know???
Where such a place exists
in all the words you want to say , but resist
It exists in all emotions you refuse to show
in all the places your you refuse to go

It exists in your head
It exists in your heart
It ezists in everything you have said
This place you see...

It exists in youreslf only
Some go there through dreams
some through family
In this place exists no lies in any seams

A place you are free to fly
free to fail, free to cry
A place in which there is no need to be shy
because this place *sigh*
you are no one but yourself, no lie

You feel most relaxed here
more sure that
everything you do will be accepted
here everyone knows the real you,not the sly rat
that way you can't say anything that is regretted
because you say what you want off the bat

In this place you are you
nothing more is true.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Everyday another selfish thought (poem)
Somethings are given
Somethings are taken
Some forgiven
and some foresaken

We have so much already in rank
yet we always have a need for more
we don't even think to thank
we don't even think of the less or poor

We don't think or help or save
we don't car to say
one word of thanks, one word everyone will crave

We only think of ourselves, me or I
Forgetting all others, everyone
We don't think of those who die
Internally or externally, we all still shun

We need to learn to help, or care
I know when we are brought
into this world, we don't give a care
all we know is to want, all else is taught
Then most try to learn to share pain or even care

This only teaches us
it's never too late
to learn how to be kind, as thus
spread the word and learn at your own rate
how to make the world a better place as a plus

To not learn is to lose before you even try to win
The cause would be nothing but useless
Being kind bringing happiness
like nothing even god could bless

ps- another sucky poem.

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Shoot i am going to have to cram all night for the social studies nine weeks exam
I am so DOOMED!!!

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feel kinda down today
um...don't really feel like talking about it.
The reason's actually not that bad but it's just kinda stupid so i'd rather not say.
anyways i am in yearbook right now. UGH. Stupid class. The language arts nine weeks was easy with is a big surprise considering this teacher lives breathes dreams and eats torture for children.And my friend that's a guy named chac is being a complete and total IDIOT and he is making me depressed. whatever i am going to ignore him. Today me and my um...crush got along pretty well. He is an idiot like all guys but i got him for a tech ed partner and i have to spend forty five minutes with him everyday. I may just kill him. lol kidding. See i always i have my hair in a braid because i find it annoying down so my friend elyssia took away my scrunchy and wouldn't give it back. -_- not a good idea. So i had to wear it down for three periods. I killed her afterwards. She's resting peacefully in her grave right now. um... i have the freaking social studies 9 weeks test tomorrow. KILL ME NOW!!! and i am not over exaggerating id rather die and go to hell than take that stupid freaking test tomorrow and fail. i think i may bribe my friend to do just that. me and my friends have this notebook going around of like notes and things so it's fun and distracting. Exactly what i need right now. Oh and i lost this library book that i was looking real forward to reading because these idiots started playing with it and wouldn't give it back. i didn't exactly try though because um...i just didn't want to ruin their fun. stupid reason i know but i guess i am a push over like that. I puked during lunch. Not literally don't worry. See my friends sometimes imagine images (perverted, verry verry perverted) at lunch and i picture everything they say because i just have to. the minute they say i picture it. well lets just say that i had to picture something i would have really rathered not. -_-
um...i guess that's my day so far.
will talk to you guys later

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