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Sunday, April 8, 2007

How you really say "I love you." by lenatheraven
...believe in true love?
Your hands sayWith me, you'll never be lost.
Your eyes sayI'm so lucky.
Your hugs sayThis is where you are meant to be.
Your kisses sayI am addicted to you.
Your body saysJust curl up next to me.
Your heart saysI love you.

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R u attractive? by walker thiswayy
CharmExtremely charming
Well am i??Hell yes!

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AM so tired my mom went on a shopping rage yesterday. -_- so so so so not good. and since my darned sister who loves to shop was at a party i was the one tagging along. I HATE SHOPPING!!!! ugh and i was so tired afterward. it's like she was looking at everything that we didn't need just to annoy the heck out of me. w/e i went along with it quietly smiling and giving comments on stuff just like she wanted. so it's ok i guess. am so tired today
lol ttyl

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Friday, April 6, 2007

i wonder how people can say hurtful things so easily without thinking about their effect? oh whatever. my problem. sorry guys. so how is everyone doing? sorry haven't been on for a while. smirks* will talk to u guys later

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

the truth
Light flashes now and then, here and there
through this darkness that never ends
Flashes of many different things we all share
things such as hope, love, care that everyone sends

We all have burdens to bear
and sadnesses we hide
but through it all we share
with each other light that will eventually die

But even though we know this
we live on
some with dispair, some with bliss
we live on because we are not yet done

We know this fact
and we live with the help of others
we live with what we have lacked and what we had
we live because we know we have love that smothers
us from those who care, who hate to see us sad

we live on knowing
that we will never truly be alone
though it may seem a dark abiss,a light is glowing
we all have loved ones that never let us bear burden's alone

and this is the truth we all share
this is the kind fact for which we all care
this is the only truth we have, here and there
and these are the people live to share
all the burderns and saddness that we bear

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Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Rediculously long, always flowing.
Clothes:As revealing as you can legally get away with.
Powers:Earth magic
Special Features:Unusual, yet natural markings
Sidekick:Large dragon.
Attitude:Cool, calm, and collected. You rarely lose your composure, so when you do, it's pretty amusing.
Weapon:Flails (eh...they're like nunchuks)

This is totally wrong when it comes to clothes cause i love baggy clothes. can't stand short one's. don't know if the other stuff it says about me it true. What do u guys think?

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Hey guys
sorry didn't post yesterday. well here's the post. It was an ok day. during the first class some idiot freaking guy farted in my face. UGH!!!! I am going to kill him. oh one of my best friends finally gave me his phone number. he's way to secretive for his own good. we'll see about that *evil smile*. Oh yesterday was the reward party i had so much fun. I got hyper and started walking up and down the bleecher's. my friends started screaming at me cause they were getting tired of walking up and down following me. lol. it was a lot of fun. Then my clumsiness kicked in and i tripped. but am ok. it's just i got teased a lot afterwards. anysways how was ur day guys?

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hey guys
i had an ok day i guess. Oh DDDARRRN. i am doing this once in a year project that combines Social Studies and Language Art and we're doing civil rights so in other words it's making my depressed angry and frustrated. I know it's important that i learn this stuff but what's the point if i already know it and have to keep learning of their pain over and over again. it doesn't help at all. but i guess i have to deal with it. DARTHVADER ( my crush) IS A BAKA!!!! U see he's trying to get into anime drawing and he is totally into naruto. so he did this competition with this other guy. He was showing everyone his picture and there was something deformed about the hands of the character and since he had let me fix something the day before in one of his anime pictures i thought it was ok. But as i was fixing his picture i had a pencil with one of those side ways caps on and he was at an angle and he snatched the pencil out of my hand. BAKA!!! he cut my hand and i started bleeding but i didn't show him cause i hate wining so i kept it to myself. so ill just kil him tomorrow for no reason or so he thinks
lol.oh we also watched this depressing movie in science. They were talking about how different storms affect everyone personally. it was so depressing. but w/e. on a brighter note i get to wear jeans tomorrow and tommorow is the rewards party so YAY!!! lol
bye ttyl

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