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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

hey i am in yearbook right now. Next period is science *shudders* I am getting my taks scores back and i am so nervous. *sighs* I woke up at four in the morning so i could read a stupid greek book for my quiz today. i am so friggin tired. lol.

Random Question

1) What do you think is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you?
2) If you could make anything happen what would you make?
3) What is your favorite song?
4) What is your favorite manga/anime?
5) What are you most looking forward to at the moment?
6) What is your pet peeve?
7) If you could have any pet in the world what would you get?
8) If you could be born in any time period what time period would you choose?
9) If you could change one thing in history what would you change?
10) What is your idea of a perfect first date?

oh do you guys want me to anwer the questions? If yes i will do so in the next post. Ok there were my random questions. lol. i thought they were pretty cool. ugh my stomach is rolling with nervousness. I guess i ll leave. ttyl.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

*sigh of relief* i got commended on my Language arts taks. that's one less test i have to worrry about. so it's cool

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Hey guys my china trip thing is in like two weeks so ill be gone for a while. I am going to be surrounded by nerdy sixth graders for two weeks. should be fun -_-. lol. anyway i am not leaving until two or three weeks from now or actually proabably a lot earlier but it's an early warning for some of you guys.
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Friday, May 4, 2007

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Girl From Furuba Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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lol i got this off of someone elses site and i thought it was so true so i posted it. *smirks*
From a Buddy ;p
98% of teens say "I love you" ... but only 2% actually mean it, if you are part of that 2% add this to your profile.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your profile.
92% of all teenagers have moved to rap
if ur part of the 8% who stuck with rock put this in ur profile,RAP IS CRAP!!!!!!
92 percent of American teens would die if Abecrombie and Fitch told them it was uncool to breathe. Copy this into your profile if you would be in the 8 percent laughing their asses off at the others.
If you are obsessed with something considered childish for someone your age, copy this into your profile.
If you ran up a down escalater copy this into your profile.
If you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy and paste this one your profile.
Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, than weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile!
If you have ever tripped over air, copy this into your profile.
If your profile is long, copy and paste this on it to make it even longer.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Jingle bells (to the tune of jingle bells)
Hey guys i didn't come up with this. my friend did. i thought it was hilarious so i am posting it up. here it is

Dashing through the snow,
on a pair of broken skies.
Over the hills we go,
crashing into trees.
Oh oh oh (painfully)
The snow is turning red.
MY sister might be dead.
I woke up in the hospital
and this is what i said:
Oh! Jingle bells,
Batman smells.
Robin laid an egg,
The bat mobile lost a wheel,
and then we all dropped dead.
Oh! Jingle bells batman smells.
Robin laid an egg,
The bat mobile3 lost a wheel
and the joker got a away!!!

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Monday, April 30, 2007

hey (rant)
hm....nm going on
was just about to start a rant but i forgot about what....oh i remember...

U know how people have different emotions. well these emotions are supposedly caused by the reaction to what information our brain gives us right? well i was wondering where these different conflicting emotions come from. I mean if u think about it our brains may have a high capacity but haven't u ever wondered what caused these reactions or what controls it. i don't think our brain is capable of keeping up with all the emotions we have because sometimes acually most of the time we don't understand why we are feeling a certain way. then we try to decompose it and all we get is an event and some of the time not even that. So i was wondering why and where we get all these different emotions and causes for actions. meaning u know how we say we did something because we felt a certain way. well that's exactly it. i am wondering why. why does a person get a "feeling" to hurt someone, to make them cry, to see them suffer. it doesn't even have to be sad. why does someone feel like comforting someone, stopping them from crying, helping them when their in trouble. all these things r caused by our emotions or thinking about the actions and hoping for the emotions. hm....i still haven't figured out why. *sighs* another one of those mysteries of life i guess. ^_^". anysways ttyl

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hey guys nothing is up. my best friend came over the weekend. it was so much fun. we watched movied painted nails, talked, the usual. it was so much fun cause i haven't seen her in forever. so that was cool. oh and i introduced her and my other bestfriend. they got along pretty well. he and her have a lot of things in common. i mean A LOT. not sure if that's a good thing yet. ^^". I guess it is but they always win arguments cause it's two against one. *sighs* guess it can't be helped. but i really glad they met. hm....nm is going on with me right now. i am in social studies right now. it's soooooooo boring. all my friends r at this stupid early highschool colledge thing so i am stuck here all alone with people i don't know that well. but i guess it not that bad. ugh we r doing this stupid game in science. it's like there r six different tribes. and people can get voted off. it's just another reason people have an excuse to get mad at other poeple for another idiotic reason. i mean it's just a game. anyways lol....nm more to say...will post again later today

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

There is so much beauty
surrounding us everyday
yet we destroy it, this wonderful beauty
though it helps us in everyway

Hurtful things said
here and there
tears fall and are shed
yet we don't care

How are we so hurtful with but one word?
Beauty from the beyond
Surrounding us, being heard

Yet we dirty it
with our thoughtless words
saying things that hurth others
we throw them in hurds

Instead of spreading
happpiness and light
we spread darkness;not rueing
We have lost our purpose, our sight

We were given a gift
That was given to no other to take
Gifet ath's meant to bring smiles;to lift
Not to bring tearst; not to take

Yet, that's what we do
whith the gift we've been given
we don't feel guilty or rue
yet some of us care, with the words, we were given
but we all should bring happiness, that is true

hey guys
i know this poem is sucky but it was all i could come up on a moments notice
my bestfriend just left
it was a lot of fun. she is so hyper. *smirks*
anysways ttyl

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

hey guys
nothing much going on. My best friend forever is over with her sister and we're having a blast. we went swimming and we are about to go shopping. -_-
it's ok i guess since everyone's coming. i hope my moms ok though she seems a little tired. smirks
oh do u guys want me to answer the questions i gave u. oh and i ll post a poem up later. ttyl

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