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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

   Emmah's Random Ramble

Time: 12.32 in the pm
Mood: Happy
Song: The Salmon Dance (feat. Fatlip) - The Chemical Brothers

Wow. I seem to have neglected here =O Well, more like, neglected to post. Oopsie. I'z sorry =) I don't think I'm gonna put a Xmas vid today. Mainly because I can't be arsed to find one XD Oooh, thanks for your comments XD

I really am worrying about that operation. I still haven't got the date for it, yet!! I had a bad dream about it, though. I dreamt they put me uner anaesthetic (sp?), and then when they were halfway through operating on my mouth, I woke up. So, now, besides worrying about farting, I'm worried I'll wake up halfway through =(

Had a mad dream last night. I dreamt there was a school reunion, but no one had really gotten any older, and we all had to wear our school uniforms (I remember saying to someone it'd taken me ages to find my uniform, because I thought I'd burnt it LOL!). And then when it was "home time", I walked past some classrooms, and saw my cousins in class, and they were all singing "Nellie the Elephant". Then I had to go back up to the 6th Form area, because I'd forgotten to empty my locker. When I got to the lockers, they were the ones from work. I emptied the locker, went back outside to see my cousin, Elliot waiting for me, and he was having a smoke. I remember telling him he was too young to be doing that, and so I ran off to see my friend, Ben. I talked to him for a while, and then realised that everyone had gone home. So I walked with my other cousins, Anna (who had followed me around). It was mad.

Talking of work, actually, I've increased my hours. I used to do roughly 23 hours a week, but now I've picked up a Sunday shift, so I'll be doing 28 and a half hours a week. Is that a lot?? It means I'll work 5 days a week. And have 2 days off (obviously). More money, though, so I'm not really complaining. The managers seemed happy I was taking it up, too. Both Andrea and Matt were like "yay! Someone who does some work!". I sorted all this out yesterday, btw. Tony, the main boss, asked me to go work yesterday because they were short-staffed. And because I'm so damn nice, I said yes.

Oh yeah. HOPEFULLY, I'll be getting a tattoo this week. Unknown to my parents, of course. I don't think my Dad really minds if I get one, but Mum's already said "no". She'll like it, though. Well, I hope I like it. I haven't even picked a design, yet. I want some stars... Simple non-coloured black ones... Nothing too big, and somewhere I can cover it up if I need to (to hide it from parents, etc). If I can decide where to have it, and find a good design before I go to work today, I MIGHT get it done tomorrow (if I don't need to make an appointment - I mean, it really will be simple and small, so I don't see why they'll need prep time...). If I do need to make an appointment, then I'll ask if there's any time available Friday. I really am quite nervous, but I'll be going in tomorrow with Nat from work, who's already got 2 tattoos, so she'll be with me, lol. If I get it done on Friday, I'll be with Laura, who will also come in with me (but doesn't have any tattoos of her own...). I've asked her to hold my hand and her reply was something like "I usually associate holding someone's hand with having a baby... So I'll probably start saying "PUSSSHHH!". I've told her not to, for it will make me laugh, and then the tattoo might get screwed up.

Oh yeah! I found out something brilliant! Some of you know the Georgia Nicolson books, don't you? Well, the first one, "Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging" has been made into a film!! I know they were thinking about making it into a film, but it's really happened!! It comes out in July next year... So it's a bit of a wait... But I'm really looking forward to seeing it!! Talking of films, on Friday, other than possibly getting a tattoo... Me and Laura are hopefully going to see that new Disney film, "Enchanted". It looks quite funny...

Well, that's what's gone on in my life the past few days LOL. Still got Xmas shopping to do =O


1) Are you looking forward to Chrimboli? (I sure am!!)

2) Got all your Christmas shopping done? (*Cough*)

3) What do you want most for Christmas off Santa Claus this year? (One of his reindeer...)

Remember folks, don't give presents to receive presents!

♥ Emmah ♥

P.S. This is the place I wanna get my tatto done: http://www.ringsandneedles.com/index.htm

I got my ears done there almost a year ago now, and it's really good. On the FAQ pages... It says "What if I change my mind?" answer: "You're not ready for a tattoo". Well, something like that, anyway. Errr... It's not that I'll change my mind. I just dislike pain LOL. Hmmm... And I really DO need to make an appointment *rolls eyes*. Geebus. I need to think *ponders*.

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