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myOtaku.com: darkeangel

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Cherri (11/21/04)

Cool colors. Thx for visiting my site and signing my GB. Nice site.

Yokai Taijiya (11/19/04)

YO! thanks from signing my GB! ^^ and yay i'm the random member of the day! or use to be....anyway....thanks!


red tigress (11/18/04)

Hey, thanks for dropping by! Yeah, I've seen you around too, and I think your avi is cute! hehe. You have some cool artwork! See ya around! P.S. Sorry my GB entry is so lame -_-

Outlaw Melfina (11/18/04)

Hello! I like your site! I'm out of practise of typing, so I won't write much. Doing this is taking over 2 minutes! I can even tell!
Well, I'll add you as a friend!

RazorsAndNeedles (11/17/04)

KYAH! Hiya person! ^_^ well uhm thanks about the compliments on my site. I guess you could consider me goth even though i prefer the term "bitch" instead ^_^U The color scheme is just to go with my enter sign and icon cause i really like the chick in the picutre. She's so damn pretty ^_^

Uhm uh yeah...^_^U nice Page you have, NEON! *glomps* my fave color is neon green ^_^U. Well thankies for signing my GB i'll make sure to stop by your sitey often!

hunnixbunni (11/14/04)

Wikkid site ya got goin' here. Anyway, I just got here by random member and I decided to sign your guestbook. I hope ya can come sign mine as well!! Thanks, and BYE!!

Boku (11/14/04)

nice site and nice fanart..i like the froggy pic^_^

Kawaii Sakura (11/13/04)

Hi.^^ Nice site.Yeah yeah thank you for visit my site.^-^ Me like doing own manga too.

Mew Wem (11/11/04)

YES!!! Another pokemon FAN.. AHAHAHaHa

^^ nevermind me, I guess I've been sitting here on my cute little butt too long.. heh..

Signed, and will be going now :P

Wagashi chan (11/11/04)


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