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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

hey today
Hey guys my day was ok i guess. We are working on a personal yearbook in journalism it's kinda fun cuz i get to see everyone's pictures doing different things. the not so good thing they get to see mine. -_-. w/e i guess u win some u lose some. Oh i got depressed in LA and Social studies cuz we are doing this major project and the classes intertwine so we do two different projects on the same subject. the subject just happens to be a little depressing for me.sighs. w/e we are working on slavery and going really really really in deph into it so it's kind of depressing. Darthvader(nick name for crush) is a moron. He is so annoying. i mean it he acts like a four year old. lol. it's true though.YAY the reward party is in two days. can't wait. oh this book i ordered came in i just have to go buy it tomorrow. i can't wait. Oh this fun thing happened in teen leadership. K there this person comes one time a week and we talk about different things. So today something funny happened. See i don't know how we got onto the subject but we started talking about how females and males develope mentally. She was like "u know how females mature over time as they grow up well males it seems have the opposite affect. they grow immature as they grow older" everyone started laughing and we were all like it's so true. even the guys agreed a little. lol it was funny. that is my day. It was fun. So how are u guys?

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

hey guys
nothing much going on. my much beloved cousin is coming next month. he's seventeen and so much to torture. He's fun. he has an older brother here already but he works a lot so don't get much time to hang out with him. Oh's we have award party this friday will be AWESOME
just get to hang out and stuff
then we have schliterbom soon too
so fun
but we also have taks coming up
i could die
soemone please kill me

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Hey guys everything is fine
my weekend was awesome
we watched the movie THe last mimzy it was awesome. I found out something i'd rather not discuss
but will be fine
don't worry guys

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

k ur right but it was just that bad
See hm... where should i start
See i don't like fighting because i am a passive person in everything except protecting my beliefs and my best friends. Well and when people do fight i try my best to stop fights. well my mom and sister fight a lot knowing that it makes me frustrated and shakey. Well they got into another screaming fight in the car. ( which is the worst since i can't even go hide in my room in this situation) and they were screaming at each other and my mom suddenly stops the car at the side of the road and tells my sister to get out. I am trying to control the situation but i can't. And guys i mean it my mom was dead serious she would have made her get out if she had been just a little madder. Then my mom lecture's my sister while screaming ( ugh don't they understand that it doesn't help). Then she goes on with the conversation we were having like nothing happened and it was sick. She didn't get that we couldn't just erase it. Then i get home and my sister is in a bad mood and starts taking it out on me. And me as usual just sit there quietly controling myself and take it. All the screaming names ruder sarcasm scary cold voice. and then i get it again from my mom so i have to do it again. I know it's hard to understand since i am a teenager that i didn't lash out but in my family i have to be perky and understanding no matter what happens because one it's my beliefs and two I don't see what screaming at them o n top of it all would help. But as u see i am only human. I was worrying about my mom and sister yesterday so i was depressed. and since there's only so much a human can take i started crying later. And it takes a darned lot to make me cry. I hate crying cause it show's weekness and doesn't help anything. Then i went out( of my room where i was crying secretly) again and acted as if nothing happened. ( they couldn't tell i was crying cause i have become an expert at hiding them). Am fine now or pretending to be either way i guess i ll be ok.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

i am ok now
or am trying to convince myself i am
whatever happened was bad just trying to get over it
tries to smile
will be ok though
or at least i hope

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

hey guys how are ya doin? Anything new with everyone? feeling kinda tired(caused by something good or bad i have yet to find out)so will leave it here for today.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

THis sucks
i don't want it to end
well whatever

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

The power of words (another lame poem)
The things we say
the things we wish for
the things we dream to pave our way
and the things we want from our verry core

All of these things could be described in one way
with the use of one thing , beautiful words
the words we use every day
In every plausible way

Words could be used for good
some words could be used for bad
It depends on where the one spoken to stood
These words could also be sad

We don't know how much words effect everyone;
the person speaking, spoken to, or even the one listening to words like these
THey could be bring out for some special person the sun
They could bring tears or displease

With words we have power
and with power we think
we have rights to be above someone; tower
we have the right to cause someone's boat to sink

We think we can cause emotions
such as saddness or anger
withough regret throughout all of these motions
we don't even see these ways cause danger

The misuse of these words
that give many of us power
that flies to our head like little birds
that cause our relations to go sour

They cause the danger of being left alone
all throughout our lives
unable to fix our misuses or atone
unable to get back up again or arise

This is the only warning for the worse
that i am able to give you
heed it as you would a curse
because if you don't you are sure to rue

Be careful with the power
that is given to us with words and the power to communicate
use it with kindness and caution
as it was meant to; their purpose do not debate

Just listen and listen well
always think before you tell
be careful when you first start to spell
and with past made mistakes do not dwell
just do not make the same mistake
think of what's at stake.
ps- i know this is lame i thought of it on on a moments notice

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I am so STRESSED. TAKS is next week. and i am SO SKREWED. Havent even cracked open one text book. SSSSOOOO SSSKKKKREEEWWWEEEDDD.
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Monday, March 12, 2007

Am so nervous guys. FOr many reasons which include
like um... next year highschool
i know most poeple would be um...how shall i put it excited about this but i am not one of them. Let's just say that i am wierd like that. I am so not looking forward to the experience at the moment.
Oh and i have Taks tests next week and i don't know anything. I am so screwed. I will totally fail this grade.
But now that i think about it it might not be such a bad thing.lol
bye guys

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