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Thursday, January 3, 2008

   Is Dumbledore Gay?

Time: 1.37 in the pm
Mood: Happy
Currently: Munching on salt & vinegar Pringles

I cannot be arsed to change the mood XD So I¡¯m constantly happy XD Again, I¡¯m proud to say I got commenting done =D On the subject of comments, I¡¯m still getting one-liners and stuff. I¡¯m also still getting one-liner guestbook signings. It¡¯s annoying me. Anyway, thanks guys for the comments and stuff.

As you can see (hopefully), I uploaded that wallpaper and now have it here. Bloody hell, it was so awkward. I had to keep resizing it, and I lost count of the number of times I resized it, uploaded it, deleted it, resized it again, uploaded it again¡¦ And it¡¯s still not completely right¡¦ But I just can¡¯t be doing with it anymore XD

I¡¯m planning to change my intro tomorrow. Haven¡¯t got time today.

I have a question. Is Dumbledore gay?? Because Sire Ian McKellen, who played Gandalf, was gay, but doesn¡¯t he play Dumbledore, too? Therefore making Dumbledore gay? I dunno. Actually, no, McKellen doesn¡¯t play Dumbledore, does he?? Hmmm¡¦

I read an interview in a magazine with Johnny Depp once. He said Jack Sparrow was slightly bisexual. I don¡¯t know why, but the interview made my day the day I read it.


♥ Emmah ♥

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

   New Year's Resolutions

Time: 11.13 in the am
Mood: Happy

I have just realised that I already have a wallpaper made for my Myo. I¡¯ve just never gotten around to uploading it to Photobucket. Heh, I¡¯ll be lucky if that damn website works for me (my laptop tends to dislike certain websites,. Mainly Google, Bebo, Facebook and Photobucket).

Well that was a random first paragraph. But I just re-read my title of yesterday¡¯s post, and thought ¡°hang on, I already have a wallpaper¡¦¡±. Hmm. Well, guess what I did today? I COMMENTED EVERYONE BACK! For the first time in WEEKS. Maybe even a month. I suck. Lmao.

So, how are your 2008¡¯s going so far?? Mine, to be quite honest, SUCKS. On Saturday (the one just gone) I managed to develop a cough. Which then developed into a cold. So, the main reason why I went to bed on New Year¡¯s Eve was because I¡¯m ill. And I still have this damn cold¡¦ So yep¡¦ It has only been two days of 2008, and I am already ill *sigh*.

Onto New Year¡¯s Resolutions. Do you all have some Resolutions?? I didn¡¯t bother making any for 2007, but this year, mine are:

~ Drink more water, and less coke
~ Eat more healthy things, and less chocolate (failing that already)
~ Try and be less ill (probably not possible, as I am already ill)
~ Try to update every day/at least come online every day, as I seem to have been neglecting you guys
~ Make sure I comment everyone back, because I suck for commenting

All this WAS gonna be said in my post last night, but my Mum was complaining that she couldn¡¯t see the T.V. (I¡¯m using my laptop¡¦ And she couldn¡¯t see the T.V?? She mad??).

Well, that¡¯d better be it for today, I guess. I have a fanfic to read, and an episode of Beyblade to watch XD Toodloo!!

¢¾ Emmah ¢¾

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

   A New Year, Therefore I Need A New Title. And A New Theme

Time: 9.53 in the pm
Mood: Happy

Wello wello well¡¦ Look what we have here¡¦ One little Emmah, happily sat in front of her laptop (finally), posting away to her heart¡¯s content (ish).

So how did your Christmases and New Year¡¯s go?? Well, my Christmas was fab. T¡¯was funny as fuck. We always have a massive family gathering, and my Auntie had brought along this game called Balderdash. I¡¯m not even gonna bother explaining the rules, because I didn¡¯t fully understand them myself (and before anyone says ¡°was it because you were drunk?¡±, no, it wasn¡¯t. I was fully sober). Anyway, basically, everyone gets a turn of saying out a word, and everyone else has to write down what it means - but they have to be made up and funny.

Me and Mum got a word called ¡°liripoop¡±. Needless to say, when I was reading out all of everyone¡¯s definitions, I got the giggles so bad. So Mum took over and tried to read out the rest of the definitions, but I was laughing so hard that it just caught on and she started laughing, too. It took ages for us to finally say the definitions, which were something like:

~ A small turd
~ A type of poo
~ A plant that only grows in cow pats
~ the poo of a liri dog
~ a captains hat

See why we couldn¡¯t stop laughing?

So, my New Year¡¦ Was boring. I went to bed at 10 to 11, got back up just before midnight, and then went back to bed at half 12. I was knackered lmao. I also had work today (no rest for the wicked¡¦). It was quite hilarious. This woman came in, and she wanted some batteries, only, we keep the condoms next to the batteries, so this woman said ¡°can I have some AA Durex batteries?¡± (Note for those who don¡¯t know: Durex make the condoms). That got me, Nat and the woman herself giggling away. We just couldn¡¯t stop. So all night me and Nat have been going to each other, and Tony the boss, ¡°Do you want any batteries?¡±. God it was funny.

Well, I¡¯d best be off. I¡¯ll post again tomorrow, I promise!!

¢¾ Emmah ¢¾

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007



I hope you all have a good one, and enjoy yourselves and get all the pressies you wanted XD

Currently, it is 7.21 in the am. Me and my family have opened all our presents already (at our house, anyway). My Mum came bursting into mine and my sister¡¯s rooms at frickin¡¯ 6.30 this morning, shouting ¡°GET UP! IT¡¯S CHRIIIIIIIIISTMAAAAAAASSS!!¡±.

Needless to say, I wasn¡¯t impressed XD

¢¾ Emmah ¢¾

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I hope you all have a good one, and enjoy yourselves and get all the pressies you wanted XD

Currently, it is 7.21 in the am. Me and my family have opened all our presents already (at our house, anyway). My Mum came bursting into mine and my sister¡¯s rooms at frickin¡¯ 6.30 this morning, shouting ¡°GET UP! IT¡¯S CHRIIIIIIIIISTMAAAAAAASSS!!¡±.

Needless to say, I wasn¡¯t impressed XD

¢¾ Emmah ¢¾

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

   Emmah's Random Ramble

Time: 00.37 am?
Mood: Tired
Music: Whatever music is on Haley's movie she's made for school XD

Morning! Evening! Afternoon! I dunno, what do we call this time of day? Night, rather? I dunno.

Why am I posting? Even I don't know. I honestly don't. I got home from work at about 11.15... And now look at the time... I need to get my jeans out of the washing machine and stick them in the tumble dryer. Then I need to have a wash and wash my hair for tomorrow.

I'm going on a date, y'see.

No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding XD I'm meeting up with my mates. We're going into town, and I need to buy some more Christmas presents, gifts for myself, take a manga back, and then I think we're going to see that film. Hopefully, anyway.

Erm. Well, hopefully I'm getting Xmas presents and going to see a film... I'm not entirely sure that I've got any money left LMAO! I haven't checked my bank account since I went shopping last. And that was two weeks ago 0_o

Erm... Erm... Ah! I know!!

Christmas Joke:
Q) What the difference between snowmen and snowwomen?

A) Snowballs.

I'm sorry. I know, I know, that was lame, but damn, it kept me entertained XD

♥ Emmah ♥

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

   Emmah's Random Ramble

Time: 11.03 in the am
Mood: Sad

Someone’s eaten my beef! Ok, that wasn’t meant to sound that random XD But yes, that is why I’m sad, because someone’s eaten my beef. Beef slices, to be exact. I bought them, and I’ve made 1 beef sandwich with them, and I had 3 slices left (there was only 5 slices in a pack). Now there’s only half a slice left!! It was my Mum, I know it. My sister doesn’t eat meat (except for sausages) and my Dad doesn’t like beef. So who else could it be?

Tattoo front: I’m not going in today, meaning I’d have to book it Friday, meaning I’d have to trundle back in in a week or two, meaning I’d have to spend £5 for the bloody bus. I reeeallly do want a tattoo though. I think it may have to wait until the new year now, though. I do want something done on Friday though. Thinking of getting my ears pierced again (I already have them pierced once). I kept thinking about getting the top of my ear done, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to, because my ears are so bloody small and they kinda curl in at the top (I have weird ears…). I really am disappointed that I won’t be able to get a tattoo for a while, though. I know my Dad wanted one, so I might see if he’ll take me one day, and then he can get one, too.

Piercings… I love piercings. I would get my eyebrow or lip done, but 1) I really dislike pain and 2) I wouldn’t be allowed it where I work. The managers wouldn’t really care, but the company doesn’t allow anyone to have “over-the-top” or “in-your-face” piercings. Or hairstyles (I only just got away with having purple - which everyone liked). So if I got my ears done again, that’d be ok. Or maybe my belly button? Ergh, the pain.

Talking of belly buttons… Rosie had her belly button pierced… But now she’s pregnant, will she have to take it out?? Hmm…

Oh yeah, Chrimboli DOES mean Christmas, btw. Damn me and the made-up words I pick out of books (I.e. the Georgia Nicolsons).

I’m hoping to get to commenting… Sometime soon XD I’m not really gonna have a free day until… Monday. And most of that will be spent wrapping up pressies. Christmas day… You must be joking. I will come online to say Merry Christmas, but there’s no way in hell I’m commenting. I’m working on Boxing Day… The day after Boxing Day I’m working… So… Sometime after Christmas (that’s ages away =O) I will get to commenting 0_o

Christmas Wisdom
When you thank Santa for your Chrimboli pressies, make sure you thank the reindeer, too. They had to drag your damn heavy present to your house, y’know!!

♥ Emmah ♥

R.I.P. Beef Slices

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

   Emmah's Random Ramble

Time: 12.32 in the pm
Mood: Happy
Song: The Salmon Dance (feat. Fatlip) - The Chemical Brothers

Wow. I seem to have neglected here =O Well, more like, neglected to post. Oopsie. I'z sorry =) I don't think I'm gonna put a Xmas vid today. Mainly because I can't be arsed to find one XD Oooh, thanks for your comments XD

I really am worrying about that operation. I still haven't got the date for it, yet!! I had a bad dream about it, though. I dreamt they put me uner anaesthetic (sp?), and then when they were halfway through operating on my mouth, I woke up. So, now, besides worrying about farting, I'm worried I'll wake up halfway through =(

Had a mad dream last night. I dreamt there was a school reunion, but no one had really gotten any older, and we all had to wear our school uniforms (I remember saying to someone it'd taken me ages to find my uniform, because I thought I'd burnt it LOL!). And then when it was "home time", I walked past some classrooms, and saw my cousins in class, and they were all singing "Nellie the Elephant". Then I had to go back up to the 6th Form area, because I'd forgotten to empty my locker. When I got to the lockers, they were the ones from work. I emptied the locker, went back outside to see my cousin, Elliot waiting for me, and he was having a smoke. I remember telling him he was too young to be doing that, and so I ran off to see my friend, Ben. I talked to him for a while, and then realised that everyone had gone home. So I walked with my other cousins, Anna (who had followed me around). It was mad.

Talking of work, actually, I've increased my hours. I used to do roughly 23 hours a week, but now I've picked up a Sunday shift, so I'll be doing 28 and a half hours a week. Is that a lot?? It means I'll work 5 days a week. And have 2 days off (obviously). More money, though, so I'm not really complaining. The managers seemed happy I was taking it up, too. Both Andrea and Matt were like "yay! Someone who does some work!". I sorted all this out yesterday, btw. Tony, the main boss, asked me to go work yesterday because they were short-staffed. And because I'm so damn nice, I said yes.

Oh yeah. HOPEFULLY, I'll be getting a tattoo this week. Unknown to my parents, of course. I don't think my Dad really minds if I get one, but Mum's already said "no". She'll like it, though. Well, I hope I like it. I haven't even picked a design, yet. I want some stars... Simple non-coloured black ones... Nothing too big, and somewhere I can cover it up if I need to (to hide it from parents, etc). If I can decide where to have it, and find a good design before I go to work today, I MIGHT get it done tomorrow (if I don't need to make an appointment - I mean, it really will be simple and small, so I don't see why they'll need prep time...). If I do need to make an appointment, then I'll ask if there's any time available Friday. I really am quite nervous, but I'll be going in tomorrow with Nat from work, who's already got 2 tattoos, so she'll be with me, lol. If I get it done on Friday, I'll be with Laura, who will also come in with me (but doesn't have any tattoos of her own...). I've asked her to hold my hand and her reply was something like "I usually associate holding someone's hand with having a baby... So I'll probably start saying "PUSSSHHH!". I've told her not to, for it will make me laugh, and then the tattoo might get screwed up.

Oh yeah! I found out something brilliant! Some of you know the Georgia Nicolson books, don't you? Well, the first one, "Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging" has been made into a film!! I know they were thinking about making it into a film, but it's really happened!! It comes out in July next year... So it's a bit of a wait... But I'm really looking forward to seeing it!! Talking of films, on Friday, other than possibly getting a tattoo... Me and Laura are hopefully going to see that new Disney film, "Enchanted". It looks quite funny...

Well, that's what's gone on in my life the past few days LOL. Still got Xmas shopping to do =O


1) Are you looking forward to Chrimboli? (I sure am!!)

2) Got all your Christmas shopping done? (*Cough*)

3) What do you want most for Christmas off Santa Claus this year? (One of his reindeer...)

Remember folks, don't give presents to receive presents!

♥ Emmah ♥

P.S. This is the place I wanna get my tatto done: http://www.ringsandneedles.com/index.htm

I got my ears done there almost a year ago now, and it's really good. On the FAQ pages... It says "What if I change my mind?" answer: "You're not ready for a tattoo". Well, something like that, anyway. Errr... It's not that I'll change my mind. I just dislike pain LOL. Hmmm... And I really DO need to make an appointment *rolls eyes*. Geebus. I need to think *ponders*.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

   Emmah's Random Ramble

Time: 12.40 in the pm
Mood: Happy
Song: Truly Madly Deeply - Cascada

Did I even bother putting the time yesterday? Oh well... Thankyou for your comments ^^ One day, I will have the time and patience to comment back XD I feel so bad because I haven't commented anyone in like... WEEKS.

iTunes just randomly started playing. I didn't even click the iTunes button. Guess I need to put the song up now XD

I realised AFTER I posted the video yesterday that:

1) It was out of sync
2) My box was too small
3) It generally messed everything up

I have no idea what I'm gonna do about that... Maybe, if you guys want to watch the videos I put up... Hmm... Maybe you could click them so it takes you to youtube? And you can watch it there? I dunno... I need a bigger box...

I finally completed Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. After two days of ranting how I can't complete it... I actually complete it XD I need a new game to play now... I mean, I have LOADS of PS2 games that me, my Dad and my sister seem to have gained... But I need something new, y'know? Hmmm... I might go into GAME and look at the used games (new ones are generally... Too expensive? Well, not really... But it's cheaper to get a used game - as long as the disk isn't scratched).

Or, a new gaming platform would be good. I only have a PS2, Gameboy Advance SP, and Nintendo DS. And I don't even use my Gameboy anymore, because I can just use my DS *rolls eyes*. I'm thinking... PS3? I dunno. I won't get another gaming platform for a long while, yet. I'll need more money first XD

I'm off again. Talking about bloody games.

I found a picture of Daniel Radcliffe's penis. Ok, not just his penis, him as well from when he did that play, Equus and he had to prance about with a horse naked. The magazine I got yesterday made me laugh, because their reaction to Dan Radcliffe naked was "ewww Harry Potter's got pubes!".

Billy Idol - Jingle Bell Rock

I was gonna have another Bo Selecta video... But I can't find it =( Anyway, this vid from Billy Idol is pure entertainment because of his facial expressions. It is only 2 minutes long. Enjoy.

¢¾ Emmah ¢¾

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

   Emmah's Random Ramble

Mood: Err...
Song: Fix You - Coldplay

I don't even like Coldplay. But I do like this... Err, song.

Anyone else noticed I seem to have abandoned my kittykat emoticons? It's really bugging me. They will return in the next post. Hopefully.

Music-finding isn't going well. Whoever suggested imeem, that's what I usually use, and that's what's failing me. I'm just gonna put a Chrimboli video up everytime I post, I think. Funny ones, preferably. At first, anyway. Then I'll get to the less funnier ones... Like "Do They Know It's Christmas?". I was gonna suggest Wizzard's "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day" as a serious video. But no one could call that miming serious.

On the game front (the Ty the Tasmanian Tiger). I GOT PAST FLUFFY! I completed that one level called "Ship Rex" that I could never complete! and now - I'm onto the final battle. And guess what? I'm effing stuck again!! I have no idea what to do!! I'm just wandering around on this bloody robot with the flamethrowers just not knowing what to do.

(The flamethrowers can't hurt me... And I can't drown, and I can't die in quicksand, and the enemies can't hurt me... Because I used an infinite life cheat =D).

So... Back off to google I go XD Once I complete this game, I shall be happy.

You know when Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets came out?? I never completed that. I just couldn't do it. Then the Goblet of Fire came out, and I completed that ina couple of weeks (for some peculiar reason I never had the Prisoner of Azkaban... I did get the Philosopher's Stone [called something different in Amerca]... But I never completed that, either).

Why is it... The sequels to previous games are always easier?? Or most of them are.

That Vice City game... I can never complete that. I get so far and then get stuck. My Dad got further than me... But then he got stuck. I couldn't kill the pizza delivery guy that rides around on that bike. I watched my Dad kill him. He ran over him. Lots of times.

Look at me. I'm rambling about games AGAIN.

Can I apologise for my bad spelling yesterday. There's bound to be some today, too.

I bought my cats' main Christmas present. A new scratching post. Their old one's just... Destroyed. Also, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Not for anything serious, though.

And I've been getting worried about my operation. I haven't even had the date for it yet! I've just been thinking... What if they put me to sleep, start to operate on my mouth, and then... WHAT IF I FART?! I'm sorry, that just made me laugh... But God, wouldn't that be embarassing?


Bo Selecta - Proper Crimbo

I think you guys will love it =D It's roughly 6 minutes long, though.

¢¾ Emmah ¢¾

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